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Manual is the only way to go with most models. The auto batteries will get gunked up after a while and your battery will stop working. Which I suppose if ok if you don't mind buying new batteries every month or two.

If your going to start using the 801 then look at either a Janty Stick, VP1, VP2 or a KissBox Set. Although to be honest if you don't mind the look I'd go with a VP unit :)

Posted (edited)

Got my 801 addys, juice and USB passthrough in from Rocky Mountain Vapor today. Things I have noticed so far.

1. The 801 vapes MUCH better than the 510. However, I found that the liquid used does make a difference.

2. The USB pass through on the 801 is inferior to the one for the 510.

3. Vapor from the 801 is much cooler as reported and has a smoother fuller flavor. Liquid makes a difference, but the 801 always out performs the 510 in flavor and vapor production.

4. Johnson Creek may have lost my business due to lack of vapor production and too little flavor. I still prefer the taste of their Original Smoke juice over anything else I have tried, but it just doesn't vape as well nor does it produce the amount of flavor other liquids can/do.

5. Air flow on the 801 seems restricted. You have to drag harder on it to get the flow you get on the 510.

I am glad I asked for advice here. The 801 is a step up from the 510. I tried a variety of liquids in each and can say that the 801 will always produce more vapor and better flavor than the 510 when the same liquids are used in each. However, it seems that the johnson creek liquids don't produce as much flavor, and their flavor production is not as strong as the liquid I bought from Rocky Mountain vapor. That is a big dissapointment since the best tasting liquid for me is the Original Smoke Juice. I love that flavor, but it is just too subtle.

I have found 3 downsides to the 801. It seems to leak a bit. Not a lot, but I keep finding liquid on the outside of it where I rarely saw that with the 510. It isn't much, but it does seem to leak just a little. You have to draw harder on the 801. The resistance is greater with the airflow than the 510. I am looking forward to trying out the VP2 now since it has an airflow adjustment. I think with the proper air flow setting you could get more vapor from the 801. Right now it is an effort to draw on it. This is my biggest complaint or downside to the 801 thus far. Finally, this really isn't the 801, but the pass through for this model is lame. It has a 5 second limit that the 510 pass through doesn't seem to have. I can get the 510 too hot, which I rarely do, but after getting the 801 I did a test and no doubt the 510 would stay on longer and build up more heat than the 801. You can pump the switch to get an extended toke off the 801, but I would love to find a way to use my 510 pass through on my 801. That would rock!! I noticed the 510 pass through has an inline battery where the 801 is coming straight from the USB power. I think the in line battery allows for more power. OH and the button on the 801 pass through sucks too. Can get stuck in a locked down position and is not simple to find by feel like the 510.

With all that said, I love the 801 and plan on getting a VP2 setup. I might get a pair of them :) I have a feeling once I try it, the 510 will get set aside. The 510 is still a good unit, don't get me wrong. I just like the taste and heavier vapor I get from the 801. And from what Chris said earlier, the VP series beats down on the usb pass through. If that is the case, then this thing is going to really kick out the plumes. The biggest difference for me between the 801 and the 510 is when I exhale. I never see vapor after I exhale using the 510. If I get a good toke off the 801, it is a pretty significant amount of vapor during the exhale. I like this, it feels more like smoking to me. I really feel the adjustable airflow of the VP series is going to push it over the top for me. I dislike the amount of restriction on the USB PT and 801 Addy. An easier draw should produce a bit more vapor.

Yeah, it has some flaws, but overall it is the best Vaping I have done to date. I am tempted to drill a very tiny hole in my addy to allow more airflow now. I will report back if I get brave enough to try this.

So, here are a few more questions.

1. Any suggestions on a liquid that vapes really well and tastes similar to the Johnson Creek 'Original Smoke Juice'?

2. Is there a good mod to increase the airflow on the 801 addy other than the VP sets?

3. Is there any type of adapter out there that would allow me to use the 510 USB PT on the 801?

Thats it. Now being able to compare I will give a rating on both the 510 and the 801.

