Asa Posted May 7, 2011 Posted May 7, 2011 (edited) We've all seen the estimates of how many people newly start smoking.- depending on how slanted the anti-tobacco propaganda is, the figures range between 1200 - 5000 people (usually cited as "teens and young adults") every day. With an ever increasing social stigma and financial hardship associated with smoking tobacco, it only stands to reason that some percentage of people who would have begun smoking cigarettes will have instead turned to vaping as a viable alternative. However, browsing these forums and others like it, I've seen mostly "recovering addicts" posting their experiences. Long-time smokers (myself included) who have turned to vaping as a safer, somewhat more socially accepted, and certainly more cost effective means of continuing (and maybe eventually ceasing) their relationship with nicotine, as well as the physical and emotional habits associated with the act of smoking. So I have to wonder- are there many people out there who have begun vaping WITHOUT a history of smoking tobacco? I've seen the vaping clubs; seen the trendy places for the mostly younger hipsters who unrepentantly vape their days away. My hats off. I'd be joining their ranks if I were more socially minded. I know there must be some folks who have taken up vaping because it's "the new thing". However, their numbers seem to be poorly represented on forums such as this. Hello, non-smokers.... are you out there? Edited May 7, 2011 by Asa
mcquinn Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 Dude this got moved in mid thought .We usually advise people who are not addicted to avoid the possibilty of becoming addicted.If the way aquire vaping materials changes drasticly from what it is now due to goverenment regulations those people could end up in a big mess.I usually advise those who are addicted to nicotine to try and beat that addiction while this stuff is at our disposal and we have the control over what we can get and the form in which we use it.But that is an individual choice we all make after digesting all the information that is out there. ,as informed inteligent adults.
Asa Posted May 8, 2011 Author Posted May 8, 2011 With all due respect, that seems to me like preaching abstainance to a bunch of horny teens- some of the kids are going to "just do it" regardless. Shouldn't the vaping community reach out to folks who are considering smoking, and propose vaping as a safer alternative? If schools can hand out condoms to kids, don't we have a responsiblity to offer those who would become smokers another choice?
Jeffb Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 I believe our responsibility lies with not promoting the lesser of two evils. I vape because I am a nic head. I would rather not vape at all, but that isnt an option Im willing to pursue at this point. If someone wants to try out vaping instead of smoking they can go for it. I for one will not promote it to non smokers. Nicotine addiction is hardcore. Im sorry I ever picked up my first cig. Jeffb, BirdDog and Christopher 3
BirdDog Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 I don't think anyone wakes up in the morning and says today is the day I start smoking. A good portion of smokers, me especially, probably got started by being a social smoker. Then before we knew it, we were buying our own packs of cigarettes and the habit began. Like Jeff, I feel we shouldn't be promoting vaping to anyone that is not nic addicted. I will let a smoker give a whirl to my ecig, but not a non smoker. It may look cool, but it is feeding my addiction. There is no reason why someone should start vaping because it looks cool or because all the kids are doing it.
fran1959 Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 We have had a few non-smokers on this forum and most of us have tried to discourage them from vaping. I would continue to discourage anyone who doesn't already smoke
Christopher Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 I believe our responsibility lies with not promoting the lesser of two evils. I vape because I am a nic head. I would rather not vape at all, but that isnt an option Im willing to pursue at this point. If someone wants to try out vaping instead of smoking they can go for it. I for one will not promote it to non smokers. Nicotine addiction is hardcore. Im sorry I ever picked up my first cig. Very well said Jeff.
Asa Posted May 8, 2011 Author Posted May 8, 2011 I certainly understand, and appreciate, your position... however, you and I very well may NOT have ever picked up our first cig if vaping was available when we did. I'm not proposing that we promote vaping to non-smokers. I am just wondering how we can quantify those vapers who would have otherwise become smokers if the option had not been available. According to the CDC, 443,000 people die each year from smoking related illness. If even 1/10th of 1 percent of people who would begin smoking have instead chosen to begin vaping, we may be saving 443 lives each year... assuming the CDC's numbers are accurate .
