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I recently bought an e-cig from a local tobacco store off the shelf. It is crap. I have to charge it like every 1/2 hour. I have to refil the cartridges about 3 times a day (and i mix between real cigs too so its not constant vaping). Its called a "Revolution" (not the same one sold here). I have attached a pic of the crappy e-cig I bought and am currently using.

Anyway, I want to invest in a good e-cig. I want to quit smokes all together and just do the e-cig. I am at a loss for which one will be good for me.

I smoke almost a pack of real cigs a day. What I really want in an e-cig is alot of vapor, a good throat hit, and minimal "sucking". I have noticed with this e-cig i bought i have to suck really REALLY hard to get anything out of it. I'd also like to get something that lasts longer than 1/2 hour battery life.

I have done some research and it seems like everyone recommends a Joye eGo -- however there are 2 kinds. One with a "tank" and one without. What is the difference? Is one better than the other?

Also there is something else on there called a "pass through". I am really new to this and really want to quit smoking. Any help in choosing a good one will be much appreciated!

Thank you sooooo much,

Emily :)


Posted (edited)

Welcome to Vapor Talk! I hope this helps.

1) The ego is actually just the battery part of the ecig.

2) The tanks are a type of atomizer you can use which have a lot of mixed reviews as far as being good and bad. All they are is an atomizer made to work with a plastic tank that holds either 1ml or 2ml of juice depending on what type you get.

3)The ego battery is set up to work with any 510 style atomizer or cartomizers.

- The regular atomizer can be used for cartridges (mouth peace with foam that you fill with liquid) or you can direct drip (take the mouth peace off the atomizer and drip a few drops of liquid into the atomizer).

- Cartomizers are an atomizer with filling around it that absorbs liquid and you can vape for a couple hours before having to refill.

4) Then there are lr (low resistance) atomizers and cartomizers which means they have a lower ohm rating, which means more vapor and/or shorter drags.

5) A passthrough is a battery that allows you to vape while it is charging by plugging it into any usb port.

I myself use an ego passthrough with an lr 510 atty (atomizer) while at home and when I go out I either use a cartomizer or the tank atomizers.

Edited by turtle11c

You should also check out the tutorials section in the forums. There is a lot of helpful information in there for people new to vaping.


<---- recommends the screwdriver MK2 from totally wicked, $59 = shipping had both, this one wins hands dowN

That one really looks like a screwdriver lol


Welcome to Vapor Talk! I hope this helps.

I myself use an ego passthrough with an lr 510 atty (atomizer) while at home and when I go out I either use a cartomizer or the tank atomizers.

ty for the info -- sent you a p/m


Emily, I agree with the ego,I think you will be happy with it. The battery will certainly last way longer than your current pv. Since it has a 510 connection, you can use the atomizers, LR or reg or cartomizers, LR or reg. The LR ones will give more of a feeling of higher volt vaping, the vapor is warmer. I suggest you get one of each and see what you like, buy a tank, cartos and atomizer and see which one you prefer.

Hope this helps :thumbsup:


I too now use an eGo passthrough, but with a boge 306 atty, and LR carts for going out. first thing I've used since I quit real cigs, that gives me the satisfaction. a week ago I would have recommended a 510 because it's closer to the size of a cigarette, and before that a safe cig(way over priced) but if I'd listened to the people here I would have started with the right thing right off the bat, and saved about 200 bucks. I personally don't like the tank systems because I don't feel like you get enough flavor and throat hit, especially once I tried direct dripping with the 306, but some people seem to like the milder sensation. I'd go with the ego and be done with it. good luck.

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