jmhester Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 I dripped up some juice that really tastes nasty to me. However, now I can't get the taste out of the PV. I'm sure this has happened to others. Any advice?
Christopher Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 It's happend to all of us and it sucks! You have a couple of choices, either just keep hitting the ecig until it doesn't produce much vapor then add your new flavor or wash it. I suggest trying the first option. The problem with washing atomizer is it's 50/50. Sometimes they come our working like new, other times not so much. Right before I left for Cabo I only had a few penstyle atomizers for my Janty, the one that worked the best had a bad flavor in it, I ran it under some water and blew it out. Let it dry over night and it still works fine.
Roober Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 If you take a strong paper towel and gently press it to the atty, it may soak some of the liq up, I have a penstyle so I just put the atty mouth side down on a paper towel for a little while and it seems to get most of the taste out
VegasVapor Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 Sometimes I'll blow out my atomizer and stick a piece of paper towel inside the atty so that it gently touches the atty. Lean it up against something so that it's standing atty-side down. Leave it like that over night and it seems to suck out a lot of the juice.
EasyE Posted August 29, 2009 Posted August 29, 2009 going through this right now with some bad MINT chocolate chip
jmhester Posted August 29, 2009 Author Posted August 29, 2009 The taste was so foul that I decide to try the wash-the-atomizer-in-diet-coke trick. It did seem to work. I can't say the atty is working any better but it's not working any worse!
Christopher Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 We actually never had luck with the whole diet coke thing, Sean did a few tests and created a topic about it a while back. Most of the atomizers ended up crapping out.
jmhester Posted August 30, 2009 Author Posted August 30, 2009 I can't find the post on how to really clean them. Can you post a link?
Christopher Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 The best way to "really" clean the atomizer is to, heat up some water to a rolling boil. Place the atomizer inside for 10 minutes. Empty the water and let the atty cool. Rinse. Let stand upside down for 24 hours. (If you can't wait that long you can dry it out with an air gun/can CAREFULLY) EDIT: Oh and make sure when you go back to using it you add at least 4 drops of liquid, then draw for a while. It will take some time for the atty to come back to life.
Sky Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 You may want to "sticky" this thread for the Noobs...just an idea.
jmhester Posted September 26, 2009 Author Posted September 26, 2009 You may want to "sticky" this thread for the Noobs...just an idea. Most definitely sticky that how-to. I just clean 2 atty that were not working so good as instructed and now they vape like crazy! It does take awhile before they start back working. In my case it 2-3 refills and some primer puffing to get it going but now they work great. Thank you so much for the info!!!
the26thdoctor Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Most definitely sticky that how-to. I just clean 2 atty that were not working so good as instructed and now they vape like crazy! It does take awhile before they start back working. In my case it 2-3 refills and some primer puffing to get it going but now they work great. Thank you so much for the info!!! Hiya, If ever you feel lazy, like me , you can also drop the atty in a small pot of glycerin (or PG) and leave it to soak for a few hours (or over night). This will dissolve most of the primer and make it ready for use without having to dry it out. Once I've plucked the atty out of the glycerin, I give it a quick wipe down and use it straight away. It works for me every time. Cheers J
MunkusBFunky Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Thought I would share a technique I found. Get some isopropyl alcohol put it in a shot glass and drop in your atty, boil some water and pour it into the glass. Let that sit for 30 sec. or so then put it in the microwave for about 15 sec. stopping it in the middle, so about 7 sec. apiece. I didn't think this would work at first but apparently metal is invisible to microwaves when submerged in liquid. When I blew it out there were several small pieces of nastyness in my paper towel and the bad taste is gone!
VtVapor Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 The way I've found that works best for changing flavors (since taste testing requires a fresh start each time) is to stick a piece of paper towel in the atomizer, inhale a few times 'til it starts to taste a bit dry, remove the paper and unscrew the atomizer, swish the atomizer around in 90% or greater ethanol (or isopropanol, if you have no other choice), blow it out, put a new wad of paper towel in the atomizer to soak up as much of the alcohol as possible, remove the paper, add fresh liquid. It should be a fresh vaping experience. If not, I just repeat the process. Even the most stubborn flavors can be removed in less than five minutes this way.
Christopher Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Hmmm interesting I've never heard that before, I'll have to give it a try.
doglips Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Anyone try using vinegar? I uses vinegar to clean air conditioner coils with bad is acidic...soak in vinegar then the boiling water maybe? I'm new, 1 week of vaping...and only one atomizer, so when spare ones arrive Ill try cleaning original one.
Christopher Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 A few people tried vinger but stated it left a really bad aftertaste.
