mprosper69 Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 I was wondering how many of us have been taken or their intelligence insulted by a supplier. I for one was dealing with one, that not only blamed the bank for double billing, then sends me a return invoice for half the amount due. This is one reason (family member in federal law enforcement informed me) that ecigs are being scrutinized is due to not only safety issues with vape juice, but business practices as well. Wordup ecig lures you in then does things to blame everyone else but themselves. Not only was i double billed by Jeff, (the bank clearly showed me when and from where it was pushed after they rejected it due to a typo on my part.) i am in default in my account. legal action is being taken. needless to say I am about ready to go back to analogs so i wont have to deal with this. Despite the fact due to my illness im not supposed to, but its better than dealing with the stress of a shady business community. Oh and please if i hear check the forums one more time, cause it was in the forums i discovered these shiesters. Im giving it one more try with a different supplier. Any suggestions? Anyone had a bad experience then found someone that actually is legit? never had a problem till now. BEWARE OF WORDUP ECIG.
Dudex Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 In the short time I have been vaping I have dealt with 6 different suppliers and have had no problems at all. This sounds more like there may have been a mistake during the order placing. Maybe the "Submit" button was clicked twice when placing the order? mastiffmom 1
Viper Ron Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 Can't help you on wordup but I have used Sweet-Vapes and love their service. Kingbtheone 1
mprosper69 Posted September 6, 2011 Author Posted September 6, 2011 Yes it is on ECF and no, submit was not hit twice, like i had stated earlier my bank showed me as well as print that showed the vendor submitted twice on 2 different days. it was denied cause of typo on my behalf the first time. yet this guy wants to say it was the banks fault, no wait then it was my fault. no wait according to him i said it was whomever fault. then sends a return invoice with the same exact transaction numbers. When the bank shows 2 different ones. Some companies start ok but in time they start getting cocky. Their attitude reflected that. Might not have my legs but my brain is intact. trying to insult your clients intelligence is bad business. They were immediately on the defensive instead of trying to work it out and maintain a customer who averages 200-300 a month in purchases in this bad economy (I buy for me as well as friends, fam and my clients when in my studio). In my eyes there's no room for this type of practices when vaping is still in its infancy in the US and under scrutiny for both the vaping juice frauds and shady business practices.
frosting Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 All i know as a noob, doing a lot of research before i give anyone MY money, is i have never heard of "WORDUP ECIGG" Thank you though, for the caution on them. Yes there are going to be scammers in well, everything. Like the controversy of people selling fake ipads. It sucks, its unfair, that's why the power is educating yourself. It's too bad you had to learn the hard way, but not all suppliers will be that shady. I hope you don't judge the whole industry based on one bad egg.
Uma Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 Sorry to hear you're having a problem with a vendor. Most problems can be worked out in short time... most vendors go out of their way to correct a problem and I'm sure Wordup will straighten things out as soon as they get off the defense about it. I don't know why they got defensive for themselves instead of concerned for their customer, but they're only human too I suppose. Your problem sounds easy to straighten out... which is confusing for me to understand. Good luck and I hope both you and Wu find a way to solve this without more grief. Oh, and in answer to your post. NOPE. As of this date in time, I've never had a problem with any vendor and I've been around the block lol. mastiffmom 1
Nerak2 Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 I am active in the ECF forum also. I have bought from many of the vendors that are listed there. If you look at the threads and see the post from satisfied customers you can feel better about their service. I have not had any problems. If they send something wrong or there is a question it is always taken care of in a timely manner. It might be better to stick to those that are doing a lot of business and get great reviews.
Aes Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. I'm sure Jeff & the guys at WordUp will work with you. I've only once had a time when I wasn't happy with the juice and they promptly sent out replacements. Myself and many others will vouch for WordUp being good people. Relevant: this is why you use a credit card for ALL online transactions. If you had, visa or MasterCard will take swifter action to resolve it on your end than any bank will. I hope this all gets worked out. I'm sure Jeff or someone will reply here, they mastiffmom 1
DAYVAPE Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 I have basically had above average transactions with 99.9 % of the vendors I've ordered from over the last 2 years! And, I have made it a point to order from MANY different ones that are out there, just to see what they had to offer in the way of juice/products/etc. The only time I ever had an 'issue' at all was with them as well... so I simply decided to take my business elsewhere and not make a big deal about it. I too work in a very customer oriented environment... and I have learned a hell of a lot of things in the last 10 years, the main thing was that I needed to remember to bend over backwards for every customer !! You really should make it a point to go a little above and beyond what you need to do... because, trust me, they will likely remember it and return again in the future. We must remember... 'the customer is always right'!! Kingbtheone 1
jen_haynes Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 I am really fresh on the vapor scene & used myvaporstore to order a device. They were prompt in sending me an email & my account is looking pretty good. No problems as of yet. I hope you don't give up the fight for your health especially if you have a family that depends on you like myself. A tip I heard was to order ejuice made in the USA. Good luck & I hope you make the right decision.