Out of 5 stars

510 would get 2.5 stars

Great USB PT unit. Small and portable. Vapor production is pretty good and flavor is fair. Air restriction on draw is very good. Battery life is too short. Could never drip with this unit, didn't seem to produce flavor as well, but this maybe the result of the JC liquid and not the E-cig. Will do more testing with other liquids later.

801 would get 3.5 stars

USB PT is fair at best, and the airflow on the draw is too restrictive. Seems to leak just a bit, but I can't find where it is coming from. Might be me. Vapor production is very good, but not outstanding but much better than the 510. Flavor is very good and close to excellent. I think finding the proper liquid will help here. Has the VP option which I am certain I will try very soon. Size is larger, but I think I was over concerned about this before. I need to see the VP units, but I am going with the VP2 for long battery life. I can't test the stock battery life on the 801 since I didn't get the kit. Dripping is excellent with this unit. Lots of flavor unlike the 510, but as stated above I need to try other liquids for dripping on the 510.


Edited by Diggs


I had similiar experiences with my 510 and JC. I will agree that the original smoke flavor was interesting. But I was not impressed with the vappor production. This being my first liquid and my first device, I thought oh well. Then I saw lots of people talking about JC juice and how it was different from others. The next two juices I got were VaporTalk Dulcis, Janty Marlboro, and Liquid x-press "23 flavors". I have to admit that they all have subtle differences in vapor production, but nothing in the over-all difference compared to JC. As soon as I dripped a couple of drops of different juice on the 510, I was like oh..OK.

I think if you are comparing the vapor production of one device using JC and another <any of the three I mentioned above> you are comparing apples to oranges.

I am stoked to hear your satisfaction with the 801 though because mine is in the mail. Unfortunatley Arno is out of manual batteries right now so I had to get the auto batteries.


The 801 actually has a very easy draw, if the draw is harder than the 510 then you must be using a 2 hole atomizers. The penstyle atomizers I use are all 4 hole. It's a VERY easy draw. The draw should be like sucking on an soda straw. (Obviously without the straw actually being in the soda ;) )

I agree the Penstyle pass through is an absolute piece of crap, unfortunately you ordered it before I knew otherwise I would have warned you ahead of time. The cut of is so short it's stupid. The VP unit will really give you an idea of how much vapor the 801 atomizer can create. The only reason we don't recommend the Penstyle unit to noobie's is because they don't like the size. But advanced members always move over to the 801 one way or another. First timers always want something that looks and feels like an analog at first.

1. Any suggestions on a liquid that vapes really well and tastes similar to the Johnson Creek 'Original Smoke Juice'?

Honestly no, they have a very unique flavor. It's to bad they can't get the vapor issue sorted out. I don't vape the tobacco flavors so someone else will have to chime in here.

2. Is there a good mod to increase the airflow on the 801 addy other than the VP sets?

No, you will have to find someone who has 4 hole atomizers. I think Arno at awesome vapor has them as well as Parker from Dietsmokes and most other suppliers. I think Puresmoker also has 4 hole atomizers.

3. Is there any type of adapter out there that would allow me to use the 510 USB PT on the 801?

Not that I'm aware of but once you get the VP unit in that want be a concern :)



I had similiar experiences with my 510 and JC. I will agree that the original smoke flavor was interesting. But I was not impressed with the vappor production. This being my first liquid and my first device, I thought oh well. Then I saw lots of people talking about JC juice and how it was different from others. The next two juices I got were VaporTalk Dulcis, Janty Marlboro, and Liquid x-press "23 flavors". I have to admit that they all have subtle differences in vapor production, but nothing in the over-all difference compared to JC. As soon as I dripped a couple of drops of different juice on the 510, I was like oh..OK.

I think if you are comparing the vapor production of one device using JC and another <any of the three I mentioned above> you are comparing apples to oranges.

