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Posted (edited)

SON OF A BIZNATCH (damn forum filter!!) WEIGHTS ARE HEAVY!!!!

The last time I quit smoking I started going to the gym as a sort of outlet. I went RELIGIOUSLY for 6 months. Three times a week, regardless. It was awesome. I hurt like crazy, but it was worth every moment. Then I started smoking again and I stopped going. Somehow smoking made me lazy I guess. Although it was most likely the other stressors in my life at the time that did it. I tried going back a few times, but I couldn't commit. I wasn't getting the same feeling. I would get tired quicker, lose focus, just overall bad. So, now that I'm not technically smoking anymore I decided to start back up this week. So far it's been a week exactly. I started doing cardio (which I never did before) for the heck of it. Not only did I not fall off the bike, but I was NOT out of breath either. What an eye opener. I "biked" over seven miles and was not out of breath. Man I loved it! I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week (in the middle of the work day to break it up a bit) and I've been feeling better and better each day ... with the exception of the soreness of course.

The first time I went, when I quit smoking, I packed a good 10 pounds of muscle through the routine I was using and changing my diet. I'm hoping to put on at least another 5 pounds of muscle now (this does not include fat or water weight) if not more. Hopefully if I do things right I can hit a goal I set for myself a year ago. I know now, without a doubt, that I couldn't have done this if I had not found e-cigs. Not only am I feeling better because I'm not polluting myself daily, but I can get healthier through exercise.

Unfortunately my whole damn body hurts right now. I sneezed and felt like asking my wife to call 911 and get an ambulance out here because I thought I broke myself :lol:

Edited by KarateLobster

Yes smoking Analogs really does make you lazy, although you don't relize until you have been off them for a while. Do you know I've lost almost 40 pounds since I started using the ecig? Crazy. It wasn't just the ecig of couse, I changed my diet started running and the energy I have now is much higher than when I smoked. I actually LIKE being active. Pretty crazy life change. I went from 240lbs to 204lbs. I'm 6'2. I'd like to be around 200. Either way I feel a heck of a lot better!

I also used to wake up with a really tight chest in the morning, I used to swear it was because of the fan in my room. I told my wife it had to be the dust. After a good few months of vaping the tight chest went away. Makes you relize just how bad those things are

Posted (edited)

I AM THE SAME WAY. WHEN I WAS smoking I hardly ever wanted to work out. Just breaking a sweat and having to breathe hard was just "uncomfortable" I dont know how to explain it. Of course you would have trouble breathing but its not just that , I would get this " dirty" feeling like those nasty 1000 chemicals coming out my pores.So anyway now when i go for a workout, i dont dread breathing hard. I feel better and better each day i am smoke free. Now, whether or not it will keep my dedication to the gym up? we will have to wait longer to see if that holds true. But i know one thing, I am gonna feel 10 times better when i do workout!!

Edited by EasyE

Congrats man. I am just plain lazy... lol, and never liked the gym, but I think now that the weather is nice i will be takin my doggies for walks.

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