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would you recommend the eGo-T tank for a beginner as my first e cig? is it easy to use. i have been watching some videos on this stuff, and some of it looks real complicated.



Yes but I HIGHLY recommend that you get a normal atomizer when you purchase the ego tank just in case you dont like the tank system. You dont want to be stuck with only tank atomizers if you dont like them.

Posted (edited)

ARRGG, I have reply 3 times now. :construction:

Welcome Joker, T gave good advice. The eGo is a fantastic start. I would suggest ordering 1 box of cartomizers, 510 Atty, a drip tip as welll. That way you have more options to try. Good luck!

Edited by Beans
  • 4 weeks later...

cignot.com is where i got mine. the standard ego kit is 60 bucks (63 if you get a 1000 mah battery with it) and the customer service is just absolutely superb.

Posted (edited)

i'd probably veer more toward the regular eGo for a starter kit, because it's cheaper (puresmoker.com has it for 50 bucks, with a free bottle of ejuice), plus you can try direct dripping, and see whether you like old school cartridges. You can always get a tank atty and cartridges later on (in fact, you could nearly get a tank atty and 5 tanks with the money you'll save by going with the regular eGo). I agree with beans, get some cartomizers as well, then you have 3 methods to try.

Take this with a grain of salt as it's just one guy's opinion, but I recommend pretty strongly against tank systems for testing new flavors, i've found that they change the flavor of some juices quite dramatically, especially fruit flavors. most of the reviews i've read that are favorable to the tank have been from people who vape mainly tobacco and menthol flavors. I've tried 3 fruit flavors with my ego tank, and the taste is quite terrible, but with coffee flavors, it's not so bad, the 510-t tank at low resistance tastes exactly the same to me as a cartomizer (with a coffee-based e-juice).

Basically the best advice I can give is try everything, expect to spend more the first month or 2 experimenting than you did buying cigarettes (especially if you have picky taste buds), find out what works for you. Tanks are a great idea and very convenient, but they have a ways to go before i'd consider them the end-all solution IMO. Lastly, keep all the e-juice that you don't like at first, and try them again every couple weeks, your tastebuds will change dramatically.


Edited by JonHitThingWithRock

<--- is against the ego.... $60 base screwdriver kit from totally wicked. they just released the screwdeiver tank kit too for under $100 i believe.(im not into tanks)


1) ego batterys are $20-$25 each = shipping screwdriver batterys are $9 and last ALONG TIME even with using LR ATTYS. I BURNT UP 2 Mosphet chips in my ego batterys using LR attys

2) I still believe a LR 901 atty hits better than a LR 510


Or a 25$ sparkplug kit. What are you looking for in your e-cig thats the question. How experienced are you? There are alot of factors in choosing the right device and some of them are VERY personal.

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