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Legislator(s) are wanting to double the tax on cigarettes and tax eCigs the same as cigarettes. Can you imagine paying 10 bucks for a tiny cartridge? (the rip-off vendors claim that a cart is the same as a pack of cigs remember).

Vote NO!!!

Here is where you vote: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s112-1403

This explains what they intend to pull: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:S.1403:

QUOTE: Other Tobacco Products- Any product not otherwise described under this section that has been determined to be a tobacco product by the Food and Drug Administration through its authorities under the Family Smoking Prevention and Control Act shall be taxed at a level of tax equivalent to the tax rate for cigarettes on an estimated per use basis as determined by the Secretary.'. UNQUOTE


It is coming.I think e-cigg taxes will be the gateway to a full internet tax .Goverenments are looking for cash and we as usual are an easy target.


But my question is how could they tax or prevent importing of eliquid for the people that make thier own jucies? They can't tax PG or VG. Thats used for other purposes/food. They can't tax the flavorings because its used in foods. They can regulate the nicotine, but that can get tough because its used for other purposes like insecticides/pesticides... etc..


They can tax anything that is sold or increased in value.PG or VG and flavorings that do not have nic. in it are one thing but mixed e-liquid and devices used for vaping fall under the FDA tobacco products category I think.So if you are content mixing your own liquid without nic you should be home free on that part.Kind of like how "pipe tobacco" is exempt from the cigerette tax increases.


Where there's a will... there's a way. And they are very strong willed to get our taxpayers money.




Kind of like how "pipe tobacco" is exempt from the cigerette tax increases.

Yea, before I stared using my ecig I was making my own cigs for several months. Using 'pipe tabacco', I could make a carton of analogs for $11.13. If I used cig tabacco cost me like $23/catron. Actually I think the pipe tabacco tasted and smoked better.


I must be missing something. I'm looking for the place to cast a vote but am not finding it.


Ah I clicked on that .. not sure what I was looking for as it was right under my nose! Thanks, Uma.


I'm likely going to mention this elsewhere if an Admin doesn't see it. I saw a great idea. I know VT has good connections. This news needs to be sent to suppliers so suppliers can let their customers know too!! I voted, i'm tweeting this crap like crazy. Twitter seems dumb, but post something enough a lot of people will see it. Trying to get other people to support it but i'm not THAT much of a twitter head....

Its important people vote, but as important people get the word out. Maybe i'm just a passionate person but this just seems so so imporant.


I also voted against this bill. Said I was 12th out of 12 and I "made a big push to the pie chart."

Anything to get money. :veryangry:

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