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Someone PLEASE give me some ammo to put my Mom in check here. Here's an email she sent me about quitting analogs and moving to vaping. Ughhhhhh. LMAO @ her last sentence too...nice "sandwich" technique!



I still feel that it is best for you to wean yourself from this device. Why take a chance with your health....even if it's only a small chance? Little Keira has no one in her life she can depend upon except you. I'll soon be gone....your brother doesn't take care of himself....and K's dad would be unable to care for her if anything happens to you. Why would you put her in this position? It's grossly irresponsible and unjust and I know you love her enough to do this.

End of sermon.

Would you like to go look at trees/flowers to fix up your front yard?

Momcat <3




I would hardly consider vaping a form of irresponsibility. In fact it's the first step I've taken to lead a healthier lifestyle. Granted ecigs are a new technology but so was aspirin when it first came out. I feel better, I smell better and I can breath better, that's sure one heck of a step from when I smoked an analogs. (Just so you know Mom, analogs are a nickname for normal cigarettes)

Did you know that Propylene Glycol was tested as a way to prevent influenza? Tests where done in the early 90's on monkeys for over a years period with no side effects. The only effect, was the lack of sickness from the monkey's exposed to PG. In fact it was going to be used in Children's Hospitals and the military. The only reason they decided against it was because a handful of people where allergic to PG. Did you know baby wipes had PG in them?

Then ad some more stuff,

Love ya mom!

-Sky (insert real name here)

(I dunno it's early in the morning and that's the best your going to get from me right now, worst case tell her to join the forums)

Posted (edited)

I saw Chris touched on it a little but, PG which is one of the main ingredients in e-juice for e-cigs has many benefits and is way harmless to people than analogs (the only people it is harmfull to is those who are allergic, as far as I know). PG, propolene glycol, is in many things and has been for a long time without most people knowing it. Did you know that SOME foods you buy at the store contain some amount of PG. This is because PG is a natural preservative. PG also, like Chris stated, helps to fight things like influenza and other airborne bacteria/viruses. PG is also a form of air purifier. There was talk of putting PG into the air supply of most public place because of that too, places like airports, airplanes, schools, etc., etc. The only reason this has not happened is because it was found that some people (very small amounts) are allergic to PG. If I remember correctly the allergic reaction was a slight closing of the airway making it somewhat hard to breathe for a period of time.

I wish I still had the link but, there was a full article made about this a long time ago. I'm sure if you look hard enough you could find something. In fact one of our members, Tropical Bob, might know where it is if you PM him and ask.

I do however have a link that totally wicked put out when they had their e-juice lab tested to prove it's non-harmfullness. Here it is: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=d49h887_76cn2857fp Totally Wicked E-Liquid Lab Results. You could put that up next to some lab results of analogs and tell her to back off because your doing your best and being the best parent you can be, not only are you trying to improve your health but, your childs health and living evironment too.

P.S. Sorry for being a little all over the place, if I was, I'm a bit tired after work.

Edited by Christopher

Thanks, guys...this is definitely a good start. Would anyone happen to have a link to something which invalidates the FDA's bogus report?

I don't even know why I care what she thinks. *I* know I'm doing the right thing and that should be all that matters, but for whatever reason, I am forever seeking my mother's approval. :wacko:


You guys ROCK...thank you! :wub:

If it is about the children....

Also... there was a study done in the 30's where they PUMPED pg into a children's ward at a hospital. They also had a wing they used as the control where the did not put pg into the air. (vapersforum link as suggested by Doofusman will provide you with the pdf of this study)

These children suffered from a multitude of serious ailments and they found that in the pg ward, the children were 85% less likely (something of that nature) to suffer chest infections as compared to the other wing. This of course, is huge considering that with compromised immune systems, a chest infection is deadly.

Also, pg is found in everything from cigarettes to toothpaste AND if pg were so deadly, it is for certain Disney would not pump massive amounts into the faces of young children, infants and the elderly DAILY in their parades around the world. (I have no link to this, however, I witnessed it first hand... and if Disney can safely pump non-food grade (i assume) pg into the crowd, then my guess is that they researched this pretty deeply for liability purposes... and ours is food grade which is held to higher standards for production). They also use fog for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween where it literally fills the streets, knee high... which young children are knee high...

In looking for you anything that would tell us about their fog... I did find this "article/blog post" of someone else's experience... http://www.yesterland.com/msepfinal.html


Thanks, guys...this is definitely a good start. Would anyone happen to have a link to something which invalidates the FDA's bogus report?

I don't even know why I care what she thinks. *I* know I'm doing the right thing and that should be all that matters, but for whatever reason, I am forever seeking my mother's approval. :wacko:



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