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hello all! i started with my new ecig last week. it is just a cheap one from the local cigarrette store to see how i liked it and although i know it is not the best way to go i am pleased to have not had a cigarrette in over a week. however since i started using the ecig i have had terrible itching all over my body. no rash there -no nothing - even went to the dermotologist thinking something has got to be wrong and he said there is nothing there (he implied it may be my imagination:) or heat. I have researched a little on the internet and found that some people appear to be allergic to the pg in the atomizer and have experienced some of the same symptoms as i have. my husband is all for me getting one of the joye Ego automatic and using my own liquid. i have heard that if you are allergic to the pg you can use the vegetable based stuff instead. my questions are: can i order the veg based stuff easily and can i use it in the joye Ego? Also what is the difference in the Ego and the Tank???? any help is appreciated!

Posted (edited)


   I would suggest getting a manual ego passthrough. with the manual passthrough you can vape without worrying about the batty being charged. and with a manual battery, you push a button each time you vape from it. an auto battery, is just like smoking a real cig, and you push no button. I like the manual a lot better.

Edited by Tagsanstuff

I vape PG juices but I've noticed that some online stores have "ALL" VG juices. Here's one off hand that I know of - http://www.avejuice.com/vg_flavors-100_vg

Remember- PG gives you a stronger better tasting vape. VG gives you more vapor. And Nicotine strength gives you the throat hit. I usually vape a 80PG/20VG mix. Some places also have a 70PG/30VG mix or a 50PG/50VG mix even.

Also the regular eGo uses an atomizer to direct drip into or cartomizers. The eGo T uses special tank atomizers that only work with the tank cartridges. I tried the eGo T's with the standard resistance coils and wasn't impressed. I've heard that the LR (Low Resistance) coils work better though. Personally, I use LR cartomizers with my eGo batteries and my NOEGO 18650 unit. LR 2.0 Ohm cartomizers and dual coil cartomizers from vaporkings.com work great with the eGo batteries. madvapes.com also has the new eGo dual coil cartomizers. They have good reviews, I haven't ordered any yet but plan to soon. Hope this helps! :)


If you get 100% VG i hear its thicker and may not work well with the 510 tanks or the ego tanks. I have not tried this so i cant say for sure. Just something to keep in mind.


Discraft is correct 100% PG will not work well in Tanks at all. :) (Same for cartomizers) You'll want to go with atomizers should you choose 100% VG


Hi Barb,

I've had allergic reactions albeit they were quite mild. Mainly slight skin rashes but nothing major. My vapes are all 80:20 PG/VG mixes, running off my Ego-T (although I've recently switched away from using tanks - don't like em). If you think you are allergic to PG, then try a higher concentration of VG, something like 60 PG, 40 VG and see how that goes for you. If you still see the symptoms, then you gotta try cutting down on the vaping, or go back to analogues for a week and see if the rashes subside. That's the only way to tell what's going on because there are so many factors at play here. Process of elimination is what you need to do right now.

VG is vegetable glycerin which you can get at your local supermarket while PG you can get at the chemist. But like Christopher said, most eliquid vendors will stock VG as well and you might as well order a bottle of it on your next juice purchase.

100% VG, I've never tried, but I've heard that it can really gunk up tank systems, so the best way is to get a cheap atty like the 510 and direct drip into it but it's quite troublesome and after a while of doing this, it's likely you're gonna miss your tank :)



thank you for all the good info everyone! i am guessing that the process of elimination is what i will have to try first :) there is really no way to know what the "dime store" version of the ecigs have in them anyway. And i am going with the menthol high cartridges as well so it may be the menthol and not the PG?? So i will order a kit and try the PG first (non menthol) and see if that is part of the problem. i had ordered the PG liquid before and had no problems with it but quit as i didnt like the ecig set up i had and at that time figured that i wouldn't like it period so had gone back to the analogs. i hope that it is just the menthol and the ecig that i have and will keep you posted on results!

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