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Death Of An Atty

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Hello Vapor Talkers! Long time, no talk. But I had to alert you to a situation that came about this evening.

I was vaping happily along, making lime infused vodka (tedious work, that, zesting seven limes and then squeezing them). Anyway. Suddenly, I'm sucking in air. Did my battery lose its charge already? Nope, still lights up, not blinking. I try again. Feels like I'm sucking air through a wide open straw. Mind you, I've been using this atty for about two months now, maybe longer. It's my "at home" atty. Probably on average used four to six hours each day. And it's LR, so I knew it would go sooner than later.

But I'm a sad vaper. That atty has seen me through Spring Break, checking research reports for hours on end, cruising the Internet for far too many hours, and helped me get through my mornings as I readied to face the wonderful darlings I call seventh graders at work. It was perfectly broken in, switching from one flavor to the next in similar varieties without a hiccup.

Now I have this new one, and it's just not as good. I'm sure it'll get there. Someday. In the meantime, I wish this atty well in its travels.

Take care, Vapor Talkers, of your atties and appreciate them every day. You just never know when the relationship might come to an end. Treat them as well as they treat you.

[As a side note, I did nothing special to clean or take care of this one in any way: no blowing out at the end of the day as I had done, no boiling, not even a PG bath, aka, The Dooder Method. Lasted me so much longer than any of my others ever did with all that craziness.]

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