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So I spent the day building a retaining wall for my new garden haven and needed a well earned break. I sat on my new construction with my Infinity in lap and proceeded to use a "neighbors" lighter (swear it was NOT mine) to crack open my Black Butte Porter. DAGNABBIT!!!!! Much more serious profanity was really used, but the darn thing foamed over and drenched my new MOD. I immediately committed a cardinal sin and chucked the offending porter over my shoulder to rescue the drowning MOD, but I fear that porter seaped into the wheel well. I yanked out the batts and removed the Carto, did some serious anti Beer flicking of the wrist as well as some scantily clothed dances to the Mod God's for extra luck. It's been a few hours, but what do you think. Will she live if I try sending some volts through her? I'm terrified she can't handle the Beer. Should I give her a try or let her stew longer? Oh please help, my eGo's know I have been disloyal and are punishing me with their weak and no longer fulfilling 3.7 volts!

Posted (edited)

Let me get this straight "you chucked a porter". Not good. I hope the mod gods are good to you, what rotten luck. Do you have any videos of the dance? LOL Seriously though, beer in the electronics is not a good thing, my first thought would be to rinse it out with warm water and then dry it for a day or so, but I'm not sure, wiser folks will probably be along shortly. Good Luck. In the mean time, drink the porter and pray that your eGo will forgive you.

Edited by johns

Thanks Johns, I wondered about that. Hubby told me that the beer already finished the circuit regardless and it's fried. IDK I'll keep drinking and praying.


oh beans oh beans .just believe with all your heart that it is working .and so it is ....about the beer thats just plain abuse lol . :beer: sending angels your way ..


so... i have no idea what a porter is, and yes, i am a mega ultra nerd.... anywho, since beer contains a great deal of "contaminents" (read. things that aren't distilled water), those can cause a circuit to "jump" to and from places that they shouldn't (electrolytes sound electric-ee because they are). I would disassemble your mod as much as possible, get out the rubbing alcohol, and get the softest bristled scrubbing brush you can get (a cheap toothbrush would do fine), dip the brush in the rubbing alcohol, and scrub all the beer residue away, rinse, repeat, and finally rinse with distilled water, then blow out as much water as you can with compressed air as quickly as possible, then let it sit and dry for far longer than you think might be necessary. it just might be salvageable.

if the circuit already jumped and something is fried, get ahold of the people who made it, and find out if they have spare parts lying around, chances are you'll just need to solder in a new wire or circuit board and it could be up and running with relative ease. if nothing works, pm me, i might be able to fix it.



JonHTWR, Thank you for your offer of help! its much appreciated. Hubby and I took a look at it late last night. While it was very sticky in places, particulary the threading and the batteries and a little inside the tube. Nothing appeared to be damaged. Some beer did get in through the vent holes, lucky for me there is no circuitry where it went in. I did a little cleaning with alcohol and prayed. It fired right up!

Scared the crud out of me. Lesson learned. Mods inside eGos outside.

I dodged that bullet! :shiftyninja:


JonHTWR, Thank you for your offer of help! its much appreciated. Hubby and I took a look at it late last night. While it was very sticky in places, particulary the threading and the batteries and a little inside the tube. Nothing appeared to be damaged. Some beer did get in through the vent holes, lucky for me there is no circuitry where it went in. I did a little cleaning with alcohol and prayed. It fired right up!

Scared the crud out of me. Lesson learned. Mods inside eGos outside.

I dodged that bullet! :shiftyninja:

Must have been the dance. :thumbsup:


glad to hear it :thumbsup:

Glad to hear everything but the beer survived. LOL cause my son's name is Porter, I thought perhaps he had been up to no good:)

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