Christopher Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 I see what your saying but it's going to be tough to find a company willing to go into the school system and promote e cigarettes as a safer alternative when it has in fact not yet been proven, legally. On top of that you're going to need to convince the school system that it's a "healthier" alternative option. Informing the district that one addiction is better than another is going to be a tough sell. You also run into a legality issue, how do you figure out which teens are going to smoke? If you find them, how do you promote e cigarettes to them without looking like your trying to get them hooked in the eyes of parents? (Less we remember in some states, including California where we are located, you cannot sell e cigarettes to a minor) Lastly, it has been ruled federally that electronic cigarettes are a tobacco alternative and not a safer alternative. Regardless of what we all believe, that puts e cigarettes in the same realm as traditional tobacco.
dearne Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 My grandmother gave up smoking about 6 months - a year ago some days she has a really bad day but doesn't want to smoke an analog since I have had my e cig she will have a puff of mine when I go to see her and I can tell she enjoys it normally I would discourage a non smoker to not vape I can pin point the exact time and date I started smoking three years ago I didn't start smoking from being a social smoker I started smoking after I had my son born 17 weeks early Drs told me he was going to die I was so stressed I picked up my mothers smokes and had a smoke I always smoked out side and with a jacket on always washed my hands after having a smoke have noticed since I have been using e cigs my son has been a lot healthier too. The reason why I say this is because non smokers don't wake up in the morning and say to day is the day I'm going to smoke. They don't do it because its cool, its usually because somethings happened to them or because all there friends do it and they are around tobacco smoke all day, or they have 1 or 2 smokes when drinking and gradually end up smoking more often. Therefore its only logical that a non smoker wont wake up in the morning and say todays the day I'm going to start vaping. I hope that all makes sense
Kazzoo Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 One of the things I am convinced is that we who vape should not apologize. We should celebrate our recreation of choice. Vaping is not smoking. Vaping is just...Vaping. It is its own thing. If we get in the habit of thinking what we do is shameful how could it not be construed as shameful for others to do as well? Ok for me but not for you? Do I have to Vape because I am a damaged being in someway and this is my burden? Shuffling around in rags Wailing out: "Vapor! I am a Vaporer do not come near me, or you will want to get a Ego and some really delicious juice as well?" Stop that thinking right now please. Should we be emulated and impress those around us? Or are we evil/harmful/examples of what not to be? Shun! Shun! Are we not then putting Vaping in the same social catagory as smoking is now? To be avoided at all costs by those who do not vape. We will be our own worse enemy and society at large will follow our example for good or ill. So what about that "non-smoker"? Are they still not a "non-smoker" if they Vape. Is the product illicit and illegal? Will we now speak of others as "non-Vaperers" as if they are pure as the driven snow and their maidens cavort with unicorns? I trow not... Are the product and the devices cool? yeah. Is there a trend to be seen using one? yeah. Do we want only informed adults using it? yeah. We are on the rise of popularity of it and many will join in. Is that not the hope of every vendor and maker of devices and juices dream? Can't have it both ways folks. We are in a time of transition because Analogs and PV's exist side by side now. I hope PV's win and the Analogs go the way of the Dinosaurs. The reality is that people will Vape who never had a analog. I dont think it can be stopped now. My fellow Vaporer's do you really want to see it go away? (Silly Daddy, tell us the story again how people used to burn tubes of paper and leaves and made themselves sick..) Let the next generation make up their own mind like we did about Vaping. We can tell em what we know when they ask. We would do ourselves well to get on the side of considering Vaping as "a good and pleasant thing" if we wish to continue to do it everywhere we want. Regards, Kaz. PADave 1
Cheriepye Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 I can see the benefits for the now non smoker. If a person is going to smoke analogs they're going to smoke them. I think the same thing will happen with vaping. If someone is set out to do something they will do it no matter what anyone says. I took that first puff when I was 11 years old because everyone else was doing it and with that first puff I was hooked, meaning I really enjoyed it. I really like smoking and now I really enjoy vaping. I have noticed that I am vaping as much as I was smoking in my youth. I can suck a carto dry in a matter of days. Just my 2 cents. Cherie
