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I recently upgraded from a really old blackBerry, and got a BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220.

Wow, BB has come a long way!

Anyone else have a crackberry and love it?? :wub:

Posted (edited)

I have an ATT Tilt. Sweet phone but am considering Iphone or CRackberry. leaning to wards the crackberry because every one that has ever owned one swears by them.

Edited by EasyE

leaning to wards the crackberry because every one that has ever owned one swears by them.

You can say the same for iPhone owners though. I have not met a single iPhone owner that said they hated their phone. It's funny how iPhones become a great conversation starter too. I can't help but geek out when I meet another iPhone owner. "OooooOo...what apps do you have? Check this one out! Did you know it can do this? and that??" lol :lol:


You can say the same for iPhone owners though. I have not met a single iPhone owner that said they hated their phone. It's funny how iPhones become a great conversation starter too. I can't help but geek out when I meet another iPhone owner. "OooooOo...what apps do you have? Check this one out! Did you know it can do this? and that??" lol :lol:

Your right they do. But Mostly its because of the games and kiddo apps. No offense but i like the business functionality of the Crackberrys. Besides that i just never liked the feel of an I phone. Its TO thin for me if you can believe that. It just feels like a credit card or something. And most importantly I cant live without the keyboard. Thats what i love about my ATT TILT. Full Qwerty.

One thing i will say for the Iphone is you cant beat the price. When I think about the technology one can receive for 99 bucks its just crazy.The Iphone is no slouch it can do a lot of things i just dont like it i guess.


Your right they do. But Mostly its because of the games and kiddo apps. No offense but i like the business functionality of the Crackberrys. Besides that i just never liked the feel of an I phone. Its TO thin for me if you can believe that. It just feels like a credit card or something. And most importantly I cant live without the keyboard. Thats what i love about my ATT TILT. Full Qwerty.

One thing i will say for the Iphone is you cant beat the price. When I think about the technology one can receive for 99 bucks its just crazy.The Iphone is no slouch it can do a lot of things i just dont like it i guess.

Hey now, the iPhone has tons of apps for business. There's an app for just about everything, you just have to look for it. I've spent hours and hours on iTunes cuz there's so many apps. Yeah the games are fun, but I actually use my iPhone to keep my life organized.

If it's too thin for you, you can always buy a bulky case. And it does have a full qwerty keyboard. It is virtual and might feel weird at first, but you seriously get used to it real quick. The keyboard is intelligent also, so if you misspell words it auto-corrects it for you. I can type pretty fast on it. When I'm chatting with my friends on AIM, they think I'm at a computer because my replies come so quick.

Posted (edited)

I virtual keyboard is nothing like a real one. I dont want to get used to an inferior keyboard. Apple needs to add a real one to there I phone. I dont want to "search" and buy my apps.They should come preloaded or be free. A ten dollar go phone has auto spell correction. I am supposed to buy a bulky case? These are not very convincing arguments for the I phone. I think most people over the age of 25 would rather have a crackberry. WE need a poll? LOL

Edited by EasyE

I have an 8310 with the full keyboard. I dig it. I wish the internet features on it where better though - like with video playback and the like. I have the Opera and Bolt browsers on there and they help, but still not much in the way of video.

Posted (edited)

I will admit that the Iphone internet browser is hands down the best. But i dont like to cruise the internet by phone unless i have to. Even on the Iphone it takes for ever to actually do anything.And its other great feature, games.........Ill stick to my xbox. Like I said internet and games its rocks..for other stuff, not so much.

Edited by EasyE

iPhone 3g user here and I will never recommend another phone besides the iPhone you will always find something new I've had it for almost a year and it will still amaze me with some of the stuff it can do and the appstore will beat any other plus I think it is one of the most user friendly phones.


I virtual keyboard is nothing like a real one. I dont want to get used to an inferior keyboard. Apple needs to add a real one to there I phone. I dont want to "search" and buy my apps.They should come preloaded or be free. A ten dollar go phone has auto spell correction. I am supposed to buy a bulky case? These are not very convincing arguments for the I phone. I think most people over the age of 25 would rather have a crackberry. WE need a poll? LOL

I wouldn't go calling the iPhone keyboard inferior, it's way more advanced than most keyboards on phones out there. And don't go confusing the iPhone's "intelligent keyboard" with a $10 phone's spell correction. Yes, it has a built-in dictionary that the phone uses to spell correct. But it also tracks what you type, as you type and predicts what word you are trying to type. This is all based on which keys you press. Each key pretty much has a radius around it that it uses to predict words. Example radius for the letter K would be I,O,J,L and M. Example radius for D would be E,R,S,F and X. So let's say you were trying to type the word "kudos" and your fingers pressed the keys for "jusoa", the iphone would know you were trying to spell "kudos" and corrects it for you. I bet a $10 phone's spell check couldn't do that. It also learns the words you type that aren't in the dictionary. Which is nice. :P

The iPhone does come with preloaded apps and those are actually the ones I use on a daily basis. The ones you search for just add more to the experience.

