Tammi Posted April 24, 2011 Posted April 24, 2011 I have smoked for 20 years and I am 40 years old. I am a home childcare provider who does not smoke at all from 8:00 - 5:00 but as soon as that last child has gone home, I am smoking at least 6 -7 cigs a night. On the weekends I can go through a pack and a half. I usually smoke Salem Menthal 100's. I am looking for an e-cig that is the same length and size and I am happy to try other flavors I suppose. I do want one that has a battery life that is long and that I won't have be be recharging. Can you tell me if it takes me 3 weeks to go through a carton of cigarettes, how many cartriges will I be going through with an e-cig and what do you suggest I use and where do I purchase them from? Thank you kindly and if you have any questions for me, I would be happy to help you. I am ready to quit, just not all the way and being that I go out of town frequently, I want to know will they allow this on airplanes, not in the actual airplane on the ride, but in my luggage and which will be the best one for me? Thank you again and have a peaceful day. Also, I have heard there are different kinds of chargers, one that plugs in and one that does not.. which is best. I would think the one that does not plug in as it would be more convenient. Just my thoughts so what are yours?
kitsune Posted April 24, 2011 Posted April 24, 2011 Welcome Tammi, very glad to have you with us. and glad you are looking at quitting smoking. E-cigs really are an amazing alternative. The best place to start is going to be the ego or ego tank. The ego tank system is one of the easiest to use and a great place for beginners. The ego batteries will be fatter than a cigarette, but the battery life is much, much longer than the smaller devices. The 510 models are thinner and more like a cigarette, but the battery life is short. The are no exact numbers of how many carts/liquid/draws = a pack or a carton. so much depends on the individual and how much they are vaping. I was a pack a day smoker and I go through 40-50 mls of 18mg/ml liquid per month. You will not want to rely on the cartridges. Look into the ego tank system or the ego with cartomizers. My personal sweet spot is the ego + 510 atomizer + dripping. we all have our own favorites. Starting vaping really is lots of information and choices--keep asking and we will be happy to help
cheryli Posted April 24, 2011 Posted April 24, 2011 Hi and welcome. I am new to this but found out a few things pretty quickly after a LOT of research. I bought an eGo. I love it. The charge lasts about 5-6 hours and I always keep a spare with me. It has a plug in and also the cord is a usb connection so I just plug into the computer at work to recharge. I use cartomizers, Bose low resistance and they work great. Sometimes on the weekends I use the atomizer and just direct drip. I read somewhere that each cartomizer equals 3-5 cigs. I go through about 2.5 a day. That's about right since I smoked about 13 cigs a day. I started at 18 mg but have moved up to 24 but can't tell the difference so I think I'll go back down to the 18mg and work my way down from there. btw-a typical nicotine patch starts off at 24mg. I ought all my stuff through www.liberty-flights.com and they have the best prices on the started kits that I have seen. The customer service was great when I called and they delivered quickly. I wish you luck on your journey. It has been great fun for me and this forum has been a gift! -Cheryl
Natas Posted April 25, 2011 Posted April 25, 2011 Welcome glad to have you here joye ego kit you can not go wrong wish the best of luck if you have any questions ask this forum is full of great ppl with advice and tips
hurrycaine3000 Posted April 25, 2011 Posted April 25, 2011 (edited) Ego, Ego, Ego, is all I ever hear when someone asks what they should get to start switching from analogs, but no one ever listens to the OP's original question. She wants something the same relative size and shape of an analog. I ran into this same exact problem. Just so we are on the same page, I have owned only five different e-cigs. an Ego is not one of them. I currently use my safe cig as my daily driver, but I do own a joye 510-t. I also have some low resistance carts for it, for when I want a bigger hit. the problem I ran into with the 510 is that sometimes I just want a cigarette. I don't want to press a button, and have a blue light come on, and have people at the bar, party, outside on my break, etc... asking me what I am smoking. That is when I like my safe cig. I have posted about it before, and want to make it clear that I don't gain anything by you buying one. I won't offer you a discount. I refuse to even put a link to the site, anymore, just so we are clear that it is my honest opinion. if you search "the safe cig" you will find it, and you can find discount codes if you like it. In the end, I personally find the draw, taste, and feel to be more like a cigarette. therefore, it has helped me to not smoke an analog for as long as it says under my post, on the banner. I'm also not saying that you should, without question, go with the safe cig. but out of the "realistic" e-cigs I've tried, it is the only one I would stand by. there are draw backs. the carts are prefilled. you can refill them, it's just a little more work, and I found their flavors are pretty realistic. no fruity flavors here, just tobacco flavors, but I don't mind that. Another option, that I've heard good things about is the M401. The only reason that I will put a link to this one is that it is available on this sites affiliate store forevervapor.com, and again I have no affiliation to this. I just would like to help, as I know it's hard at first to make the switch. http://www.forevervapor.com/products/M401-e-Cigarette.html from my understanding the M401 is almost