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Vaper's Favorite Things

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What items have your purchased that has enhanced your vaping experience? Not necessarily looking for mods but anything goes. Maybe there will be some nice little tips shared.

Way back when I started vaping, over a year ago, I picked up a "bottle buddy" from Ms. T's Bakery essentials. It is merely a small square zipper case that goes on your keychain (or whatever) I use it to carry an extra battery and atty. I used to carry juice in it. Really cheap ($5) and quite frankly was one of the handiest things I can remember picking up. I don't use a purse (typically...) so having something that is always with me that can carry a few small essentials was really useful. I bought a backup a couple months back but the original is holding up very well and it really isnt too big for me to keep in my pocket as a keychain.

What are some of your favorite things?


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For me it my velvet carry bag. I purchase them in bulk but Amazon has them: http://www.amazon.com/Pouches-Black-Velvet-Drawstring-Jewelry/dp/B000OVJXPS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1307336042&sr=8-1

I toss my Pro Vari, a bottle of liquid and a cartomizer in the bag wherever I go. Fits in my back pocket, I can toss it in my cup holder. It's cheap and replaceable. Each bag last a couple of months no problem before I toss it out and replace. Simple but useful. (Great thread by the way)


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I have an old flip top plastic ciggie case from back in the day ,it holds two 14500 batteries or several smaller stock ones and a 10 or 15 ml bottle of eliquid and a spare cartomiser or atty.

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Best find for me has been small rubber bands from Walmart, they come in two sizes, one is just right for cartos or atties and the other one fits a bottle of juice perfectly that way I know what's in the cartos.

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Toilet paper for me. I have a few sheets at my desk and in my car at all times for cleaning up e-juice. :)

Oh .. I thought it was because you were full of ...... never mind.rolleyes.gif


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I guess my best find so far is a travel case that came with a razor. Mark has seen it...it's a small soft sided zipper case that holds several unit...lots of tips, atty's, and carto's.

It can also hold several small 3ml bottles of juice. Very handy and fits well in your hand .thumbsup.gif

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