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Hi everyone....i am very new to vaping, in fact i havent even tried it yet! lol....but i am determined to give up analogs and this seems like a great alternative. I have been reading through this forum as well as the various websites i have seen mentioned here but to be honest im still not sure which direction to go in. i was considering a Blu at first but since reading so many iffy reviews about them i have reconsidered.

I am now leaning towards the Joye E-go dual kit system but not sure exactly what i should get. I drive a truck for a living so dripping is not a good alternative for me....but are carts or the tank best? I am a pack to a pack and half smoker of analogs now so i wonder how many carts i would need to get thru a day....i know no one can really tell me that but i'd like a guestimate if u could. my best guess is somewhere around 20 pulls on an analog every half hour or so is what i do now....

do i need spare atomizers or will the two that come with the kit work out? Im sure i have more questions but my brain is pulling a disappearing act at the moment so i'll leave this as it is.

This place seems extremely supportive and im really glad i found it....hopefully soon i can add my smoke free counter here!!

Posted (edited)

The Joye eGo would be the place to start battery life is 6 to 12 hours depending on use and uses all the standard 510 accessories. And later if you wish you can buy a 1000 mah batt that will give you even more batt life. But wait for the experts they will give you even more info :cheers:

Edited by Viper Ron

Welcome! The eGo is the way to go for sure. For driving, the tank system would be best, but since I've never used a tank, I can't give any advice on that. I'm sure someone will be here soon to tell you all about it. No matter what you go with, you will need lots of backups...attys, batteries, juice, chargers, etc. You just never know when something will quit on you and you do not want to be left with even one missing element and have to go back to analogs.

Good luck! And don't hesitate to ask lots of questions.


Aloha! Welcome to vaping and VT :)

An eGo to start with and you can't go wrong. I use an eGo passthrough (branded eGo-T 1000mah passthrough) because I can vape it while it's plugged in and simply unplug it with a full (or near to) charge and just go when I need to head out the door. With a simple USB car adapter (which you may already have) you could easily vape plugged in and not have to worry about diminishing battery charge. I, like Nana, have not tried the tanks because I love direct dripping but I agree that the tank would probably be most ideal. If you decide to use the tank be sure to check out youtube for videos that will instruct you on how to properly fill and maintain your specific tank. Also, if you go with tanks vs direct dripping you probably won't have much need for additional attys up front. Good luck with vaping and stay safe out there on the road!


Welcome to Vapor Talk! Can't go wrong with an eGo. I would go with the eGo-T (tank) with LR tanks. I would also pick up some Boge 2.0 ohm cartomizers to try. See which one works best for you. I used the tanks for a little while and was going through 3-4 tanks a day (was a 1 1/2 pack a day smoker).


Wow....thanx so much for the quick responses! i have decided to go with the eGo standard kit....2 650 batts, 2 510 attys, 2 cones, 5 carts, usb charger, blah blah blah....lol....im also adding 10 joye XL blank cartomizers and 6 or 7 5ml sample e-juices to see what i like.......the wife is expecting me to keep this first purchase under 100 bucks and this just makes it from Liberty Flights with the 20% off code....i can always buy the tank later. Does this sound like a decent set up to start out with? any help will be appreciated...and thanx again for the responses!



I’m a new Joye eGo convert.

Someone recommended the Liquinator tank from vaporescence.com to me. I wonder if the Liquinator tank and a USB pass-through battery are the keys to trucker vaping?

I know the eGo and pass-through work for me at home. If the Liquinator works as well as they say it does, it might be an all day drive, maintenance free combination.




Hi and welcome to VT. It sounds like you have everything you need to get started. Most people recommend the LR cartomizers, you get warmer vapor and also might consider a drip tip. Good luck to you :)

Posted (edited)


I think it’s an excellent set up.

I’m glad you bought a few different flavored liquids to find ones you like. If you don’t want to pull the tip off the atomizer every time you drip, pick up a drip tip too. You can drip through the opening.


Edit: Yup. What fran1959 said.

Edited by CantusPro

Sounds like a good starter kit to me. I would probably try to start with some cartomizers and the move onto a drip tip. You just kind of need to have a bottle of juice laying around though.


Thanx for all the replies!! I'm glad i didnt blow it with my first order.....and i appreciate all the suggestions as well, but i wont be dripping since i drive for a living, although i may eventually try it at home since everyone seems to enjoy it....:)


Big yes vote on the drip tips for cartomisers. Do like the T atty LR Type B, and when it's working and humming right along? Best thing for pure taste and care free vaping IMO. (outside of direct drip of course) However, when they go south and your just beginning with them.....it can cause some heartache. Failure can be quick and sudden and if your on the road in the hopes for care free, there is a possibility you'll be frustrated. Sure do like them a lot when around the house, but never leave home with just one. :cry:

Just received the 510 Echo-E today and so far so good. They are not in the LR realm as yet, but I'm duly impressed at 3.7 mod vaping. Delivery device is very good at the Ego range as well and it holds about the same as the B Tank atty. The EE does not have the pure taste of the tank (due to poly fill) but the trade off is very low, if any, failure rate. It's a big carto so to speak and once you know it's good after filling....it will remain good for duration. Very stylish look on the Ego batt and time will tell if it nudges out the tank atty in the long term.

Gave up on the Ego Mega Dual real quick as I do not enjoy placing near 4ml of juice in a poly filled cartridge and then hoping it's not a dud or losing all that juice if it fails. Around 2.0 filling capacity works great for me as I run 2-3 flavors at a time and rotate devices throughout the day. The Echo-E can be filled numerous times with the bottom coil allowing for actual extraction of filler, cleaning, and replacement.

Jury still out.........


I'm currently a big fan of the 510 XL Clearomizers with a 1000maH eGo battery. As a matter of fact, just came back from a BBQ party with the family and 4 people (including me) were vaping on my setup the whole day and it's still running strong at 0114 in the morning. Only had to refill once too.

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