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Dyi Home Nicotine Strength Test Kit And Supplies


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Like many here, I make my own ejuice. However, I had a situation about a week ago were the ejuice I made was way too strong, but according to my calculations, it shouldn’t have been. I found this post, http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/diy-e-liquid/43988-simple-easy-diy-test-mg-ml-nicotine-follow-up-dvaps-method.html which describes a simple way to test the nicotine content in juices. To make a long story short, I had to purchase the supplies online, and cost me just as much in shipping (because I ordered from three different suppliers) than the actual product. It cost me over $26 total for everything.

To help fellow vapors, I decided to order a lot more supplies in bulk, to save on shipping, then put test kits together, so you can get everything you need from one place, and save $$ on shipping. (I also helps I only live 15 minutes from the main suppliers HQ, lol, but didn’t know that until AFTER I received the product and paid for shipping…) I posted my kits on ebay. The link is here.


So if you want the get all the supplies and save $$, check it out. Moving back to the original situation, it turns out, the base nicotine mixture I bought, ended up being 30% more powerful than it should have been. I was able to re calculate, and make a proper strength ejuice that I’m happy with.

I know the test is accurate. I tested 3 different 18mg store bought juices from forevervapor, and they all tested to 17.47mg. Also 2 different 24mg custom mixes from myfreedomsmoke, which came out to 25.24 and 23.3 respectively. Close enough….. Plus my custom juices I made myself, once recalculated and retested, were a lot better for me to vape.

I know most people didn’t ace chemistry in high school, but the average person should be able to read the results within .1ml, which would put the margin of error under 2mg for nicotine content.

The test works best with clear pg/vg juice, but will also work with colored store bought juices. I personally also got it to work with a dark red and brown colored ejuice, but it can be a little tougher detecting the color change.

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Stupid eBay!! They removed my listing because I didn’t state the percentage of sulfuric acid of the ‘.12N Sulfuric Acid’ They say sulfuric acid with a strength greater than 25% is not allowed. UMM, yes I did, hence the .12N sulfuric acid, as in 0.12%... That’s less than 1% sulfuric acid, as in 99.88% water, as in its safe…. Idiots..

Anyways, I relisted stating <1% to comply with their regulations. So below is the new eBay link.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is great! I've tested several samples now, and the most it's been off is 0.25mg max from the labeled strength. I think that's a pretty accurate way test.

Very nice, and thanks for putting these together. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed this kit is a hot ticket out in the vape world, and sold more than I expected to sell. I did not advertise it anyhwere but here, but noticed some people found it through searching and posted it on other forums. I personally like VT the best, and want to offer a special only to VT members. If you buy this kit, please send me a note that you are a VT member, and I'll refund you $3.00 to your paypal account. (This covers the cost of shipping.)

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