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If The Fda Makes It Come Down To It, How Hard Is It To Make Your Own Juice?


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I guess the big scare is that the FDA is going to try control E-smoking weather it be from taxing or banning. I'm not worried about it to be honest i doubt they will label the e-cig itself to be paraphernalia. The juice i guess is the main concern, but you have to think....if suppliers are making the juice, why couldn't we start our own home hidden juice labs :ph34r: :P

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I guess that is a good point. The only thing is that it is kind of a secret. There is a huge process for getting this stuff made I'm sure and finding out what that process is will be difficult. At least I can assume that if it were easy more people would be doing it and know how to do it. I don't think that flavoring would be hard just nicotine in liquid form. I mean, let's say you are the one who found a way to get nicotine into liquid form. With such a high demand for it out there, would you just give away your secret for how it's "made"?

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Thats true, but IF and WHEN the FDA does ban smoke juice, manufacturers WILL be shutdown and prohibited to sell the product. As for now...of course, its a secrete for businesses to profit from smoke juice, so by all means keep it that way. But you also have to remember, in such a high demand and so many people needing nicotine, all it takes is one person to think they are doing a favor for the community to leak how to make it. :lol: My main point being...dont worry folks; when there is a will, there is a way. When there is nicotine envolved, we WILL find a way to smoke it! B)

Edited by Sinikal
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Well what I can say is that most suppliers do not create the liquid at home, some of them mix it yes, but most of the process was done in a manufacturing plant. Vapor Talk Juice is no different, we do not sit him in the basement mixing this stuff up, it's done in a factory.

However making your own juice has been done, there are forums online with sub sections dedicated to it. There are plenty of ways that it can be done but I don't recommend it. (Legally I can't)

What I can do is create a section on the forum dedicated to mixing your own liquid and creating your own juice, I'll just have to get some warning statements to go along with it. I totally agree with you, just like the moonshine days, where there is a will there is a way. :)

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I fully agree that where there is a will there is a way. Not to mention everything else now days get's "leaked" so why would this be any different. It is said to be pretty dangerous though because of how easy it is to get nicotine poisoning and what not if you don't where the proper safety gear.

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