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Hi I saw a video on youtube ChrisfromCali & appreciated his honesty on which e cig. I need some help in looking for something similar to Marlboro 72 reds. I'm a wife & mother of 2 small children. Have a pack a day habit for the past 25 yrs. I'm looking to switch from tobacco to "vaping". (my new catch word). In making the switch, I'm interested in experiencing a simulated experience as close as to possible to keep myself off of the tobacco. I'm not sure if I need something more than 24 mg, but I am also looking to step down to 16mg "hopefully" by next year, and then 8mg -- and maybe if possible down to zero. There are two companies I've been looking at that seem promising. Not sure if I should mention them on the forum as it is very important that find like-minded others during this process. I might need long battery life in the beginning. "Dripping" seems really complicated to me. No 7 looked promising & Halligan Starter Kits.

Thanks very much,


Posted (edited)

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on wanting to make the switch into the vaping world. Most people when they take the first step want an ecig the size of a regular cigarette. For some it fits just fine and for others they find out, after the fact, that they want more. Like battery life!

Dripping really isn't all that complicated and if you are watching TV or on the compter it really isn't much of a hassle. Especially when using a drip tip. But if you are on the go a cartomizer is the thing to use. Most of the cartridges that come with starter kits don't work well because they don't wick the liquid fast enough to the atomizer. That is why we drip or use cartomizers and the cartos are really easy to fill and top off off when needed.

If you are set on getting an ecig, that looks close to a cig, look for a 510 kit. With your kit also buy a pack of cartomizers. You can find this kit at the Forever Vapor store or one of the many suppliers on the forum.

What I will suggest is the eGo kit. You seem to be in this for the long haul and you will be much happier in the long run with battery life. The eGo will also allow you to use low resistance atomzier or cartomizers. This is something you might like to try and the small stick batteries won't let work with them. The eGo is a really versatile ecig, the options are endless. Don't let the size fool you either, it is quite compact.

As for the liquid, you are on the right track considering your smoking history. You should also order, with your kit, a few bottles with varying flavors. Pick flavors that you you might like. Tobacco flavors are really hard to replicate because it misses the burning of paper and all the other crap found in cigs. But do get a tobacco flavor, as one of your flavors, they are still good especially when starting out. I would also mix up your mg with your juice selection. Maybe get two 24mg and one 16/18 mg. You might find that the 24 is too much for you or you might want more in the early part of the day and a little less in the later part of the day.

You might find that you are able to step down faster than you think. There are some members on the forum that stepped down to 0 within a few months and then there are those of us still vaping at 16mg after 1 year. We are the ones that use it as a lifestyle change and not a cessation mechanism because we love it so much!

Good luck to you! Ask questions and stay away from kits that are over $100, have a free trial period or offer a monthly auto delivery.

Edited by BirdDog

Thanks for the info! So glad to have found it. Do you think the size matters if I'm looking for the vap & throat hit & battery life? I'm trying to recreate something that resembles as much of an experience as a Marlboro red smoke?

I may become a minor chemist here with all the mixing & matching of dripping. Confusing at first, but saves money & can give me a better experience from what I'm reading. Again, thanks for the help!! :animier:


yes listen to BirdDog, i got my 510 kit yesterday seeing im a noob :unsure: and i am already looking into getting the eGo myself.

BTW welcome to Vapor Talk :rambo:


Ps. not sure if I mentioned that size of the device does not matter as much as vaping & battery life especially in the morning with my coffee ;)


i believe the 510 (reg. cig. size) batt lasts up to 2 hours and the eGo (cigar size) batt between 8-12 ive heard. hope this helps.


If you are looking for throat hit and vape quality go with the eGo. It really is the most versatile kit out there next to some of the bigger battery mods. You can explore those later, just get yourself going. If you are wanting killer throat hit in comparison the the Reds, you really might want to try the low resistance cartomizers or atomizers. Look for the Joye brand LR atties and the Boge LR cartos. The LR's give more hit, a much warmer vape and more vapor. They also use juice faster because of the hotter burn. Most important the LR's will work on the eGO batts but not on the small stick batteries. But I would first try the standards that come with the kits that might be all you need.

Sorry if I repeated some of the stuff I said earlier. I wrote quite a bit and it can get lost when reading all the info on the forum.


My 510 lasts roughly an hour of use, but they are stated at 1-2 hours. I think standard eGo is supposed to be 6-8 hours....I know I can use mine for about a day and a half before the light tells me I forgot to put it on charge, lol.

For tobacco flavor, I haven't tried it, but I hear C & D is pretty darn close. There probably won't be any that truly replicate a cig flavor, since you are missing so many elements - actual burning, and all the other chems/additives.

Posted (edited)

Aha! Thank you!! I didn't know I could buy juice from another company. I was afraid it would ruin the device.One more tiny question & it would be such a big help -- did you still have analogs handy until you found the right combination to vape exclusively?

Edited by jen_haynes

In my case, once I found the right throat hit and flavor for my liking, I just tossed my smokes and never looked back.

You may find yourself wanting to keep them around, just toss your pack in the freezer and vape away.

Another bit of advice that I found really helped in my case, GET BACKUP.

If your new found device should break or get lost, you'll have a spare.

Nothing worse than getting caught without backup.

Welcome to VaporTalk, glad to have you here with us. :)


Also, if you're able to attend a local "vapemeet" you'll really be glad that you did. In the vaping community, new vaporers are adored. You'll be able to meet some intresting if not great people, try many devices and juices, and have some fun. Come back and ask as many questions that you can think of or join us in the video chat room for more immediate attention.


I had 3 analogs left when my Ego and greensmoke arrived on the same day. The ego went on to be great, while the greensmoke got sent back right away. I didn't buy more analogs and just vaped through any craving. I had several juices (about 6) and atty's and cartos to test out. Dripping on an atty ended up being the winner until I bought a bottom feeder, which is what I use today.

Aha! Thank you!! I didn't know I could buy juice from another company. I was afraid it would ruin the device.One more tiny question & it would be such a big help -- did you still have analogs handy until you found the right combination to vape exclusively?


I have tried so far 4 tipes of atomizers and the eGo-T tank was my final choice. I like the strong LR taste, but I hate when the e-liquid gets to my tongue. This small things makes you just hate the nicotine taste, as you'll never want it on your tongue. The tank is strong enough , but the flavor sometimes gets to easy so you'll want to change your e-liquid.

Good Luck!

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