I am stoked to hear your satisfaction with the 801 though because mine is in the mail. Unfortunatley Arno is out of manual batteries right now so I had to get the auto batteries.

It is a shame. I think I am done with JC, who has provided excellent customer service and a lot of good info, AND they are a USA based company. I WANT to do business with them, but seeing how the other liquids vape much better, I just can't do it. As for the comparison, I tried the same liquids in each the 510 and the 801. The 801 performs better using USB PT on each unit, with the same liquid. Dripping or using a cart. I made the two units as identical as possible when comparing. Since I don't have any remote way to power the 801, I took the 510 with me today. I was happier with it using the new liquid, but I don't like the flavor nearly as much as the JC stuff. But I like bigger vapor production more. Flavor of the JC is great, but the other isn't bad so it wins out. It is impressive how well the 510 does now with the other liquid. People at work said they noticed more vapor too, since before I never exhaled any. Now my 510 has SOME vapor on exhale, but still not like the 801.

I will continue my quest for the perfect liquid. Payday is coming up and I think I will go on a buying binge of liquids and probably a VP2 :)



The 801 actually has a very easy draw, if the draw is harder than the 510 then you must be using a 2 hole atomizers. The penstyle atomizers I use are all 4 hole. It's a VERY easy draw. The draw should be like sucking on an soda straw. (Obviously without the straw actually being in the soda ;) )

I agree the Penstyle pass through is an absolute piece of crap, unfortunately you ordered it before I knew otherwise I would have warned you ahead of time. The cut of is so short it's stupid. The VP unit will really give you an idea of how much vapor the 801 atomizer can create. The only reason we don't recommend the Penstyle unit to noobie's is because they don't like the size. But advanced members always move over to the 801 one way or another. First timers always want something that looks and feels like an analog at first.

1. Any suggestions on a liquid that vapes really well and tastes similar to the Johnson Creek 'Original Smoke Juice'?

Honestly no, they have a very unique flavor. It's to bad they can't get the vapor issue sorted out. I don't vape the tobacco flavors so someone else will have to chime in here.

2. Is there a good mod to increase the airflow on the 801 addy other than the VP sets?

No, you will have to find someone who has 4 hole atomizers. I think Arno at awesome vapor has them as well as Parker from Dietsmokes and most other suppliers. I think Puresmoker also has 4 hole atomizers.

3. Is there any type of adapter out there that would allow me to use the 510 USB PT on the 801?

Not that I'm aware of but once you get the VP unit in that want be a concern :)

Odd, I can't locate ANY holes in my 801 except for in the center of the addy itself. I see the two on the 510, just above the threads where it screws onto the power source. The 801 does have one hole (2 total) on each side of the extruding portion of the addy inside down at the bottom. However the cord on the PT is about 3.5 feet long, much longer than the one on my 510. It just doesn't have the battery in line and has a 5 second limit. Yeah I didn't wait long enough for replies and should have gotten more input. This weekend I will likely just get an entire VP2 setup and go on the hunt for some alternative liquids. I will look over the vapor talk brand as well. Thanks for all the good advice. I will continue to report on my experience here.



If you don't exhale any vapor when using your 510 then something is wrong. I don't know what, but something. Maybe not long enough drags, old JC juice in the atomizer, atomizer bad who knows. But it doesn't sound normal.

Posted (edited)

I really think it was just the liquid. The JC liquid just doesn't do it. The only other person I know of that has a 510 has the exact same problem and both of ours came from the same shop. But we both started out on JC liquids. I exhale vapor (not plumes) now with the 510 and the new liquid I have. I am going to invest in liquids and some new E-cigs this weekend I think. Payday is tomorrow night! Last month was a spendy month for me, so I could splurge like I normally do on toys :) I will have a collection of E-cigs and liquid over a short period of time and will see. Just trying to decide on vendors now.


