FTJoe Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 I think you guys saved me. Was going to give up on my 510 after buying a ton of stuff. I'm sure I was doing something wrong, but even new pre-filled carts were only lasting a few drags before seemingly clogging and not getting much vapor into my lungs. I'd unclog it, get the juice out and same thing. I've tried both atomizors and was getting very frustrated. Ordered two more atomizors, some empty carts was willing to try to mess around. While waiting for them to arrive I came across this site and direct drip is for me, works great!! I've also ordered some of the juices to see how they are off dietsmokes.com after seeing folks talk about them, I can't wait to try them. Was there a video being released yesterday or today on dripping? Any pointers to where it is (youtube?)? I guess I should still figure out what I'm doing wrong but I have no issues dripping onto the "wick" in the atomizor and letting it rip, it's fantastic. At least I hope that's what I'm supposed to be doing. This might actually get me to quit cigarettes, after that I'll try cutting down on the nicotine and maybe I'll be able to vape just for the fun of it! Thanx again!!
Christopher Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 The video isn't out yet sorry I'm going to render it right now, I got side tracked with the Ultrasound today Sounds like you are doing everything correct Direct dripping is the only way to go!
FTJoe Posted September 10, 2009 Author Posted September 10, 2009 The video isn't out yet sorry I'm going to render it right now, I got side tracked with the Ultrasound today Sounds like you are doing everything correct Direct dripping is the only way to go! Congratulations. That's not "side tracked", that's excellent!!!
Sean Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 Well from what you've said it sounds like you're doing it right. Dripping on the "wick" is a good idea specially because it ensures that you get the liquid all the way down to the heating coil. That's what I do!! I would still recommend that you watch the video Chris is putting out though, you might find out a few new things who knows. Actually, I would recommend that you watch all of the "instructional" videos that he is working on putting out right now, I guarantee they will help in some way.
Christopher Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 Well I tried to get the video put out last night but for some dang reason the audio will not sync up in Sony Vegas. It's really irritating, the audio of course is fine in the raw video, put as soon as I pull it into Vegas, all goes down hill. It's going to take me a little while to figure out what the heck is wrong.
SteveD1 Posted September 11, 2009 Posted September 11, 2009 I just top off carts and drip a couple to prime it. i usually keep a stock cart on at all times so i dont re drip as often.
FTJoe Posted September 11, 2009 Author Posted September 11, 2009 I just top off carts and drip a couple to prime it. i usually keep a stock cart on at all times so i dont re drip as often. I'll have to give that a whirl, but I was afraid it ended up "clogging" the atomizor and reducing the draw. My issue is I have yet to find a clean way to do this. I have two batteries, one atomizor (two more coming). Dripping other than over a paper towel is simply messy. My biggest issue is it seems the channels built into the empty cartridge drip oil after each smoke when I remove the cartridge to drip again. Maybe keeping the filter in there and drip will help. Hopefully it doesn't cut down on the vapor. Still loving this, had two cigarettes today and I really don't know why. I'm also trying to figure out a way to preload and store so I don't end up with an oily mess and can simply load and go. Anything out there to help with that?
Sean Posted September 11, 2009 Posted September 11, 2009 The syringes work great for filling carts, specially when you're doing quite a few. The syringes can make everything go much faster and completely fill your carts. If you're dedicated to using carts and do not want to switch over to direct dripping then I say a syringe is a must have. Here is a link to a good place to buy one: Syringe for Carts
Fenwick Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 (edited) It's funny I keep attaching my self to other peoples threads, but why spread an issue to a different topic if we can keep it in the same place. I am the same story as FTJoe. quickly tiring of the cart scenario. For awhile I was doing like SteveD1 and topping off and spicing it up with a drop or two on the atty. Then I noticed my precious bottle of VaporTalk and Janty might not last till the next shipment arrives. I also noticed that I was leaving a full cart worth at the bottom of every two that I thought were empty. I also hate the polyfill flavor. I am looking forward to the video because I think I am doing it right, but I am wondering about the finer points. There are videos of guys dripping. They dripp and smoke 2-3 huge plumes, but then what? See I am unsure of after that. I remember from an earlier discussion about this to look for a change in flavor. Now I am thinking there are two reasons for this change because I get them 1. Atty too hot...put it down and wait 2. Atty dry...drip again But I am unsure of which is which. This is where I am afraid I might be going overboard. Or if Im going underboard I'd love to stock it up. 3. can you stock it up? Can you Drip Vape come back ...leave come back and Vape? Are we trying to saturate the coil? Looking forward to the video. Edited September 12, 2009 by Fenwick
Christopher Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 The thing is there really isn't much more that can be done, it's just how the ecigs are. Welcome to the crappy side of ecigs. Wether you drip on the cart with an extra drip on the atty or only drip on atty your always going to get to a point where the atty looses a bit of vapor. There is nothing that can be done. Just set it down and pick it back up. When I drip 3 drops on the atty it will normally last about one analogs worth. Maybe 8 puffs or so. (if you smoke an analog you normally only get about 10 puffs) The thing is the attys where not really meant to be used for long periods of time. When you smoke an analog you would maybe smoke 2 back to back and then you where done. (Drinking being the exception) But with vaping you tend to use it much more than you need to. You vape to fill the craving AND because it tastes good. It's going to take time before something better comes out. So the video will not really help you much, there is no big secret, just drip 3 times and the atty and that's it to be honest. Members have tried TONS of other ways, but that's what works the best. If you REALLY need to keep vaping the use more than 1 atomizer and go back and forth between the two. That should keep you going none stop.
