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So i usually vape 12mg in 2.0 ohm resistance cartomizers, and 8mg in 1.5 ohm cartomizers, which is about the same general feeling (throat hit). i recently got some 18mg juice for free for reasons unimportant to this post. it was, as expected, far too violent for me in 1.5 or 1.8 ohm atomizers, but it's quite good in standard resistance boge cartomizers, hits just like the above combinations.

Foolishly assuming that the idea is to use less nicotine, would i be getting less nicotine by using lower nic juice with lower resistance, or higher nic juice with higher resistance? i realize that few studies have been done regarding nicotine absorbtion through vaping (except one silly one done by idiots with crap devices), but i'm curious as to the pros and cons of each method.

I couldn't help but notice that a single standard resistance cartomizer kept on working with one fill for 8 hours straight last night (i know because steam told me how long i'd been playing fallout new vegas), my 2.0 ohm cartomizers are lucky to last 2 hour before needing refilling (my 1.5's last a long time, but because they're enormous), is it conceivable that by going to a higher nicotine juice, and using standard resistance cartomizers that i would end up using less juice as a result?

I suppose this is more thinking with my fingers than actual questions, but i am curious about the opinions of people who've vaped for a long time, and what sways them in one direction or another, or do some of you do a mixture of the two? such as lr atty's for dripping lower-nic juice and sr carto's for higher-nic juice?


It would stand to reason you would go through liqid faster with high voltage or low resistance as you are getting things hotter faster.As far as the nicotine thing I don't really pay much attention ,I just vape till I am happy.I would guess overall with the situation you described if you are inhaling all the vapor you produce with low resistance you may be getting more with the low resistance as you are consuming more liquid.


I'm by no means an expert but I'll tell you I bought some standard 510 cartos and they do seem to last a very long time ;)


I can see your argument, if I’m understanding it correctly. If you burn through the juice quicker, you would think your body absorbs less, because it can only absorb so much on a single hit.. I think… Hmm. That’s a brain teaser. I just wouldn’t have a clue…

I use standard atty’s but I do notice thicker juice lasts longer than thinner juice flavors. If I had to justify it you myself, to feel less guilty by taking in less nicotine, I would assume 100% absorption (which we know isn’t true…) and calculate mgs/day, and not worry about the ohm’s, because ohm’s burn through it quicker.

Anyone science/chemistry major here, and have access to real scientific equipment, to do an actuall study, lol..

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