sizemore2000 Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 I've also never had any problems, except a few batteries that died pretty quickly, but I was promptly taken care of by customer service. I bought my first e-cig for waaay too much money at a mall kiosk, but at least it got me started on a healthier alternative lifestyle. Now I read the forums before I buy just about anything. I look at reviews by other members, and go from there. I've gotten some juice I didn't like, but that's why I started with small bottles before graduating to the big ones. Not everyone's taste buds are the same. Good luck on finding some new suppliers!
fran1959 Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 Sorry you have had problems with Wordup. I have ordered many times from them with no problem. Any time I have had a problem with any vendor, after I contact them, they are more than helpful, like if I got sent wrong stuff or items were missing from my order. Hopefully they will make this right. Don't let it discourage you too much, there are lots of good vendors out there. Before I ordered from someone new, I would check out reviews of them though, just to protect yourself. Good luck to you. mastiffmom 1
mprosper69 Posted September 6, 2011 Author Posted September 6, 2011 Thank you one and all for the responses, it was a very nice experience to post a gripe and get such wonderful feedback. I too use various suppliers, like i had said prior, never any issues. And as far as WU is concerned i had ordered a fruit flavor told them it had zero flavor and nothing was resolved. in fact they acted like i was insulting them. That right there should have been a red flag. However vaperite, ecigbestsave, and Ms T bakery are all amazing wonderful people that if any issues they call right away and don't act like their trying to blow you off or try to insult your intelligence. have heard wonderful things about madvapes and my vapor store. Its attitudes like that that give vaping a bad rep. Thats part of the reason i shied from it for the past 2yrs shiester companies and very cocky attitudes. Ive had clients scream at me,curse my mom, and guess what? their still my clients. No excuses for excuses in buisness.
mprosper69 Posted September 6, 2011 Author Posted September 6, 2011 I have basically had above average transactions with 99.9 % of the vendors I've ordered from over the last 2 years! And, I have made it a point to order from MANY different ones that are out there, just to see what they had to offer in the way of juice/products/etc. The only time I ever had an 'issue' at all was with them as well... so I simply decided to take my business elsewhere and not make a big deal about it. I too work in a very customer oriented environment... and I have learned a hell of a lot of things in the last 10 years, the main thing was that I needed to remember to bend over backwards for every customer !! You really should make it a point to go a little above and beyond what you need to do... because, trust me, they will likely remember it and return again in the future. We must remember... 'the customer is always right'!! I totally agree with you, i guess the extra 200-300 bucks a month means nothing to them in this economy. They rather pass the buck than keep it
Jeffrey Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 I was wondering how many of us have been taken or their intelligence insulted by a supplier. I for one was dealing with one, that not only blamed the bank for double billing, then sends me a return invoice for half the amount due. This is one reason (family member in federal law enforcement informed me) that ecigs are being scrutinized is due to not only safety issues with vape juice, but business practices as well. Wordup ecig lures you in then does things to blame everyone else but themselves. Not only was i double billed by Jeff, (the bank clearly showed me when and from where it was pushed after they rejected it due to a typo on my part.) i am in default in my account. legal action is being taken. needless to say I am about ready to go back to analogs so i wont have to deal with this. Despite the fact due to my illness im not supposed to, but its better than dealing with the stress of a shady business community. Oh and please if i hear check the forums one more time, cause it was in the forums i discovered these shiesters. Im giving it one more try with a different supplier. Any suggestions? Anyone had a bad experience then found someone that actually is legit? never had a problem till now. BEWARE OF WORDUP ECIG. Hello This is Jeffrey Hello Mike please be honest in your post, That you placed a double order. I called your wife Lisa and told here that both orders had cleared and I was refunding the first one and the second one was on the way. She said thank you and was very polite (As she has always been) you then call back and start beetling me it's my fault and I am a a hole no other companies you deal with does this. You have called my employee names on every phone call you had Brittany in tears. I am truly sorry you feel the way you do i tried everything to make it right but you just kept telling me to go F my self and my company. We put our clients first always