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Hey guys, i just received my Janty stick in the mail this morning. Just like a kid on Christmas i ripped open the box, pulled out my juice and started vapeing. I dripped 4 drops directly onto the atty and started huffin. Sadly, the vapor production so far has been weak. I havent given the battery a full charge yet, im doing that now. But has anyone experienced this with there Janty straight out of the box? I did notice the carts produced more vapor, but im not going to be refilling, ill be direct dripping. I could be spoiled from the performance of the 510, but i dont know :huh:

Posted (edited)

Whats your thoughts on the 510 adaptors for the Janty? Whats the cartridge fiber made from? I seen come blank carts from Dietsmokes.com does the Janty take DSE901 /4075 carts? Also does anyone know how many come per order?

Edited by Sinikal

Whats your thoughts on the 510 adaptors for the Janty? Whats the cartridge fiber made from? I seen come blank carts from Dietsmokes.com does the Janty take DSE901 /4075 carts? Also does anyone know how many come per order?

NVM answered my own questions haha, takes the 801 carts, and they come .60 EACH. But the rest of the questions i need answered ;)


Sin, I wouldn't be worried about your Janty Stick, at least not yet. Almost all atomizers will usually take a little time before they hit their prime and give you an honest judgement of how vapor is going to be. As long as the unit itself is working fine, I wouldn't be worried. You should find that after some time continueing to work in the atomizer it will all of a sudden start "firing" and your vapor production will be good.


When I use my Janty Stick I normally direct drip. Although lately I've started using the cart as well because I was starting to get a funny taste in all my atomizers. I think the atomizer wasn't getting soaked properly.

As for the Janty Vapor production being low Right out of the box that is totally normal. The Janty Stick sucks out of the box it takes quite a bit of time to break in the Penstyle atomizer.


I'm jealous. My JS was defective out of the box and I still haven't heard from Parked regarding an exchange. Debating whether to wait a bit more or shoot him another email.


All I use is my Janty Stick, I don't have an atomizer for my VP (plus it's at Chris' house) and my atomizers for my 510 are dead. That being said all I do is direct drip on it as well. It has been working great for me for months now with absolutely no problems. Plus the Janty Stick is completely seeled on the atomizer side so you can "over-soak" you atomizer and it's not going to hurt anything.


How long ago did you email him?

Tuesday morning. But I submitted a message through the contact form on his website. I wonder if there's a possibility that it just didn't go through. Would a direct email be better?


Plus the Janty Stick is completely seeled on the atomizer side so you can "over-soak" you atomizer and it's not going to hurt anything.

I was wondering about that. So there's no way the juice can get into the battery compartment side? or to the button somehow. This one time I pulled the atomizer out and the thing had juice all over the side.


Use to buy from parked till I bought a second 510 kit for a friend, came with bad batteries and never got a reply back from my several emails :(

Been about 2 months now so just wrote it off and bought new batteries from a different supplier. He needs a bit better response for the customers.


A good way to contact him is through is forum on ECF. (The OTHER forum) ;)


You will have to sign up with them to use the forum. It's public so he answerers pretty fast.

EDIT: Please note you must fill out a warranty forum as well



A good way to contact him is through is forum on ECF. (The OTHER forum) ;)


You will have to sign up with them to use the forum. It's public so he answerers pretty fast.

EDIT: Please note you must fill out a warranty forum as well


Thanks...I'm a member over at ECF also but I honestly don't go there really...it's just a bunch of angry people over there. LOL this forum is much more fun with a friendlier atmosphere. But I will definitely post there regarding my JS. It's a pretty expensive piece and I don't think I can just let that slide.

Oh...and I did fill out that warranty form. That was my first initial contact anyway. I will be emailing him after the weekend, then I will resort to ECF if I must.


I suppose you could try using the warranty form again. I tested it last night with a funny message just to see if he would respond. And he did pretty quick. He doesn't work over the weekend so if I was you send it on Monday. When you do it shoot me your order number and I'll pass it on as well to make sure he get's it :)


I was wondering about that. So there's no way the juice can get into the battery compartment side? or to the button somehow. This one time I pulled the atomizer out and the thing had juice all over the side.

Nope, as long as you don't drop it and mess up the seels there is supposed to be no way for juice to get anywhere but, where the atomizer goes in. Pretty cool huh? Actually, I've even heard that if you drop it in a puddle of water or something it will be completely fine, so long as you get it out fast.