exactly the same size as an analog cig. I haven't personally used it so can't say 100% what your experience will be. The Safe cig. is almost exactly the same size as a camel wide king. a little bigger than you usual cig, but that doesn't bother me. I've been told twice this weekend that I can't smoke inside, so I assume it looks close enough to a cigarette, that most think it's real. Now don't get me wrong, The Ego is a great device. I've gotten to play with it, and try it out at my local e-cig vendor's store, and will be adding one to my collection soon, but E-cigs are not one size fits all, and all I ever hear is Ego, Ego, Ego, when for someone just coming off of analogs that might not be the answer. I hope this helps a little, and I by no means, am putting down the other suggestion. Just want to give you some other options. Good luck. Edit: Sorry, I wanted to add that I would stay away from the blu cig, or that one from lallaboutique, you might come accross if you google realistic e-cig. I've tried both of these and they are crap. the safe cig gets me about 5-8 hours one average,per battery throughout the day, today I'm still on my first battery at 6:00, and I left the house at ten AM, and 2-3 hours once I start chain smoking it at home. the others I was lucky to get 1-2 hours. But when at home I often switch to my 510 anyway, or go back and forth between the too. so it doesn't bother me. By the way, my 510 is the same size as a black and mild, That works for me, and may be close to what you looking for. a big plus there is that once you get comfortable with it not being a real cig, you can just buy an Ego battery, and it will screw right on. along with a lot of other accessories If I can be of any help let know, and again, good luck. Edited April 25, 2011 by hurrycaine3000
Beans Posted April 25, 2011 Posted April 25, 2011 Hi and welcome to VT. It sounds like a 510 Joye would be a good start since your a fairly light smoker. All the fittings- attys-catrtomizers can be used with many other models if you decide to upgrade in the future. I hear very good things about them as well. You definitely want a starter kit. That would be 2 batts a charger and an Atty or 2. Personally I like cartomizers. PT- Pass thrus are good to if you spend a lot of time at the computer. I haven't had any problems going through airport security. Just keep your juice in a baggie. I vaped in the airport as well without issue. However I was stealth vaping Good Luck! @ Hurry, you sound a bit....Tight I was very tense the first few weeks too. Detox really stinks. Hang in there, drink lots of water. It does get better and your doing great! If it gets too hard though they have this great new PV, it will amp it up a little... Might help it's called the eGo. I love mine!
hurrycaine3000 Posted April 25, 2011 Posted April 25, 2011 Hi and welcome to VT. It sounds like a 510 Joye would be a good start since your a fairly light smoker. All the fittings- attys-catrtomizers can be used with many other models if you decide to upgrade in the future. I hear very good things about them as well. You definitely want a starter kit. That would be 2 batts a charger and an Atty or 2. Personally I like cartomizers. PT- Pass thrus are good to if you spend a lot of time at the computer. I haven't had any problems going through airport security. Just keep your juice in a baggie. I vaped in the airport as well without issue. However I was stealth vaping Good Luck! @ Hurry, you sound a bit....Tight I was very tense the first few weeks too. Detox really stinks. Hang in there, drink lots of water. It does get better and your doing great! If it gets too hard though they have this great new PV, it will amp it up a little... Might help it's called the eGo. I love mine! Haha, after reading my post, I guess it could sound like I'm a bit grumpy. I didn't mean to come across as abrasive. I just seems like no matter what someone asks for help with sometimes. the answer is always the same, regardless of what the question was, or what the OP is asking for help with. I do agree the joye 510 might just be what she's looking for. I know I love mine. and I stated in my post, I look forward to picking up an Ego battery or two in the near future. I do like that when I'm doing something that requires both hands, like typing, or playing the piano, or guitar, I can let the Safe cig hang out of my mouth, and just puff away. they all have their pros and cons I guess. like many other things there is the right tool for the job. A perfect example is that I was bowling with some friends last night, and was puffing on my safe cig. The manager came up and told me that there is no smoking. I explained what it was, but she didn't seem convinced, and just said again "there's no smoking." When she left, I pulled out my Joye 510 (Black with Blue LED). I spent the rest of the night vaping and bowling without a second glance. It just depends on the situation. to each there own though. in the end you'll probably have to try different things, and see what works. a 510 is always a great option, as it is so compatible with so many other things, that you can mix and match until you find something you like, For me a Joye 510 and the safe cig are a perfect combo. for you maybe something totally different. just my 2 cents. Just read my post again. haha, I do sound angry don't I?
fran1959 Posted April 26, 2011 Posted April 26, 2011 Hurricane, I think the reason so many of us recommend the Ego is that we started with more expensive starter kits that didn't do the trick, but for most of us started the journey into ecigs and then ultimately wanted longer battery life along with options, cartomizers, tanks, dd, clearomizers, etc., The ego fits that bill for a lot of folks. If the safecig works for you, that is fabulous, whatever works is what is right for you.
