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There Gold in them there bottles! Well not gold but a golden juice that they say is " Indescribable but makes ya say yum-o- its vape-a-licious" With no clue what Im about to get it makes it more exciting. I can smell something sweeeeeet as I fill up a fresh cartomiser on an eGo battery. The juice is a 24mg as usual for me, and were ready to go on a Gold Rush

Flavor, first hit. Georgia, Georgia. Sweet Georgia peaches. Its a really sweet nectar of a peach flavor. Im alcohol savant and this puts me in the mind of schnapps. A really sweet taste with a pucker and a hit at the end. It almost reminds me of hypnotic, or hypnotic mist with a much stronger peach taste and less after taste. The inhale is more of the sweet peach and the exhale gives me more of the schnapps taste. As with a lot of these vapealicious flavors its hard to tell what all is mixed in but the taste is great so Im not going to ask to many questions on this one either.

Throat hit. Not a big hitter but is lets you know your vaping 24mg. Even with the strong fruit flavor you get a nice kick when you inhale into the throat and exhale. Not as hard as most tobacco flavors but a nice hit none the less.

Vapor production. Solid vapor, not going to fill the room, but plenty strong enough to deliver good flavor and aroma

Aroma, a fresh, almost under ripe peach scent. It only lingers for a little bit but its nice while it last

Over all. Another winner in my book from Vape-a-licious. Its not the candy vape is a nice sweet peach with bite. Now if only I could mix it with Crown royal and cranberry we'd have ourselves a royal flush. Thanks for reading


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