FTJoe Posted September 12, 2009 Author Posted September 12, 2009 Okay - I've tried the cart thing (drip and pool a drop some on the filler) but it doesn't seem to be quite as good IMO as a pure direct drip. But it does seem to be less messy as the mostly dry filler seems to stop the juice from freely coming through the two little channels on the cart. It also seems to taste a little different and not in a good way. I have two more atomizers on the way, so I'm thinking of trying to kind of pre-drip them, find something to store them in with an empty cart attached and see how that goes. Went out last night and had no problems dripping but I'm walking around with a small baggie, the bottle and my e-cig. I looked like a high tech junkie. Worst case is to buy a few more batteries and pre-load 4-5 of them and that should last me a few hours. I would try and find a nice case for the pre-loads and keep a bottle handy just in case; this should make me a little more presentable. Also, the PCC just doesn't do it for me as a carrying case as it's not quite right in what it stores, great for charging on the go. If I find something suitable as a carrying case and a routine that works I'll post back. I'm still pyched. My wife who only smokes when she's drinking is using it was well as I left my few cigs at home when we went out last night. She did complain this morning her lungs hurt but I'd like her to get used to this else she'll buy a pack and I might be tempted. Thanx to everyone.
Fenwick Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 The thing is there really isn't much more that can be done, it's just how the ecigs are. Welcome to the crappy side of ecigs. Wether you drip on the cart with an extra drip on the atty or only drip on atty your always going to get to a point where the atty looses a bit of vapor. There is nothing that can be done. Just set it down and pick it back up. When I drip 3 drops on the atty it will normally last about one analogs worth. Maybe 8 puffs or so. (if you smoke an analog you normally only get about 10 puffs) The thing is the attys where not really meant to be used for long periods of time. When you smoke an analog you would maybe smoke 2 back to back and then you where done. (Drinking being the exception) But with vaping you tend to use it much more than you need to. You vape to fill the craving AND because it tastes good. It's going to take time before something better comes out. So the video will not really help you much, there is no big secret, just drip 3 times and the atty and that's it to be honest. Members have tried TONS of other ways, but that's what works the best. If you REALLY need to keep vaping the use more than 1 atomizer and go back and forth between the two. That should keep you going none stop. I understand. I know I am starting to beat a dead horse. I just got my next shipment from dietsmokes (in the nick of time) So I have 3 Never used atty's that spark. 1 tried and true Atty coated with VT juice and residule batting. 1 flagging atty from the JC juice days (on the list for washing experiments), and 1 atty that arrived in the mail that sparks but not like the others (suspicious). I also have several bottles of VT juice (thanks to the sale), some Liquid Xpress "23 flavors", and a little Janty MLB left. I am going to wreck one of these atomizers and make it personally answer all of my questions. Thanks for the tip on keeping two handy. I was always a smoke two back to back guy and this may help me. I just got another starter kit with the scorpion ring, so at home that will be a nice little multi-flavor chain-vape set-up. FTJoe, I used a tip from Sean that really cuts down on the high tech junky stigma, and nicley replaces a habit we all have. I did the put the 10 ml bottle in the lighter pocket move today, and I instincivley replaced that reflex of going for the lighter with dripping. I also use the flat tip mouthpiece, so I just bite it and pull the 510 off and drip while I'm walking. I have to stop to do the drip, but given time I could see it becoming as easy as lighting a cig.