Edited by Diggs
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Well after about a month of vaping today I get completely blown away. I get 3 shipments delivered to my home today while at work. One is my VP1 from Vaprlife, which I wasn't that excited about after getting my Vapre 51 earlier in the week. I thought the Vapre and the VP2 units were the same, then after I get my Vapre 51, I see from the instructions it is from vaprlife and is a VP1 :( I tried out the Vapre 51 that came from truesmoker, and was really wondering WTF is all the rave about. It sucks! I am not getting vapor like I get from a regular automatic batt. I charged the batts overnight and find that one of them is just DOA and the other doesn't really last that much longer than using the same addy on a stock batt. I assumed the VP1 from vapor life would have the same output. I will say that Truesmoker included an extra addy, which seemed to be the low bridge aka 4 hole that Arno sells. I noticed it pulled easier, but not like a straw that I had seen mentioned here before. Well, it wasn't any different than the others I had, but was easier to draw on than the other 2 addys that came with it.

Today, I break into the VP1 from Vaprlife and it has 4 batts in it!! wow, so I try to charge them and the light comes on green, hmmm, this is what the dead one did before. So I put another on, red then green. So I give one a go in the new VP1 with some Ruyan4 that came from Heaven-Gifts. Holy momma!!! It draws like a straw and I came close to choking for the first time ever with vapor production. This thing kicks like a mule :thumbsup: I expected the exact same results as the Vapre 51 since they are identical units less the cool etching on the vapre. I try the other addy that came with it and it is hard to draw from and doesn't come close to vapor production. So I try some other flavors in this new addy and wow, great flavor and huge vapor until I try the "French Pipe" from Heaven Gifts. BLEH!!! It taste like rose pedal soup or something. NOW I can't get that flavor to go away after a good 2 hours of vaping through my only 801 that kicks bootay.

So, what gives? I have 9, yes NINE 801 addys. 2 from Arno, and 3 from TrueSmoker, 2 from Vaprlife and 2 from Rocky Mountain Vapor and of these 9 addys only one really works well. I had about written off the 801 and declared the 901 the king of E-Cigs, but now..... I am just confused. :wtf: So do you have to buy 10 addys to get one good one? I see all these vids and reviews from people and they exhale clouds of vapor. After a month, I finally find ONE addy that does just that. It does it on a standard batt, USB PT and the VP1. It simply is what Vaping should be like. So, how do you insure to get a good 801 addy with the smooth easy straw like draw and not this other $#!7 I have bought from the other vendors?? It is CRAP and I have a good $100 worth of JUNK sitting here. Also, I have tried the good addy on the Vapre 51, and it SUCKS *** still.

I never do this, but I am very frustrated, so I invite some feedback from the vendors I am about to beat down.

1. The most expensive let down first. TrueSmoker, IF you have the same exact item as the VP1, why does yours not last as long and produce a fraction of the vapor I get from my VP1 from Vaprlife? I like the nice etching, but if it creates a $100 shinny non vapor producing POS, don't bother. Thanks for including 3 addys (although oily) with the package, but all three of these are pretty sad along with the Vapre 51 and a dead battery that never provided enough power to take one draw off my Vapre. Just to make it clear, I tried the same battery and the same addy I had on the VP1 to compare and it wouldn't produce a hit like the VP1 from Vaprlife. So the comparison was dead even. I regret this purchase %100.

2. I emailed Arno of Awesomevapor, and he was very fast to respond to my questions, but now I have 2 of the promised 4 hole addys from him, and they don't perform at all like this latest addy I received from Vaprlife. They pale in comparison, and I bought from you based on what I had read here and your response to my emails. Your addys do draw a bit easier, but not much, and doesn't come close to the vapor production of this one 801 addy I received from Vaprlife. On a bright note, the 901 starter kit I got from Awesome vapor and the liquids are great. No complaints with the service or the liquids or the 901 kit, but the 801 kit and the spare addy I bought is a HUGE let down and a waste of money.