Fenwick Posted September 30, 2009 Posted September 30, 2009 Frustrated with not knowing stuff I steadily collected 8 510 attys and had my way with them. I have done everything from fill the whole thing with liquid to holding the battery down and watching it burn up. The end result is I have 2 virgin attys, 1 fried atty, and 5 attys in different stages of crudification. Now it may be that after getting an 801 I expect alot more flavor rfom the liquid, but none of the 510 attys seem to deliver the flavor. So holding true to my conviction that the best way to see what everybodies talking about I have tried some of the stuff I have seen discussed. Since the most conflicting topic was coke-bath I started with that. I took my original atty, the one in the latest stages of arthritis and soaked it in coke for about an hour. I blew it out, rinsed it, blew it out until it was clear then I let it dry for about 4 hours. Since I was impatient I gave it 4 or 5 drops of Dulcis (since I knew what I expected from this flavor). I let that sit for awhile and then fired it up. It produced vapor and had way better air flow, but thier was a peculiar flavor, similiar to stale factory primer. This is what I kind of expected since everyone said not to do it. So I put hat one in the SUN P.M. slot of the oversized pill container that I use to keep these experiments organized. The box has two rows A.M and P.M SUN through SAT. I use P.M. for Attys SUN being the grave yard ready for autopsy and SAT being the new born ward. The "dead" one was a black 510, I still had 2 black ones and 2 red ringed (scorpions) left. Today since I am eagerly waiting for the post man who should be bring a fresh supply of juice with some sample flavors from Arno I have been passing the time getting my attys ready. I plan on using the 801 to really taste them, but I can't neglect my important scientific work. The first thing I did was take out the dead one and fire it up...Hey this thing is pumping the most vapor, but still with the taste (going in the soup). I took all 5 and poured Isopropal Alcohol through them, wiped off the contacts to get off any build up and dropped them in the boiling water for 6 minutes. Took them out with tweezers. WARNING: if you scrape the side of the atty while doing this the aint will come off it is still boiling hot. Next I blew them out and set them to dry. I will let you know what happens later, but while I have been typing this the mail man came and its time to get to my favorite experiment of all: New Juice!
Christopher Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 You know there was a bad batch of attys out there for a while. They all tasted bad, I got about 6 from dietsmokes that all tasted "weird." I think it's an issue with Joye but I'm not 100% sure. I've had quite a few emails as of late will people saying the exact same thing. I've heard everything from primer taste to metallic. To be honest I'm not sure what to say, perhaps the Joye 510 has become so damn popular that Joye in China has lowered their quality standards. I hate seeing people waste money especially with how much this stuff costs.
TheSmokingMan Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Anyone try using vinegar? I uses vinegar to clean air conditioner coils with bad is acidic...soak in vinegar then the boiling water maybe? I'm new, 1 week of vaping...and only one atomizer, so when spare ones arrive Ill try cleaning original one. Funny you should bring up vinegar. Y'all are going to think this is gross but it actually happened last night. We use vinegar around our house for everything. Every three months or so when the Tinea Pedis (Athlete's Foot) acts up, I soak my feet every night for three days in straight vinegar until they get pruney. After the third day all of the dead skin falls off including the calluses and I am left with pink baby smooth skin on my feet and no more Athlete's Foot for three more months. I had the foot massager full of vinegar under my desk last night and my DSE801 while connected to the USB rolled off the desk and splash, right into the vinegar. Acting with lightning speed, I yanked the USB out of its port and plucked the 801 out of the clutches of this acid bath but not before it was completely saturated. I thought for sure it was going to be shorted and ruined. Not wanting to vape vinegar especially not vinegar that I had soaked my feet in, I throughly wiped everything down and soaked up as much of the vinegar as I could out of the atomizer. I then soaked everything in Isopropyl Alcohol (50% strength was all I had). I then throughly dried the atomizer and cart with a paper towel. Connected the atomizer back to the usb pass-thru and dripped on four drops of Dulcis and vaped away with no bad taste. This little accident did get rid of the taste of the Exotic Tobacco flavor that I had used the day before and was still tasting in the "Cola" I vaped yesterday. I told you it was gross, but I made sure it was clean before I vaped on it again.
Fenwick Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 You know there was a bad batch of attys out there for a while. They all tasted bad, I got about 6 from dietsmokes that all tasted "weird." I think it's an issue with Joye but I'm not 100% sure. I've had quite a few emails as of late will people saying the exact same thing. I've heard everything from primer taste to metallic. To be honest I'm not sure what to say, perhaps the Joye 510 has become so damn popular that Joye in China has lowered their quality standards. I hate seeing people waste money especially with how much this stuff costs. Hmmm...Most of my atty's came from dietsmokes because I would buy a new atty when ever I bought juice. They are the ones with the flavor difference. I had 2 from my original starter kit which I got from thesmokesafe those didn't have that taste, but it is hard to tell because they are from the cart and JC juice days. The one that came with todays shipment of juice from awesome vapor is a freakin champ. I blew out the primer and by my second drip I was getting pure flavor. The experiments are going o.k. 2 attys in the morge waiting for till tomorrow to see if I get to rip thier guts out and look inside. One black and one red one came producing a lot of vapor but the flavor still leaves a lot to be desired. The second red one works just as crappy as it did before the bath. I have found the scorpion ring attys to kind of suck. I got 2 and one of them was always weak and the other would get super hot from one or two drags. This is a lot of hassle. I will probably just get a fresh one everytime I order juice and chuck em when they start to taste funny. Do you guys reall boil yours once a week?
Christopher Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 No not anymore. I purchase a new atty once a month. Well actually I shouldn't say that, I USE a new atty once a month or every 3 weeks depending on how well it's working. It's just better that way. I have quite a few here although I get all my attys from Arno at Awesomevapor. I don't use the 510 as much anymore since getting the VP unit
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