but when they become abuse I draw the line and that day I did i refunded both your order the same day after you told me to go F my self about 400 times again we put our clients first but will NOT put up with abuse.I wish you and your family great success in your tobbacco free life style and am truly sorry and perplexed as to all this and why you would say such things that are not true or our fault . About 2 weeks a go Michael sent us this letter -------- Original Message -------- Subject: My Health and vaping From: mike prspr Date: Wed, August 17, 2011 7:00 am To: I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all at wordup for the advice that not only has saved us time (and much needed cash) but at the same time has helped my health situation. I have a spinal condition, my condition makes me a very high candidate for various lung and breathing complications as i get older, along with some gastrointestinal issues, and for years some physicians were trying to explain to me that the carcinogens in cigarets were making my condition worse and that the spinal fluid really doesn't like all those poisons in there, and it wast helping at all with my gastro problems. After 15 yrs of being diagnosed i discovered vaping, and yeah like most of us , started with a convenience store knockoffs, then a couple of hit or miss kits via the web. Still no releife on my health in fact i felt worse. Then for one last try I discovered wordup ecig, and i havent looked back since. Not only have i stopped analogs all together my health has improved on all factors. Even my physicians cant believe the HUGE improvements in my overall health. Whatever it is luarin is doing, please by all means keep doing it. Even the withdrawals have been extremely smooth as compared to how the Dr.s said they would be.(considering the spinal condition, withdrawals could have just about cripple me. Yeah, its that bad.) Everything i had tried prior to her vape mixes either made my condition worst, or made me go back to the "death sticks". Thank you Jeff for the vape advice and overall conversations, really feels old school in the sense that you are truly in tune with your customers, in which is very, very rare skill anymore, REAL CUST SVC. Feels like fam. And Laurin thank for your assistance in making not only my health, but that of everyone around me that much healthier and better. your mixes have all my friends and family mystified. Finally converted some, the others are coming along.(now if i can only get them to order for themselves,lol). Its nice to know that no matter what we get from this company it is the intentions of all involved to make sure that every order is matched by the customers needs and completley satisfied, I know this first hand, (thank you for the battery replacement.) I know this seems long and drawn out however i feel too people many these days focus on the negatives, and don't bother to take the time to recognize the bright spots out there. Wordup ecig along with another (thanks again Jeff for the alternative flavors advice) are the biggest shining examples of how the vape community and industry should be. Fast, friendly knowledgeable service. With companies that actually care about quality and their clients satisfaction at all times. Thank you once again Michael Prosper Our Reply Thank you for such a wonderful letter, it touched the hearts of all of us. It was also a beautiful way to start our Tuesday morning. It also makes us feel real good t be recognized for our true desire to satisfy our customers needs. We'd like to ask you if we can share your letter with other customers on our customer reviews page. If you prefer to keep it personal we understand that as well. The team here at Wordup-Ecig feels that with enough strength and desire anything can be achieved. We see that your strength and desire has helped your health expediently. Please feel free to contact any team member or Laurin with requests for any liquid questions or concerns. Thanks again Michael, your note really means a lot to us all. The staff here at Wordup-Ecig
DAYVAPE Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 (edited) Awe... now those are some really sweet letters right there, how touching! Edited September 7, 2011 by DAYVAPE fran1959 1
mastiffmom Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 I have been a customer of Jeff and Laurin's for over a year, I'm a bit confused as I read your positive comments and then your negative one.. While none of us is perfect we must be willing to work together to resolve any issues. Yes I am a Wordup affiliate, I wouldn't be if they weren't honest and straight up. Jeff and Laurin have never treated me or the dozens of people I personally know who buy from them with anything but courtesy and respect. Swearing and yelling at staff members is a very poor way of dealing with any situation and Jeff like any other good businessman does not tolerate that anymore than rudeness and abusive behavior to customers would be tolerated.I hope that you can take a deep breath and calmly try to resolve this, I don't know of a single vendor who would allow their staff to be treated disrespectfully. The people here on VT can attest to that, respect must go both ways.
