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Hey anyone getting to use there E-Cigs at work..AKA not in smoking Pits ..Is it accepted or is it still new.

My job I was the first to ask and they are gonna treat it like smoking until further notice.So i get to sit with the analogs and tease them with my lights and Vapor...And answer lots of questions.


I do vape in my cube and no one has said anything. Of course I did not bother to ask but I did tell many that I quit smoking. Sometimes I go to the "pit" and most there just miss me. My bosses seem to be happy they can find my in my cube. HR knows I quit and I did tell them I am vaping and none have any issues with it. Many have seen me vape in the hallways and most just smile and are happy I quit. Several from the pit have purchased PVs but use them sporadically mainly at the desk. We have 250 employees and there are 125 in my building.


I smoke in all kinds of places in my area that don't allow smoking indoors (the pool hall for example and some bars). I would recommend that you're carefull about it and talk to the owner or manager of the establishment first. I have found that if you give them the respect to ask, show, and explain first then they are waaaaaayyyyyyy more likely to allow it.


It's hit and miss at the moment. The problem is there is so much mainstream bullcrap that some people have a bad view on ecigs. Then there are the one's that don't know about the ecig, all the hear is "cigarette" and automatically think bad.

The best thing is to ask first and explain what the ecig is. For the most part I've heard good things from people and managers are happy that us vapers are not leaving our stations as often to smoke. At the end of the day the employer wants more bang for his Buck and if that means you staying at your desk then it's good news. :)


Im a tattoo artist and own my own studio. We ARE regulated by the health department, and its funny because the health inspector IS HERE!! LOL, i just showed her my E-Cig and questioned her if it would be sanitary to smoke in my Tattoo studio. I explained to her all the parts and components, and even blew vapor in her face :lol: ! She said, it doesnt smell, there is no ash, no fire, and no tar, she doesnt see any reason not to be able to smoke e-cigs in my studio. So as far as smoking in my work place, we try and keep it professional. We dont want clients and customers thinking we are smoking in our shop because thats the illusion e-cigs give. We cant have people not wanting to get tattooed or pierced because of the sanitary & health issues with analogs, and them thinking we are smoking, just isnt good news. So my employees, go outside or in the back room! :D


Im a tattoo artist and own my own studio. We ARE regulated by the health department, and its funny because the health inspector IS HERE!! LOL, i just showed her my E-Cig and questioned her if it would be sanitary to smoke in my Tattoo studio. I explained to her all the parts and components, and even blew vapor in her face :lol: ! She said, it doesnt smell, there is no ash, no fire, and no tar, she doesnt see any reason not to be able to smoke e-cigs in my studio. So as far as smoking in my work place, we try and keep it professional. We dont want clients and customers thinking we are smoking in our shop because thats the illusion e-cigs give. We cant have people not wanting to get tattooed or pierced because of the sanitary & health issues with analogs, and them thinking we are smoking, just isnt good news. So my employees, go outside or in the back room! :D

Ya, in your situation I would have to agree. I don't see any way that it could help business, only ways that it could hurt. E-cig or not there are a lot of health and sanitary codes and rules like you said and the last thing you need is to get a bad reputation. I'm a strong believer in the fact that the strongest form of "advertising" and positive business is word of mouth. Not to mention that most people still have no idea what e-cigs are, how they work, and what they entail.

P.S. I just realized you were an "art" guy. Check out some of this stuff, Known Gallery, a lot of these guys are all in my area. One of my buddies was in one of the top graffiti artist's group in the world, known as AWR. His "name" was Sumet, he taught Saber a lot of ways to do things, so check out the artist's Saber, Revok, Krush, and the others.

Posted (edited)

P.S. I just realized you were an "art" guy. Check out some of this stuff, Known Gallery, a lot of these guys are all in my area. One of my buddies was in one of the top graffiti artist's group in the world, known as AWR. His "name" was Sumet, he taught Saber a lot of ways to do things, so check out the artist's Saber, Revok, Krush, and the others.

