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I recently went to a new brick and mortar store of a supplier that I've ordered from before online. ( I wont mention the name so it wont sway any opinions). I bought several small things and a new battery and charger, and left thinking I would go online and make a shopping list instead of standing there trying to think of what I wanted to get. Well, when I got to the website I realized that everything I just bought was cheaper on the site. After comparing the prices I saw that I paid more than $8.00 (with taxes) over what it would have cost me if I'd gotten it online.

Now i realize that I would have had to pay shipping (if I didn't go to the whse) but still, that's a pretty good piece of change for not having shipping. So I guess my question is, do you feel that marking up merchandise just because it's a new store is justified and would you go back and point out the differences and call them on it?

I was excited to find out that they had opened a store but paying extra just for that is kind of a let down and pisses me off a little.

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I'm in the computer field, and deal with online vrs brick and mortar on both the consumer and business side. There is ALOT more overhead when you have a retail store. I'm surprised it was only a $8 difference. I would expect it to be more, but don't know what the total purchase amount was. Except for groceries basic essentials, I do everything online. For clothes I normally go try them on to make sure they fit, then buy them online for 20% less, haha. Stores are great for if you need something in a pinch and cant wait. Otherwise its online shopping for me. But returns and stuff can be more of a pain online, depending on the where you bought it from.

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