mastiffmom Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 Didn't you post about this on ECF too? He did in fact post this on ECF, in a location where we can not reply. While I understand that he doesn't have enough posts over there yet to use anything but New vaper area. It kind of looks like he joined just to complain. He also is threatening to go to the AG in his state, while an investigation would make him feel better, or the ability to complain to authorities would make him feel better, it will hurt the industry more than a single vendor. The FDA and law enforcement would love nothing better than an excuse to get into every vendor's business and shut everyone down. Angry rants and flaming people online is pointless. I know Jeff and I know he makes things right on the rare occasion something goes awry. From being a delighted customer to an enraged threatening one in 2 weeks time should be a red flag to all suppliers. Not a single supplier out there has not had an error made and the vast majority make it right, Jeff is no exception. Adults do not deal with situations in this manner and while I can understand this this gentleman has some health issues and the stress that goes along with that a more adult reasonable approach would yield far better results. Not one supplier would dispute the FDA's desire to shut us all down and by this behavior he may well be cutting off his nose to spite his face. As well as punishing every one of us in his misguided quest for vindication. Jeff did try to work with him and he flipped out, plain and simple.
Jeffrey Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 Hello Mike please be honest in your post, That you placed a double order. I tried my hardest to make it right but you just kept saying bad things about me and my company so again we DO NOT put up with abuse Norw will I subject my employees to it or any one for that matter But Again it all comes out in the wash and Karma Is VERY VERY BAD My friend. Thank you I was wondering how many of us have been taken or their intelligence insulted by a supplier. I for one was dealing with one, that not only blamed the bank for double billing, then sends me a return invoice for half the amount due. This is one reason (family member in federal law enforcement informed me) that ecigs are being scrutinized is due to not only safety issues with vape juice, but business practices as well. Wordup ecig lures you in then does things to blame everyone else but themselves. Not only was i double billed by Jeff, (the bank clearly showed me when and from where it was pushed after they rejected it due to a typo on my part.) i am in default in my account. legal action is being taken. needless to say I am about ready to go back to analogs so i wont have to deal with this. Despite the fact due to my illness im not supposed to, but its better than dealing with the stress of a shady business community. Oh and please if i hear check the forums one more time, cause it was in the forums i discovered these shiesters. Im giving it one more try with a different supplier. Any suggestions? Anyone had a bad experience then found someone that actually is legit? never had a problem till now. BEWARE OF WORDUP ECIG. michael prosper said: August 19th, 2011 8:40 am I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all at wordup for the advice that not only has saved us time (and much needed cash) but at the same time has helped my health situation. I have a spinal condition, my condition makes me a very high candidate for various lung and breathing complications as i get older, along with some gastrointestinal issues, and for years some physicians were trying to explain to me that the carcinogens in cigarets were making my condition worse and that the spinal fluid really doesn't like all those poisons in there, and it wast helping at all with my gastro problems. After 15 yrs of being diagnosed i discovered vaping, and yeah like most of us , started with a convenience store knockoffs, then a couple of hit or miss kits via the web. Still no releife on my health in fact i felt worse. Then for one last try I discovered wordup ecig, and i havent looked back since. Not only have i stopped analogs all together my health has improved on all factors. Even my physicians cant believe the HUGE improvements in my overall health. Whatever it is luarin is doing, please by all means keep doing it. Even the withdrawals have been extremely smooth as compared to how the Dr.s said they would be.(considering the spinal condition, withdrawals could have just about cripple me. Yeah, its that bad.) Everything i had tried prior to her vape mixes either made my condition worst, or made me go back to the "death sticks". Michael Prosper said: August 19th, 2011 8:42 am(Continued on)Thank you Jeff for the vape advice and overall conversations, really feels old school in the sense that you are truly in tune with your customers, in which is very, very rare skill anymore, REAL CUST SVC. Feels like fam. And Laurin thank for your assistance in making not only my health, but that of everyone around me that much healthier and better. your mixes have all my friends and family mystified. Finally converted some, the others are coming along.