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The predictions offered by my new forum friends sure didn't take too long to come true.

While I'm still very pleased with my stock 510 setup, I've found that I'm now swapping batteries several times a day, and for longer, vape-heavy periods where I'm away from home (like band practice) I can burn through both fully-charged batteries before the end of the night, leaving me high & dry. A very sad state, indeed.

Saturday afternoon, I ordered an eGo setup from Forever Vapor.

I'm getting the eGo USB PT battery, the eGo LR atty, and (since I've changed to direct-dripping exclusively now) that snazzy little stainless 510-shaped drip tip. I flirted with the idea of the eGo MEGA battery, but since I do a lot of vaping in front of a computer and didn't want to buy another wall-charger for the eGo, I went with the PT instead. I also thought about going to a tank system, but I've read here that dripping is the best way when using a LR atty... Besides, the metal drip tip looks cool. :)

I'm pretty excited about the extra vapor production I expect to see from the bigger battery and LR setup. I figured one LR atty was safe to start with to see if I like it as much as I think I will, and should it die on me, I can still swap in one of my perfectly-functioning 510 attys until I can replace the LR one.

Just thought I'd share with you folks that I succumbed to the temptation of upgraded gear even sooner than expected.

Oh yeah, and I ordered a bottle of 24mg Clove juice in addition to stocking up on my preferred 555. ;)

I really appreciate all the info and support to be found on this forum.



Congrats on stepping up to the eGo like so many of us have. You may also want to try the newer Smoketech dual coil cartos. I started off as a dripper. Went to the MAP tanks along with the eGo-T tanks and then just found my vaping bliss with these new cartos. They hold lots of joose, produce mad vapor, and taste about as close to dripping as I think is possible without actually dripping. I would advise you to not use them on your reg 510 batts but they're fine for the eGo batts.


Looking at your counter, it's very expected lol. I ditched Green smoke in the first 2 weeks. I think many people who didn't start with the eGo did the same. Yeah, start saving your pennies now! I see a new MOD in your near future. You will LOVE your new PV! Congrats :animier:

Posted (edited)

My counter seems to be busted, actually. I've been vaping for over two weeks now, but the counter still says 3 days? Maybe I hinked up the code when I copied it into my sig... iDunno. I'll mess with it when I get home.

I don't know if I'd want to go to a carto.. It seems like they're harder to fill and somewhat more "disposable" than normal attys? Am I wrong in this assumption?

I also didn't see anything like that in the VT store or Forever Vapor. Can someone provide a link to a reputable place to investigate these?


PS - and yes, I don't see my 510s going anywhere. They'll stay with me as backups should anything ever go wrong with the eGo PT / LR setup.

Edited by soso

Cool - thanks. I'll make sure to go that way when I'm ready to try a carto.

And my sig is appearing correctly now. Not sure why is was weird before - had to be a browser cache thing.


Well congrats on going with the eGo...it's a real workhorse. The pt feature is great for around the house and in the car too. I think you're going to love it.

Good luck and happy vaping.:thumbsup:


Same here, eGo is great. I have been on LR and HV cartos for about 3 weeks. I love them! I have only vaped on attys when trying some new juice. Since I have narrowed my search for an all day vape, I have been stuck on cartos.

As far as them being disposable, I have only tossed one and that was a HV one I used at 6v.

Since I started using cartos, I have been able to leave my "kit" at home. I used to carry alot of crap around with me. Now I can go out with one mod and a 900mah eGo and 2 extra loaded cartos. Its been a great system so far.


Any advantage of going with a carto vs. the ego LR tank?

Posted (edited)

I don't know if this is ok or not, but you asked for info about different cartos.

This is the one I use. I really like it but I love the people on this board.

They know I vape a different brand and they took me in as one of their own. I

always have a place to get honest answers. Oh yeah, and a great laugh from Beans.



Edited by Cheriepye
  • 2 weeks later...

You may also want to try the newer Smoketech dual coil cartos. I started off as a dripper. Went to the MAP tanks along with the eGo-T tanks and then just found my vaping bliss with these new cartos.

Am I correct in understanding these dual coil cargos can be used with either the regular or mega eGo batteries? Are they really much better than LR cartos?

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


Am I correct in understanding these dual coil cargos can be used with either the regular or mega eGo batteries? Are they really much better than LR cartos?

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

yes and yes they are great they do take about 60 drops of ejuice so.. you may want to use a syringe to fill witch is about 1.8 mil ..you do not have too. you can still use the condom method.however i find using a syringe really gets the coils well i also find once you prefill you just have to top off every so offen . i like them a lot :thumbsup:


Thanks, lovie. Gonna place an order right away!

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


Ok...just ordered 10 dual coils and 1 1100 mAh eGo battery, but the website advises that dual coils could possibly damage the battery switch. I decided it was worth the risk, but I'm wondering now whether anyone has experienced this problem. Anyone?

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


Ok...just ordered 10 dual coils and 1 1100 mAh eGo battery, but the website advises that dual coils could possibly damage the battery switch. I decided it was worth the risk, but I'm wondering now whether anyone has experienced this problem. Anyone?

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

i have not had any problems with 650 mah or the 900mah ..they can run your batt down a little faster so make sure you have extra charged.....i am sure you will enjoy.


For the record, I went with the 510-T system over the cartos. It might not vape as well, but I feel like there's less waste and I'm really just totally over using that filler material for anything.

I'm puffing on my eGo PT right now.. This thing is amazing. Vapes great all day long. Charges at night. PT in front of the PC (like now).

Brilliant product!


Grats man, I have plenty of mod's (modders fever) and still go back to dripping on LR atty's in my ego all the time.

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