Amazing artists for sure. Im big into graffiti myself. In fact thats how i ended up getting interested in tattooing. I was spray painting the section of wall separating 2 buildings in downtown Dallas, which happened to be in front of a tattoo shop. The owner "Mani" went out for a smoke and saw me across the street painting and decided to walk across and compliment me on my work. (I have been working on it for a few days by that time) Eventually i found myself hanging around the tattoo shop after school, and from there i apprenticed under him for 2 years and moved on to being a shop owner. Been in the business for 7 years now and lovin it. B)

Edited by Sinikal

That's cool to hear man. Maybe you could send me some pics of your favorite things you've put together. I'd be interested to see some of your work man.

P.S. they don't have to be on people, the actual drawings and what not are fine.


I got up the nerve to show the Npro to one of my customers last week and he was thrilled. I own a high end house keeping and property management service and our smoking has always been a issue. They don't care about our health but rather the smell we carry back into the house after we have had a break outside.

It's not like we will be running around with a e-cigarette hanging out of our mouths but it will be nice to have a puff every so often without having to leave work, smoke and then air out.




Ya I understand now more than ever since I am tabacco free about the smell.My family appreciates it alot.They do care about my health and hopefully this is safe too..The non smokers at work that know about it crack jokes and pick about it, but a good percent of the smokers are interested.The issue is at work where it will be allowed to be used and carried around.They are treating them like real ones for now.

If the E-Cig ban gets more momentum then i will have to do without or head for another alternative...

Posted (edited)

i got a lot of people at work very interested and i even taking a person to get there first one. so far i can at work but not going to. the upper dont know about it yet. im thinking about telling them about it.

Edited by skruff77

Amazing artists for sure. Im big into graffiti myself. In fact thats how i ended up getting interested in tattooing. I was spray painting the section of wall separating 2 buildings in downtown Dallas, which happened to be in front of a tattoo shop. The owner "Mani" went out for a smoke and saw me across the street painting and decided to walk across and compliment me on my work. (I have been working on it for a few days by that time) Eventually i found myself hanging around the tattoo shop after school, and from there i apprenticed under him for 2 years and moved on to being a shop owner. Been in the business for 7 years now and lovin it. cool.gif

This is somewhat off-topic and a tiny bit embarrassing but I have a tattoo older than most of you out there. I got my first from the tattoo legend Lyle Tuttle in 1967 for my 16th birthday. I was born and raised in SF and in the '60s I lived in the Haight and we were all gettin' ink from Lyle as he was the most talented artist of the times. Now there are so many talented artists it has become such an incredible art form. I sometimes forget I have it, it is very old and very faded as ink and technology just were not what they are today. Somtimes my current friends ask if I have any regrets, my answer is "I have absolutely no regrets and it marks a part of my life I never want to forget".



This is somewhat off-topic and a tiny bit embarrassing but I have a tattoo older than most of you out there. I got my first from the tattoo legend Lyle Tuttle in 1967 for my 16th birthday. I was born and raised in SF and in the '60s I lived in the Haight and we were all gettin' ink from Lyle as he was the most talented artist of the times. Now there are so many talented artists it has become such an incredible art form. I sometimes forget I have it, it is very old and very faded as ink and technology just were not what they are today. Somtimes my current friends ask if I have any regrets, my answer is "I have absolutely no regrets and it marks a part of my life I never want to forget".


Lucky you! I would have loved to get tattooed by Tuttle! And thats good you have no regrets! I would never have regrets about my tattoos, marks a page in history for me B)


I use my Screwdriver at work. No-one has objected.

Today I was at our other site and one of my staff who is a Syrian spotted it - "Oh you've got one of those elctronic cigarettes! They are all over the place in the Middle East!"


I use my Screwdriver at work. No-one has objected.

Today I was at our other site and one of my staff who is a Syrian spotted it - "Oh you've got one of those elctronic cigarettes! They are all over the place in the Middle East!"

Hey all they need over there is a big E-Hooka,i have tried the real one and it is neat,great for parties even the non smokers liked the flavors...