FTJoe Posted September 12, 2009 Author Posted September 12, 2009 Thanx but I have to say until I figure out how to control the oil that seems to be everywhere, nothing is going in my pocket. That's why I'm looking for a case of some kind, hold several entire assembled e-cigs, or maybe just five atomizers with a tip on each so I don't have to drip too often while on the go. I'm going to cut open one of the tips to see how those channels are set up with what looks like two breathers near the end. I'm wondering if I can just load some fiber down near the bottom to prevent the oil from coming through to the outside of the cart itself. Every time I take one off I can see it just coming out of the cart through the little slits. So I think I burned one atomizer out. What are the tips to rejuvenate? I don't think it will work as I believe I toasted it by accidentally having the button depressed for quite a while so it's probably dead.
MunkusBFunky Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 From what I understand these atomizers are pretty resilient when it comes to heat, I've heard people that do a 5 minute burn on them at 5v (they typically operate around 3.7v). Try soaking it in some everclear for a few days( be sure to let it dry for a whole day afterward ), if it doesn't work after that it's proly fried.
FTJoe Posted September 13, 2009 Author Posted September 13, 2009 From what I understand these atomizers are pretty resilient when it comes to heat, I've heard people that do a 5 minute burn on them at 5v (they typically operate around 3.7v). Try soaking it in some everclear for a few days( be sure to let it dry for a whole day afterward ), if it doesn't work after that it's proly fried. Will try it just for giggles. If it works, I figure I'll work my other ones once in a while to condition them and keep them fresh.
Fenwick Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Thanx but I have to say until I figure out how to control the oil that seems to be everywhere, nothing is going in my pocket. That's why I'm looking for a case of some kind, hold several entire assembled e-cigs, or maybe just five atomizers with a tip on each so I don't have to drip too often while on the go. I'm going to cut open one of the tips to see how those channels are set up with what looks like two breathers near the end. I'm wondering if I can just load some fiber down near the bottom to prevent the oil from coming through to the outside of the cart itself. Every time I take one off I can see it just coming out of the cart through the little slits. So I think I burned one atomizer out. What are the tips to rejuvenate? I don't think it will work as I believe I toasted it by accidentally having the button depressed for quite a while so it's probably dead. FTJoe, I was asking the same questions about cases, and Chris gave me this link: http://truesmoker.myshopify.com/products/pro-netted-e-cig-carrying-case It sounds like what your talking about. I was a bit too much gear for me.
jimindenver Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 I tried dripping yesterday for the first time and WOW, it completely changes the experience. I had been getting pretty frustrated just using the pre-fill carts as I was not seeing anything like the vapor you guys get in the videos. Even fresh carts and batteries were barely enough and in trying to control the craving, I know I was getting the atty hot and the constant use was going through the batteries fast. I was to the point of deciding the njoy npro/4801 wasn't going to work for me. Had the kiosk had the his and her kits that they do on the site, I would have bought them then. I tried dripping in the mall using a bottle from the Smoking Everywhere kiosk first to see if I was going to like it. Instantly I knew I was going to be happier both with the vapor, the hit and the resulting nic hit on my system. That was two drips on the atty and I left the cart in the tip. Between the drips and the pre-filled cart, I was good for quite a while. I did do a few more drips before we went into a casino, and that was good for the rest of the night. No one bothered me in the casino (non smoking) even though I wasn't trying to make it a big deal but it was quite the hit on the smokers patio, especially when they found out how much cheaper it was to pay for after the initial cost. (machine there cost twice as much as in store) Last night I refilled the cart and did a single drop on the atty and I'm still using that now. I do find that I need to moderate myself more though. I had been hitting the Npro a lot trying to get what I needed and now that I am dripping, I am getting A LOT more nicotine in my system. The bad thing about showing off to everyone is that when we went to get the other half a Npro, the Smoker friendly I got mine at was out. It seems they had a run on them as of late. lol We did get one at another SF, two bottles of liquid at the Smoking Everywhere and now will have 4 more on their way from here. One thing I do like about the Npro now is that the basic kit came with two batteries for less than the basic kit at the kiosk. Having the extra has really been great as I usually can get thru a whole day and will take the second with me to work just in case. Once again, I want to thank everyone here for the videos, the reviews and advice. Because of it, I knew better than to toss my used carts, knew not to keep drawing when the vapor got too light and will use the advice again when I need to replace the Npros. Now that I'm confidently started, I can look for cheaper kits on line but I still appreciate having a local supply if needed. Jim
FTJoe Posted September 13, 2009 Author Posted September 13, 2009 FTJoe, I was asking the same questions about cases, and Chris gave me this link: http://truesmoker.myshopify.com/products/pro-netted-e-cig-carrying-case It sounds like what your talking about. I was a bit too much gear for me. That might be perfect, at least for around the office. I'll still work on finding something suitable for "on the go". Thinking of cigarette cases I've seen with a spot for a lighter (bottle). I'm going to give that one a try in the meantime. Appreciate it. I'm not sure of the rules against posting links to other forums, but if you google "e-cig carrying case" there's a discussion on the subject in another forum and quite a few hits on stuff for sale. I was more interested in the items such as manicure cases, tool cases, hard cases, etc. as possibilities. Going to see what Lowes has when I go there later. I'm going to go through the thread now to see people have used.