Kazzoo Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 Who do you want to call what? These labels do mean something. Are we promoting anti-smoking or anti-vaping? We are non-smokers too. we may be former cigarette/cigar smokers if you must catagorize it. I do not see we have to create a whole new catagory of people to satisfy the anti's need to demonize the practice. Nor do not see we have to stand as a bulwark against those who wish to do it as well. We still have the sweet freedom of choice to engage in a Adult activity which causes no harm to others. (As we understand it now) Our best contribution will be information and experiences. Come on in, the water is fine but be wise that this is still some uncharted waters. Considering the cesspool we had been swimming in you are better off here. May be a time I will vape no more. Shall I forever more be then a non-vaporer or a former vaporer? Will I get up and speak on the evils of Vaping? Not me buddy. It saved my life. I no longer poison those around me. You can bet I can get up and speak evil on the analogs, big tobacco and the Pharma. Just what is it that you are trying to say about yourself? I once was a awful human being but now have seen the errors of my ways? I say we were wise and smart. Refusing to accept "Quit or Die" as the only alternatives. Nothing wrong with what we do, we are adults and we are free to enjoy this recreational use of nicotine. I again say do not get in the habit (yeah I said habit) of having to apologise for your choice. Do you doubt you are doing a good thing for yourself? Doing good for others around you? Considering the alternatives? Maybe we need to steal some of the slogans from the anti-smoking groups? "If you don't smoke don't start, but if you do, quit and go Vape instead." For me, I will be pro-vaping and anti-smoking from now on. Regards, Kaz.
thisbetterwork Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 i'm strongly opposed to the viewpoint that the vaping community has a responsibility to propose to society the merits of vaping. my opinion is that if you are not nicotine dependent, please don't start. vaping is great and everything, but i sure as heck wouldn't personally speak highly of it to someone who isn't using nicotine at all. i'll happily discuss it's merits with smokers who are wanting to/ struggling with quitting.
Asa Posted May 10, 2011 Author Posted May 10, 2011 I am a former smoker. I've enjoyed every single cigarette I've smoked for more than 15 years. Yet, I haven't smoked a cigarette in more than two weeks, for the first time ever, since starting vaping. I can say catagorically, without fear of contradiction, that vaping is by far a superior experience. If anyone is considering smoking, or has recently started smoking... put down the burning leaves, and pick up the atty. Not only is the experience far healthier than smoking... it's far better. I will never smoke an analog again. I implore each of you to try vaping as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. You will not regret it.
Aes Posted May 10, 2011 Posted May 10, 2011 Vaping is a solution to a "problem". Much like a doctor isn't going to give you meds you don't need, I wouldn't advocate picking up the habit of vaping to anyone who isn't a smoker. And when I smoked a pack a day, I didn't advocate starting smoking to anyone. Could some enjoy it socially, sure. Just like I still have a cigar or pipe on occasion. In those instances i happily let my friends use my ego if they want. But if someone is a happy non smoker, with no real intention of smoking, why would they want to vape? There are possible health effects we have yet to realize. It winds up being expensive, maybe less than cigs, but it's still a cost. That said. If someone who is of legal age decides to start vaping, that's their choice. Just like it would be to pick up a cigarette. But that doesn't mean we should "promote" it to those who have no need for the habit in the first place.
Cheriepye Posted May 10, 2011 Posted May 10, 2011 Vaping is a solution to a "problem". Much like a doctor isn't going to give you meds you don't need, I wouldn't advocate picking up the habit of vaping to anyone who isn't a smoker. And when I smoked a pack a day, I didn't advocate starting smoking to anyone. Could some enjoy it socially, sure. Just like I still have a cigar or pipe on occasion. In those instances i happily let my friends use my ego if they want. But if someone is a happy non smoker, with no real intention of smoking, why would they want to vape? There are possible health effects we have yet to realize. It winds up being expensive, maybe less than cigs, but it's still a cost. That said. If someone who is of legal age decides to start vaping, that's their choice. Just like it would be to pick up a cigarette. But that doesn't mean we should "promote" it to those who have no need for the habit in the first place. I totally agree. Cherie
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