(now if i can only get them to order for themselves,lol). Its nice to know that no matter what we get from this company it is the intentions of all involved to make sure that every order is matched by the customers needs and completley satisfied, I know this first hand, (thank you for the battery replacement.) I know this seems long and drawn out however i feel too people many these days focus on the negatives, and don't bother to take the time to recognize the bright spots out there. Wordup ecig along with another (thanks again Jeff for the alternative flavors advice) are the biggest shining examples of how the vape community and industry should be. Fast, friendly knowledgeable service. With companies that actually care about quality and their clients satisfaction at all times.Thank you once again Michael ProsperI have been vaping for about 3-4 months now, and my experience with this company is by far the ultimate in product knowledge and last but not least, THE JUICE. Laurin you are a goddess. Ive tried other juices from both friends and other so called manufacturers that did nothing but ache my stomach and a massive headache to go with it. Not the case here. The "dark" n Mild taste n vapor wise it is amazing, my friends that is all they smoke and they couldn't tell the difference. Same with the B&H menthol absolutely amazing. I cannot pull myself from this company anymore. You guys are stuck with me like gum under your shoe on a hot summer day. And not to forget Jeff, your product knowledge is top notch and your advice on the 510-t Atty was on point. And again the Juice. My baby's mom got off analogs this week thanks to Laurin's juice.(here i am thinking it would take along grueling process to get her to switch) but thank you to all, Brit, Jeff and especially the Grand Dame herself Laurin, for a wonderful Vape experience. Wordup ecig = Vaping the way it should be. Thank you once again. Michael Prosper Michael Prosper said: July 18th, 2011 11:42 am I have been vaping for about 3-4 months now, and my experience with this company is by far the ultimate in product knowledge and last but not least, THE JUICE. Laurin you are a goddess. Ive tried other juices from both friends and other so called manufacturers that did nothing but ache my stomach and a massive headache to go with it. Not the case here. The "dark" n Mild taste n vapor wise it is amazing, my friends that is all they smoke and they couldn't tell the difference. Same with the B&H menthol absolutely amazing. I cannot pull myself from this company anymore. You guys are stuck with me like gum under your shoe on a hot summer day. And not to forget Jeff, your product knowledge is top notch and your advice on the 510-t Atty was on point. And again the Juice. My baby's mom got off analogs this week thanks to Laurin's juice.(here i am thinking it would take along grueling process to get her to switch) but thank you to all, Brit, Jeff and especially the Grand Dame herself Laurin, for a wonderful Vape experience. Wordup ecig = Vaping the way it should be. Thank you once again. Michael Prosper
TroopX Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 Can't fix wishy washy. At least you tried Jeffrey! mastiffmom 1
TroopX Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 Sounds like you submitted an order twice. Not sure why you would blame an automated ordering system for your error- and then try to blame the company for making it right and canceling one of your duplicate orders. Most of these ordering systems won't even let the vendor put a 2nd order through on your card, nor will they store credit card info to allow this. It's automated and behind the scenes. All of this after you rave about your past experiences with said company and you still fly off the handle? I'd have told you to go order dekang by now. Accept their assistance and your error. I was wondering how many of us have been taken or their intelligence insulted by a supplier. I for one was dealing with one, that not only blamed the bank for double billing, then sends me a return invoice for half the amount due. This is one reason (family member in federal law enforcement informed me) that ecigs are being scrutinized is due to not only safety issues with vape juice, but business practices as well. Wordup ecig lures you in then does things to blame everyone else but themselves. Not only was i double billed by Jeff, (the bank clearly showed me when and from where it was pushed after they rejected it due to a typo on my part.) i am in default in my account. legal action is being taken. needless to say I am about ready to go back to analogs so i wont have to deal with this. Despite the fact due to my illness im not supposed to, but its better than dealing with the stress of a shady business community. Oh and please if i hear check the forums one more time, cause it was in the forums i discovered these shiesters. Im giving it one more try with a different supplier. Any suggestions? Anyone had a bad experience then found someone that actually is legit? never had a problem till now. BEWARE OF WORDUP ECIG. mastiffmom 1
fran1959 Posted September 8, 2011 Posted September 8, 2011 Regardless of who was at fault, there in my opinion is never a good reason to tell anyone to f off. I don't know of anyone in any company that would allow his employees to be talked to like that. There is a reason they say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If you are rude to someone, it hardly makes them want to bend over backwards to make you happy.... mastiffmom 1
Kingbtheone Posted September 8, 2011 Posted September 8, 2011 (edited) never ordered from wordup but i may now just to show and review that there a good supplier , i work in a dealership, unfortuantly in the biz that the customers are allways right really SUCKs cause you will always get that 1 person that cannot accept they made a mistake or missunderstood something so they feel if they make the most noise they will be compensated... ****** d o u c h e is blocked Edited September 8, 2011 by Kingbtheone fran1959, mastiffmom and DAYVAPE 3
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