Atari Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 (edited) I tried to copy and paste from my blog but it wont take all the images. If you wasnt o see the full review click here I have been looking into a more traditional e cig. I get a lot of funny looks when Im using a box or tube mod in public. even when I try to explain it people tend to shy away from a 9" tube mod or a box with a tube coming out of it. I love my mods LOVE but if people are more receptive to mini e cigs, then by all means I would like them to ask me questions. I go to a lot of bars and restaurants where everyone goes outside to smoke. Though I do vape in side a lot, I run into a lot of people I know outside, and its a great opportunity to catch up and often tell them about e cigs. So in short I bring you,SMOKE REVOLUTION SMART PACK (PCC) KIT I know there are a lot of mass market e cigs out there. Im going to try to point out a lot of the differences between this kit and a lot of others. So load your carto, tank or atty and lets go through the kit I posted a picture the other day of the box, but before the box, you get to choose what comes in it. It comes in 2 configurations: a 2 piece e-cigarette kit, a 3 piece e-cigarette kit. So you can choose between an atomizer and a cartomizer setup. I went with cartomizers, one they are easy to fill and carry, two, if I can screw on a fresh one to let someone try it. The kit is $64.90, which is just a little under what you would expect to pay for a GOOD mini e cig kit. Shipping is free and took about 2 days to my home in WV. The biggest difference right off to me was a 1Yearr Warranty on the batteries and the PCC of course the atomizers and cartomisers have a shorter lifespan, but they come with a 15 Day Warranty. 1 year on a battery is huge thing in this industry, especially on a PCC that has a lot of functionality to it. So lets take a look at what you get The kit shows up in a nice box, all neatly packed to add to your vapemail excitement. You get the PCC, 2 manual batteries (yes manual, Ill explain later) 5 prefilled and sealed cartomisers with those little reusable caps, a usb to wall charger (its pretty small and flat, and the prongs fold in) and the USB cable. The PCC pack is really sturdy, I have had a couple 510 pccs and they were all pretty thin plastic. The Smoke revolution PCC is thick and heavy duty, has room hold 5 cartridges or cartomizers, an atomizer with a tip, and holds one battery while holding and charging another. The LCD is inset as is the USB port. The PCC is about the same size as a pack of regular cigarettes, but my favorite thing is the rubberized coating. It makes it really easy to grip, slide in and out of a pocket, and just looks cleaner. Its about as heavy as a zippo lighter and a pack of cigs. It has a single button across the front and is skinny enough that its easy to push, but hard to trigger in your pocket. The hinge is a metal pin through thicker plastic. There are two plastic indentions that hold the two plastic pins that are inside the top of the cover. Again, easy to open, but not going to fall open on its own. Little details like this are making me like this PCC. It adds to the sturdy factor I mentioned earlier. The LCD display, as I mentioned earlier is in set so its not going to get scratched easily. The silver bar below it is the button, well two buttons, one on the left and the other on the right. The LCD shines blue when showing how much charge the PCC has. When you screw the battery into the PCC and hold the right button, the battery LED will flash, and once the LCD on the PCC turns red, the battery is charging. You can press the right button again to see if the battery is done charging, the LCD will turn blue again. They say you can get up to eight charges off of a fully charged PCC. The bottom of the PCC has a flashlight, press the left button to turn it on. Hold the button for a few seconds and the light will stay on, press it again and it will go back off. Its a handy little feature, one you never need until you really need it. Its a pretty bright led, and creates a lot of light. The mini usd port is inset as well, and the mini usb is one of the most common ports. Any one with a old razr or blackberry charger has an extra on laying around now. The battery is a mini, just a little longer than the cartomizer its self. It really gives you that cigarette feel in the hand. Its not like holding a mod or something awkward, its like holding a cig. It weighs about as much an a pencil. The light is blue if you care about light color The switch is another big difference. It is pretty much flush so its not triggered in the PCC on in a pocket. Its a soft rubber button and stick up just enough to be easy to find and press. Most PCCs require automatic batteries, auto batteries have a hole up through the battery and lets juice in the battery if your not careful and will ruin the battery. Manuals are sealed and last a lot longer. Now for the performance. I used this for two days exclusively at work, and a couple of outings to local restaurants. I got about 6 solid charges on average. Usually the last or 7th charge depleted the PCCs battery and gave me about 75% charge on the battery itself. I did have to try to run out of battery. I have a car charger, I work on computers, I have outlets at work and home. I had to not charge it all day to run it out. I finally took one of the cartomizers and put it on my Bartleby and vaped them side by side on a full charge. The hit was identical, vapor production was the same. I did get a little warmer vapor from my Bartleby. The vapor and throat hit stayed consistent till the battery light started flashing to tell me the battery needed recharged. I wasnt much for the stock tobacco flavor they sent me. It hit really hard, and had great vapor production, but it tasted a little stronger than my taste, and had a sweet finish. I generally like rough tobacco vapes, but the sweetness was a little weird for me. I got a corner office recently, the largest one in the building, but they didnt tell me I would have to share it. Brent sets across the room from me and likes guessing the flavor of my vapes by the smell. he smokes cigarettes occasionally, and is in the process of quitting cigars. Hes dipping snuff now, so I finally gave up on letting him quit his way. I started showing him my new toy, and put on a new cartomiser and one of my old 510 batteries and passed it to him. He took a huge hit and coughed his but off. I explained to him that just because it was vapor didnt mean it didnt have throat hit. he started taking little puffs working his way up to where he was comfortable. Finally he sat back in his chair and started blowing vapor rings and grinning. "I like that" he smiled and said, "It taste like a full flavor with a sweet after taste, it taste like a cigarette but better. I dont have to chew a piece of gum to get the taste out of my mouth." I had to lend him the battery till I can talk him into buying something nicer. I shot Fernando at Smoke Revolution an email. He told me that the sweet taste makes it easier for smokers to transition to e cigs. I tried a couple of the other liquids I have (I will review those later) and they all have that sweet tobacco taste to them. I vape a lot of different liquids but these weren't for me, but Brent loved them. I had to pass out a few more. I caught up with a couple guys who used to come in the bar I worked at. After a few jokes, a few hits and a few coughs, they said the same. "Its good, like a little sweet mild cigar" "It just taste like a different brand" I guess its been so long since I quit smoking I forgot how bad cigarettes taste, but if your looking for something that taste better than a cigarette but still taste enough like one, Here you go. Over all this is my new setup for going out. I love my vv mod, I can turn the voltage up and vape myself stupid, but I have to carry extra equipment. My box mods are great but I still need to carry cartos. And the look on peoples faces when you open a bottom feeder and explain it, they would rather lilght up. Its nice to keep a few cartos in the PCC, charge it and leave it till I need it. I can just grab it and go. I dont have to keep batteries in my pocket, no extra bottles of juice, no chargers, I just grab my pack and throw it in my pocket. I dont even have to grab a lighter. Its easy, its got good vapor and throat hit, it will last me all night, by the time one battery is dead, that other is ready. The biggest thing for me is its so easy to get people interested in. If your looking for an all in one solution for the smoker you know you cant beat it. Sorry for such a long review, but Thank you for reading Check out Smoke Revolution, they have starter kits for $24, Want something bigger they have VGos, and Ill be reviewing some liquids from their soon too, As soon as I can find some smokers to help me out. 2] Edited July 23, 2011 by Atari
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