And I didn't say you were supposed to buy a bulky case. I said you could always buy a bulky case. It's your own choice whether or not to.

A poll for blackberry vs iphone users would be nice. I'd like to see the results. lol :lol:

iPhone 3g user here and I will never recommend another phone besides the iPhone you will always find something new I've had it for almost a year and it will still amaze me with some of the stuff it can do and the appstore will beat any other plus I think it is one of the most user friendly phones.

Nice to see another iPhone user here! The iPhone never stops amazing me either. The great thing is that Apple is constantly upgrading and improving their software. The latest 3.0 software was really a step up.


I wouldn't go calling the iPhone keyboard inferior, it's way more advanced than most keyboards on phones out there. And don't go confusing the iPhone's "intelligent keyboard" with a $10 phone's spell correction. Yes, it has a built-in dictionary that the phone uses to spell correct. But it also tracks what you type, as you type and predicts what word you are trying to type. This is all based on which keys you press. Each key pretty much has a radius around it that it uses to predict words. Example radius for the letter K would be I,O,J,L and M. Example radius for D would be E,R,S,F and X. So let's say you were trying to type the word "kudos" and your fingers pressed the keys for "jusoa", the iphone would know you were trying to spell "kudos" and corrects it for you. I bet a $10 phone's spell check couldn't do that. It also learns the words you type that aren't in the dictionary. Which is nice. :P

LMAO...dude ....Its not like i have never used an Iphone before. I dont live under a rock. I know all about how all you have to do is "get close to" the keys or get "used" to it. IMO it doesnt work as well as a full Qwerty.I am glad that you like your Iphone. You represent it well...And yes a 10 dollar phone can and does do that cause i have 2 of them. Its not NASA technology. My TILT does it as well. The Iphone is a great phone never said it wasnt . The thread if i remember correctly was about who likes their crackberrys. And My vote is for the CRACK :wub:


Haha...everyone has their own preferences. Thought I could lure you over to the darkside that's all. lol :lol:

No worries bro. thanks for the help with the batteries! I understand why people like there Iphones. I bought one for my wife when they first came out . I payed 400! OUCH!. Unfortunately it only lasted a few months before she had problems with the screen. Actually she is always complaining about hers. But thats cause she doesnt know how to use it. She has like 2 crappy apps. The screen probably broke cause she probably dropped it. She treats it ruff.But everyone else i know that has one really likes it. 99 bucks now for a better one......crap! :o


Royce, Sean and I all have Blackberrys. Sean has the Blackberry Storm (not a big fan of it myself) Royce and I have the Blackberry Curve. Although I JUST got a G1 2 days ago and I love it. Best of both worlds, I have the hardware keyboard AND the software keyboard. (cry Iphone users cry!) Although I love my Blackberry, the G1 just had more of the features I need. For example it has an app that let's me connect to the Vapor Talk SQL database from anywhere on the go. I could never do something like that on my Blackberry.


What is the G1 Christopher? never heard of it. Has anyone used that one made by Palm? I think its the Palm Pre? My ATT Tilt has the full Qwerty plus the touch screen keyboard. But I rarely use the touch screen cause i can absolutely fly on its full keyboard. I double dog dare and Iphone user to beat me in an email. Ill smoke you .hahah ;)


You haven't heard of the G1? The Google Phone? Man...I'm offended :D



It's an AWESOME phone, but it will set you back about 400 bucks retail. (What I paid for mine) It's based on the Google Android system which is open source. No need to be tired into apple's proprietary software.

Posted (edited)

AAAHhhhhhhhhh! Damn That looks sweet!! I must be out the freaking loop or something these days.I payed that much for my Tilt 2 years ago, i think it still commands 200 used on Ebay. Maybe I can upgrade. T-mobile the only carrier? I hate there service! Its sucks ball sck up where i live.