3. Rocky Mountain Vapor. I have to wonder if the 510s I have are defective. They have never really produced now that I see what vapor production is like. They shipped fast and had good pricing and I never used their service, so I can't speak for that. But the lack of vapor is really concerning. This is speculation and unless I can test it against another known good 510, it will remain that way. However, I have yet to recommend a 510 and won't till I see one produce anything like the 901, which does pretty darn good. The two 801 addys and USB PT I got from here are garbage. They are very hard to draw through and the USB PT killed one addy because it just stayed on even with the button being up and not pressed. So, the 510s, Not sure about. The 801's I can say are crap as is their USB PT unit.


For the flip side.

1. VaprLife.com, I don't know whether to praise you or damn you :) The VP1 and one of the addys that came with it are simply amazing! The batt life seems good and the vapor production is just insane. It looks like what I see from Chris and Sean and Grim Green and the Fedora dude. Big puffy billowy clouds on exhale. A smooth easy draw from the addy and with lots of flavor. This 801 addy is simply the best purchase I have made to date. I would have been happy with just getting this addy and no VP1 just to see the difference in quality and performance. Now I feel like I have been cheated on every other E-cig purchase I have made, well over $200 in kits and addys. This addy has spoiled me and I want more. If you can promise me and deliver more of these, I would gladly pay more for them. HELL, I would pay double just not to have to buy 10 addys to get one good one. The VP1 unit you shipped me works great also! I LOVE THIS THING. It concerns me though that the Vapre 51 is so different even though the instructions even say VP1. I might have received a bad one, but the difference is night and day. I am curious if others find any differences. I will say you currently OWN my business for parts.

Lastly is Heaven-Gifts which I can't really rate. Their RY4 produces great vapor as has most of the liquids I have tried so far. I hated the flavor of "French Pipe" it has a rose pedal taste, but that is personal preference and has nothing to do with the vendor. I got another 901 kit from them and it is charging. I also bought some chargers and another 801 batt. The chargers are charging and the other items are waiting to be tested, but the few liquids I have tried are winners especially for the price.

OK, I haven't let these vendors know the issues I have had. I don't plan on bothering with Rocky Mountain since I doubt I will do biz with them again. I will however give TrueSmoker and Awesomevapor a chance for some feedback. Sorry to be so negative, it is not my nature, but I got pissed after thinking about all the addys I have and how I have been struggling to find juice that vapes and the right e-cig and now I think I just got duds. Enough to push someone over the edge I think?


Edited by Diggs

3. Rocky Mountain Vapor. I have to wonder if the 510s I have are defective. They have never really produced now that I see what vapor production is like. They shipped fast and had good pricing and I never used their service, so I can't speak for that. But the lack of vapor is really concerning. This is speculation and unless I can test it against another known good 510, it will remain that way. However, I have yet to recommend a 510 and won't till I see one produce anything like the 901, which does pretty darn good. The two 801 addys and USB PT I got from here are garbage. They are very hard to draw through and the USB PT killed one addy because it just stayed on even with the button being up and not pressed. So, the 510s, Not sure about. The 801's I can say are crap as is their USB PT unit.

I bought my 510 and 801 kit from Rocky Mountain Vapor. They both work great! I bought a couple 510 atty's from dietsmokes and there is no difference in vapor production with the originals that came with my kit. I also noticed that the draw was a bit tough with the 801 at first. This will sound weird, but I took the cartridge off and took a draw without it. It was easy, so I am saying that the flat tip mouth piece is the problem with the tight draw. I am pretty sure that the atty for my 801's is a 4 hole.

I also read some where in this forum that the USB PT's for 801's just are not good period. It doesn't matter who they come from, the technology just stinks.

Did you try and contact the guy from Rky Mtn? He is really popular on the other board and seems to answer all the posts he gets over there. No, I am not registered over there - the site is way too confusing.

Good luck to you. But I as I read what is posted all over this board, it really comes down to personal preference. What one person thinks stinks another loves!

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