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What is the best and safest way to clean my eGo-T tank atomizer? I've heard of boiling it, but that doesn't sound like it would be good for the Atomizer


P.S, when I first get my atomizer, and want to blow out the primer, which end do I blow into? just ordered my eGo-T and I'm pretty excited!


Don't worry over cleaning your Atty. Just blowing it out is quite adequate most of the time. you can always use alcohol and shake it in side if it is really needed. I always blow through the threaded side, but I think either way is fine. Good luck

Posted (edited)

Blow into the battery connection end? Or tha tank end?

Sorry if thats a stupid question :( just want to get everything right :lol:

PS. this might be another stupid question, but does that mean that boiling is out of the question?

Edited by joker23

Not a stupid question. Blow through the battery end.

As for boiling, it's not a bad thing. It just isnt always necessary, unless it's just getting clogged or there is a really bad flavor you want out. But with regular care,blowing them out at night and letting drain T side down and always keep battery end cleaned you shouldn't need to go through the process very often. :thumbsup:


Hi Joker. From personal experience, boiling your eGo Tank atty will cause the rubber coating to peal off. No damage to the actual atty, it just will be silver instead of color (if it is anything but silver to start out with).

I think Vicki at CigNot has the best Video on cleaning the eGo Tank atty.

Hope this helps you.


What is the best and safest way to clean my eGo-T tank atomizer? I've heard of boiling it, but that doesn't sound like it would be good for the Atomizer


P.S, when I first get my atomizer, and want to blow out the primer, which end do I blow into? just ordered my eGo-T and I'm pretty excited!

Hi Joker, I'm glad you asked that question about cleaning the stomizer, I was wondering about it too. I just got my ego-t kit yesterday. I really like it! After I blew out the new attys I worked the corner of a paper towel into the atty and let the towel sop up any primer left in it. I hope you enjoy your ego-t as much as I'm enjoying mine!


with my ego attys i found that when they were starting to die- didn't heat up, hard to pull, bad taste, whatever- i had nothing to lose by trying to save them, if possible, before tossing them. i first soaked in vinegar overnight, then boiled them awhile, then stood them batt-side up in the little fry pan i was using to boil them in & turned the fire all the way down to lowest for like 3-5 minutes, then turned the fire off & left them there till cool. i had read about air-drying them out for 24-48 hours but what the heck, they're made of metal & they're made to heat up so i tried this. it worked like a charm- attys that i had literally held over the trash can were working again, and i found this out in 5 minutes instead of 2 days of waiting for them to dry out. plan to try it on my tank attys when one dies, should work just as well. (metal only of course!!)

Posted (edited)

with my ego attys i found that when they were starting to die- didn't heat up, hard to pull, bad taste, whatever- i had nothing to lose by trying to save them, if possible, before tossing them. i first soaked in vinegar overnight, then boiled them awhile, then stood them batt-side up in the little fry pan i was using to boil them in & turned the fire all the way down to lowest for like 3-5 minutes, then turned the fire off & left them there till cool. i had read about air-drying them out for 24-48 hours but what the heck, they're made of metal & they're made to heat up so i tried this. it worked like a charm- attys that i had literally held over the trash can were working again, and i found this out in 5 minutes instead of 2 days of waiting for them to dry out. plan to try it on my tank attys when one dies, should work just as well. (metal only of course!!)

Wait, so you just left them on the stove to heat dry?

Or just used them while they were wet?

I've been using mine awhile now, and I'm starting to experience some of the same problems as you

Edited by joker23

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