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Hi All,

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kerwin and I'm very new to vaping. I just got my very first PV in before Irene really started to pound us in NYC. I got the eGo-T Mega in stainless steel with the B type atty. I've been vaping on and off for most of the day and I have to say I love it! Anyone else have this? I'd like to know what your experiences are, ie how you clean this atty and what can I expect moving forward.

For all of you on the East coast, stay dry and stay safe! :-) Happy vaping!

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Welcome to Vapor Talk! I don't clean attys either. I love me eGo, but I don't have the eGo-T so can't give you any advice with that, but you'll get advice from the ones who do. Glad you're enjoying the vaping.

Stay safe!

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I clean mine when they aren't working very good and blowing them out doesn't help.I figure it can't hurt and I usually get a little more use from them.I am too frugal to just toss them without trying something.I don't clean cartomisers though 3 to 5 days then I look forward to a fresh one.

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I have been using the Ego-T (Type A, the smaller one) for 1 month now. I personally like it alot. I don't know why it has received a bad rep over some internet posts. I've been using the same atty for a month now too. I do not clean it. I just blow it out with my mouth every day or when I change my tank/flavors. (better taste that way too because it gets the different juice build up out of there). Only takes a second. I guess some say attys don't last more than a few weeks but mine has been going strong for a month. Maybe I’ve been lucky.

I do recommend the LR atty, BUT is does burn through the juice quicker and battery doesn’t last as long, but you get more flavor and vapor.

Also you MIGHT notice some leaking issues. Use a 20% VG solution to help with that OR use the soft tank bottoms. Look at the ‘Ego-T leaking issue’ post in the ‘Help it broke- fix it’ It talks about the soft bottom caps and how it really really helps. I’ve haven’t had a leaking issue for several weeks since I started using the soft bottom with a ‘pre-punched’ hole.

I'm from MD and got alot of rain, but never lost power.

Edited by mjradik
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Thanks for all the input! I think I'll just blow it out occasionally as most of you suggested. I've noticed that the LR atty does burn through juice quicker but the vapor just seems so much better. I'm favoring it much more than the normal atty. @mjradik, I've noticed that it only leaks if I just lay it on the table horizontally or it's in a drawer with the mouthpiece end lower than the battery end.

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