Our company is enlarging their campus and previously they provided a nice outdoor covered area for smokers. However, the new enlarged campus will be smoke free, the ENTIRE campus. From what I understand you won't be able to smoke in your car while on their property. I have been wondering how to approach this since I am for the most part smoke free (just one analog in 5 days!). I am worried if I bring it up, they will just ban it entirely, but if I try it they will just fire me :) I am dragging my feet currently hoping some positive news will be released soon instead of this FDA drivel. I work for a "healthcare" company, so I am unfortunately very familiar with the FDA and their crap! But our company bows to them because they have to if they want to do biz. Anyone have suggestions on how to take this up with HR? I have never been to HR and don't want to start now, but I do want to be able to use my E-cig while at work, but outdoors.


Posted (edited)

Bummer, this is a sad state of affairs but yes your employer can state you can not smoke in your own car as long as it is on their property. This also was a case that happened in California although I don't remember what company. Any employee smoking in their car was given a warning and after so many it was grounds for dismissal. Going to HR probably won't help you, yes it is discriminatory against smokers but it is their right to do so. Remember HR is no longer for the benefit of employees as it is now to protect the company's rights. I think going to HR would be a mistake as every visit to HR is documented and placed in your personnel file.

BTW read this about Belmont California (about 5 minutes from my home):


Edited by Vacker1229

I'd say 3 of the biggest companies in my town do not allow smoking. It gets worse, one of the companies (Scott's Lawn Care) will not insure you if you are a smoker. I don't have a source for that info but I'm sure you can do a Google on it. I was talking to one employee who worked for Scott's while shopping and he stated that you had to leave property to go smoke. He said that during his 15 he had to literally run across the street to have a smoke. Then run back. I said well at least they're making you exercise.


Yeah, that is basically what I was thinking. I have read to avoid HR. Going to them only makes you a problem for the employer. OK, I will avoid it and let someone else go for it. I am sure with the number of folks I am converting, or starting to convert, there will be a pile of us at least trying our e-cigs since it is not smoking. I guess the "it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission" saying holds some water. Sad, I would like to educate them so they can make an informed decision. Instead I am sure we will just be told not to vape or smoke. :wtf::mad:



Heres a question guys. Someone earlier brought up insurance companies wont insure u if u smoke. Does anyone know what THIER stand is on E cigs ? The answer to that might help in the fight against the ban


I want to add to this. I co-own a computer store. At first, I didn't want to use it in the shop because of the impression it would give to customers that didn't know what it was. Now I vape in the store all the time and customers seem very receptive to it. I have even directed some of our smoking customers to dealers so they can vape instead of smoke. I think it is an excellent way of showing them we care about them in more ways than just fixing their PC.


Even though I discussed the E-cigs with my customers(above post), I've decided not to use them at their houses.

I know at least one flavor I have tried lingers after and had my niece say she could smell a chemical smell when right near us while vaping. I've had my customers ask us not to smoke on break because it doesn't give us enough time to air out before returning inside. Even a hint of odor, even one not unpleasant, would be bad if they thought we were vaping in the house.

Plus for us, it's just disrespectful. At least this way I can vape on break or when outside and not carry it back in with me.

Actually, I don't want to appear that I'm shoving it down any ones throat. I might get a puff here or there in a store or restaurant but I'm not walking around with it hanging out of my mouth puffing away. I do show it to people I know or if they ask but other than that, I'm pretty discrete.

Posted (edited)

I agree, I would not use it in a customers home or office, I also am the one doing the on-site work for our shop. That to me would just be disrespectful to others in space we/I do not own or control. Restaurants I only go in the smoking sections basically following the smoking rules of where I'm at. I guess I would rather be safe than sorry when dealing in customers or potential customers establishments. Now if a customer just up and says I can smoke and they do as well, I would show it off to them. :)

Edited by Compenstine

From all the responses I see the Vape etiquette rules set a example that the public needs to see,most are uninformed about it and the last thing we need to do is get the public against us...The more positive feedback we can get the better off we will be.......

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