Most of the time when I pull my atomizer out to clear it, or change it out with another one, it has juice all over the sides of it. This is everytime too and nothing has happened yet. Keep in mind too that mine is not new or anything either. My Stick is actually one of the oldest ones in existence, lol. I've had this one since before the Stick was even available to the public.


I suppose you could try using the warranty form again. I tested it last night with a funny message just to see if he would respond. And he did pretty quick. He doesn't work over the weekend so if I was you send it on Monday. When you do it shoot me your order number and I'll pass it on as well to make sure he get's it :)

Thanks Chris. I'll try using the warranty form again sometime tomorrow...err today?

Nope, as long as you don't drop it and mess up the seels there is supposed to be no way for juice to get anywhere but, where the atomizer goes in. Pretty cool huh? Actually, I've even heard that if you drop it in a puddle of water or something it will be completely fine, so long as you get it out fast.

Most of the time when I pull my atomizer out to clear it, or change it out with another one, it has juice all over the sides of it. This is everytime too and nothing has happened yet. Keep in mind too that mine is not new or anything either. My Stick is actually one of the oldest ones in existence, lol. I've had this one since before the Stick was even available to the public.

Nice. That's good to know.


Nope, as long as you don't drop it and mess up the seels there is supposed to be no way for juice to get anywhere but, where the atomizer goes in. Pretty cool huh? Actually, I've even heard that if you drop it in a puddle of water or something it will be completely fine, so long as you get it out fast.

Most of the time when I pull my atomizer out to clear it, or change it out with another one, it has juice all over the sides of it. This is everytime too and nothing has happened yet. Keep in mind too that mine is not new or anything either. My Stick is actually one of the oldest ones in existence, lol. I've had this one since before the Stick was even available to the public.

That juice on the side is mostly condensation. It won't hurt anything, unless you leave it in there for a very long time. Dropping it in water is not recommended, but if it does happen, dry it thoroughly and it'll probably still work. They're pretty easy to take apart too, if you need to.


It's actually not condensation, if you drop your Janty Stick and it hits a hard surface hard, it can "ruin" the "seal" and juice can come out of the atomizer side and a few other areas. Chris did this to his but, he taped it up a bit and it's still good to go. :thumbsup:


Sean he is actually talking about when you pull the atomizer out of the Janty Stick and the side of the atomizer is wet. This happens no matter what and it's not condensation it's juice. It just sits there and looks....well juicy :)

  • 1 month later...

First off, I am sorry for reviving an old thread but I didn't think this post warranted a new thread.

I received my Janty Stick in the mail today. Diet Smokes has yet to get them in stock so I ordered mine from the UK. It took 9 days to receive it and cost me an extra $15 but it arrived just fine. Ordered from smokejuice.co.uk. It arrived amazingly with a low bridge atomizer similar to what Arno sells but with the Janty name etched to the brass ring. The differences are only on the battery side. This has 2 very large air holes instead of the 4 small ones in Arno's. It also has a number 0809 crudely stamped on the positive battery connection. I assume this is either the month/year of manufacture or a tracking number for tracking atomizers. The rest of it is exact.

I did have a little problem getting the atty to seat correctly but I anticipated this from all the reviews around. I have a dry erase marker that fits tightly into the top of the 801 atomizers that helps greatly to get the leverage needed to tighten it enough. I had also planned to add a manual battery extension inside the Stick if I experienced serious issues with this connection like I have heard in the reviews and complaints about it. That way once I got the extension to seat I wouldn't have issues with getting the atty to seat anymore. But right now this isn't necessary and I would prefer not to have it sticking out anymore than it already does.

Vapor production from the atty is exactly like the low bridge from Arno. So this is definitely not the atty in all of the reviews I have seen for the Stick.

I am truly impressed with the built-in usb charging. I can now plug it in wherever I have access to electricity. Car, office or home I am completely covered. Even if I am away from a source for an extended period I can always change out the battery for a fresh one. I now have a convenient clip-on carrying case that holds a couple extra batteries and still room for the stick and a small bottle of juice.

So as far as 3.7 volts is concerned I have the setup I was looking for. An extra Stick for backup and I am set.

5.0 volts I am waiting on the VP3. Unless something else comes out that gives me all of the features of the Stick at 5.0 volts. And I have heard Janty is working on that as well.

Impressed truly impressed!

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