Edited by EasyE

Yea Tmobile is the only carrier. They are pretty good in my area, I usually get service where everyone else doesn't so I'm lucky. They are rolling out their 3G network in my area at the end of this month, can't wait!!!

And you can find it on ebay unlocked for about 400 bucks, but you need to have a sim card. I has wifi, GPS, bluetooth, 3G, 2G, hardware keyboard and software keyboard and the list goes on. It's all that and a bag of chips. The battery life isn't great though, but that's to be expected with that it does. I normally have Skype, G Talk and my email accounts all updating at the same time.


I used to have a Blackberry Pearl and I just upgraded to the new Blackberry Curve 8900. It sucks because I was finally out of contract w/T-Mobile and now they have me locked in for another 2 years. After seeing all the apps my friends have on their i-phones, I have major buyer's remorse. I have used T-Mobile forever and I love the coverage, but I often wish I had gotten the i-phone and switched to AT&T when I had the opportunity. Yes, I could have gotten an unlocked i-phone on Ebay and used it w/my T-Mobile service, but you can't use a lot of the i-phone apps if you're not on the AT&T network, so what's the point? Check back with me in 1.8 years. Grrrrr!


Sky, the G1 is T-Mobiles version of the iPhone, well actually the My Touch is. It's cuter, lighter and works just about the same if not better. I would take either of those units of the iPhone any day. Plus the ap store for T-Mobile is getting bigger and bigger by the day :)

It's a little costly though if your not due for an upgrade.


I used to have a Blackberry Pearl and I just upgraded to the new Blackberry Curve 8900. It sucks because I was finally out of contract w/T-Mobile and now they have me locked in for another 2 years. After seeing all the apps my friends have on their i-phones, I have major buyer's remorse. I have used T-Mobile forever and I love the coverage, but I often wish I had gotten the i-phone and switched to AT&T when I had the opportunity. Yes, I could have gotten an unlocked i-phone on Ebay and used it w/my T-Mobile service, but you can't use a lot of the i-phone apps if you're not on the AT&T network, so what's the point? Check back with me in 1.8 years. Grrrrr!

Those contracts can be gotten out of! It's not easy but can be done. If your under 3 months they will almost always let you slide. If you are a "high end" customer they will give you more slack. For instance I had a 100 dollar phone with 1 year left on my contract I wanted to upgrade and they were like nope....Then I started asking about a 500 phone and they were like uhhh yea just come back in like 6 months and ill hook you up.So I knew the rules can be bent. I went to a different ATT store on a tueday morning. Big *** store with ten employees all standing around with nothing to do. They looked like they needed a sale. I told them my situation and what phone I was interested in and not only did they push my contract through and sold me the phone. They treated me like a king.Hahah, I dropped it the first night punting it as well trying to keep it from hitting the floor.Broke the little wheel on the side. I took it back the next day and got a brand new one. I had to lie and say I didnt drop it thought. I dont think the girl believed me... :D


Wow I wished I got the same treatment! T-Mobile has always been good to me but they didn't hook me up! My contract ends in February. I just spent close to $1000 on phones. The My Touch and the G1.

Maybe I should go back kicking *** and taking names ;)


Wow I wished I got the same treatment! T-Mobile has always been good to me but they didn't hook me up! My contract ends in February. I just spent close to $1000 on phones. The My Touch and the G1.

Maybe I should go back kicking *** and taking names ;)

No. be nice or you wont get ish! What I did was notice that this store was big, new and empty...makes it a lot easier to negotiate. Buying a cell phone is like buying a car. Those prices and contracts are not written in stone....they will have you think that they are though.Ill admit though its not easy. Most places are like nope. But if business is slow and they really need to make a sale....they will forget about how many months you have left on your contract.You also always have the option of just paying the full price. Which for me ...if i really like a cell phone, i am going to get that cell phone regardless of cost! But then again I am a degenerate. :wub:

What is the G1 Christopher? never heard of it. Has anyone used that one made by Palm? I think its the Palm Pre? My ATT Tilt has the full Qwerty plus the touch screen keyboard. But I rarely use the touch screen cause i can absolutely fly on its full keyboard. I double dog dare and Iphone user to beat me in an email. Ill smoke you .hahah ;)

The Palm Pre is siiiiiiiiiiick I'll have it the day it comes out for Verizion, which is supposed to be by the end of the year.

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