FTJoe Posted September 13, 2009 Author Posted September 13, 2009 Okay - someone has to stop me, I ordered more batteries, more attys, more liquids, four different style cases. Bottom line is I haven't smoked a cigarette in more than a day and that is huge. I keep comparing what I'm buying to what I'm saving and it doesn't even come close. $50 is 7 packs, is a week (at best) but more like four to five days if you throw in a drinking weekend. Still psyched, though I have to stick to my regular routine of waiting for an hour or so, then walking outside and "smoking", else I'm going to OD on nicotine. I also don't want to create my sig line with the "haven't smoked in x days" for fear of jinxing this. Direct dripping is still the way to go though I had a "decent" experience with "tea bag" carts. Here are the cases I've ordered in case anyone cares. http://www.americarx.com/Products/3025.html http://www.americarx.com/Products/2891.html http://truesmoker.myshopify.com/products/pro-netted-e-cig-carrying-case http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HDJT4S/ref=ox_ya_oh_product and compressed air for general cleaning of this annoying oil.
Fenwick Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 Okay - someone has to stop me, I ordered more batteries, more attys, more liquids, four different style cases.... I know what you mean. Every time I walk through a walmart or a hardware store I find myself finding ways to adapt other products to fit my growing e-cig arsenal. I like the insulin carrier you bought, it looks like you could carry 2 fully assembled 510's and 2 bottles in your front pocket with that thing.
xXDoofusmanXx Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 I know I'm little late to the party, but when I got my 510, I thought the same thing... it seemed I had to fill carts alot. I drive for a living, 10 hours a day 6 days a week and filling while driving is not a good idea. As for direct dripping, I had the same issue, doing it too often. What I did that helped alot was take out the polyfiber and basically cut it in half and stuffed it back in. You get more juice in your cart and I find I dont have to fill as often and the hits are better for a longer period of time. As for atty's clogging up on you, I haven't had that issue and im using the same atty now for 4 days straight and im using like 6 batteries a day. I dont know if that's excessive or normal, but I'm basically vaping all day long.
FTJoe Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 I know what you mean. Every time I walk through a walmart or a hardware store I find myself finding ways to adapt other products to fit my growing e-cig arsenal. I like the insulin carrier you bought, it looks like you could carry 2 fully assembled 510's and 2 bottles in your front pocket with that thing. I'm hoping, that would make things much easier. I'll post back pics with items in them for size comparisons once I have everything.
FTJoe Posted September 16, 2009 Author Posted September 16, 2009 I have new attys coming and two are here already. Do I need to do something special to them first? Should I use the cart filler juiced up for a while or just direct drip them and go?
Compenstine Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 I'm hoping, that would make things much easier. I'll post back pics with items in them for size comparisons once I have everything. Being diabetic I find this interesting as I adapted an old meter case for my E-cig rig. I think you find it is ideal.
jimindenver Posted September 20, 2009 Posted September 20, 2009 I am finding dripping to be a good way to moderate my vaping. When I fist got the juice I was topping off the carts and adding a drip to the atty. That gave me the great hits in the beginning and then lasted for quite a while. Too long actually as I was vaping all the time. Now i only use a cart when in the truck driving or in a situation that I wouldn't be able to drip for a extended time. This way I can do three drips, vape it like a cigarette and put it down till I get the urge again. That keeps me from getting headaches.
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