Beans Posted April 26, 2011 Posted April 26, 2011 Haha, after reading my post, I guess it could sound like I'm a bit grumpy. I didn't mean to come across as abrasive. I just seems like no matter what someone asks for help with sometimes. the answer is always the same, regardless of what the question was, or what the OP is asking for help with. I do agree the joye 510 might just be what she's looking for. I know I love mine. and I stated in my post, I look forward to picking up an Ego battery or two in the near future. I do like that when I'm doing something that requires both hands, like typing, or playing the piano, or guitar, I can let the Safe cig hang out of my mouth, and just puff away. they all have their pros and cons I guess. like many other things there is the right tool for the job. A perfect example is that I was bowling with some friends last night, and was puffing on my safe cig. The manager came up and told me that there is no smoking. I explained what it was, but she didn't seem convinced, and just said again "there's no smoking." When she left, I pulled out my Joye 510 (Black with Blue LED). I spent the rest of the night vaping and bowling without a second glance. It just depends on the situation. to each there own though. in the end you'll probably have to try different things, and see what works. a 510 is always a great option, as it is so compatible with so many other things, that you can mix and match until you find something you like, For me a Joye 510 and the safe cig are a perfect combo. for you maybe something totally different. just my 2 cents. Just read my post again. haha, I do sound angry don't I? I'm happy you took it the way I meant it. LOL I'm a smarty pants and can't resist sometimes. I think there are many good options out there. I just wish I bypassed the junk, and smaller batts. I could have saved my self so much money. Then again I vape obscene amounts lol. Cheers
steeldragon Posted April 26, 2011 Posted April 26, 2011 Haha, after reading my post, I guess it could sound like I'm a bit grumpy. I didn't mean to come across as abrasive. I just seems like no matter what someone asks for help with sometimes. the answer is always the same, regardless of what the question was, or what the OP is asking for help with. I do agree the joye 510 might just be what she's looking for. I know I love mine. and I stated in my post, I look forward to picking up an Ego battery or two in the near future. I do like that when I'm doing something that requires both hands, like typing, or playing the piano, or guitar, I can let the Safe cig hang out of my mouth, and just puff away. they all have their pros and cons I guess. like many other things there is the right tool for the job. A perfect example is that I was bowling with some friends last night, and was puffing on my safe cig. The manager came up and told me that there is no smoking. I explained what it was, but she didn't seem convinced, and just said again "there's no smoking." When she left, I pulled out my Joye 510 (Black with Blue LED). I spent the rest of the night vaping and bowling without a second glance. It just depends on the situation. to each there own though. in the end you'll probably have to try different things, and see what works. a 510 is always a great option, as it is so compatible with so many other things, that you can mix and match until you find something you like, For me a Joye 510 and the safe cig are a perfect combo. for you maybe something totally different. just my 2 cents. Just read my post again. haha, I do sound angry don't I? I know I reccomend the Ego/Riva system a lot. I started vaping in December with an initial expendature of 143 dollars for a couples kit for KR808D. I quickly realised that particular model was definately not going to do the trick. I stepped to another system that was supposed to be the next best thing. After seeing another investment of close to another 200 dollars. None of this has been including cartomizers for the KR808. I had to take 3 batteries into work so I could finish a shift will out worrying of having enough Power to finish a shift. I convinced my wife to let me spend 50 dollars for a Riva kit. At that time I was lost in the world of products out there. When I got my kit I was just overwhelmed with the taste, throat hit and vapor it produced. My wife immediately jumped on the bandwagon. The Ego/Riva in their small battery line i.e. 650 mah and 750 mah are really not that much bigger than a cigarette. Just a little fatter. I remember I was a strong advocate for KR808 model e-cigs because of their size. I just wish looking back when I exploring e-cigs that I had access to people who would have convinced me to got that route first. I am a state employee and my wife works at a theme park. I wish that I could take the money in that other equipment that I have now sitting in the house and pay some of the bills. That is why I reccomend the way I do, I paid 30.00 dollars for my last 750 kit with 2 batteries. I would like to see an amount like that for someone new at vaping than go the expensive route I did. I will continue to suggest what I do because it is what I believe in. If I recomended anything else I would being a dis-service to myself and the person who asked my opinion. Paul Beans 1
lovie Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 thats funny i have only heard bad things about greeensmoke..hummmmmm
SoldiersAngel Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 Hi Tammi! I'm a noobie as well, but thought I would give you my opinion based on what I've experienced so far. Like you, I don't really smoke much during the day, but when my son goes to bed at night, I'm puffing away. I too wanted something that looked and felt more like a regular cigarette. I went ahead and got a joye 510, and so far it's working out well for me. Yes, the battery life is shorter, but I will take a few puffs every couple hours or so, and one fully charged battery lasts me just about the whole day. It's at night that I usually end up killing a fully charged battery because I will sit and vape my brains out. Carts can last a decent amount of time. I have found that keeping them topped off helps them last a little longer. As far as where to buy from, there is a list of reputable suppliers on this forum. I'm a hermit, so I don't know about the plane thing As far as chargers, I plan to get a 510 passthrough because I tend to vape at the computer at night, and the passthrough would be a good option for me. May you have a peaceful day as well, hope this helped. Good luck finding your perfect e cig!
DAYVAPE Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 As far as chargers, I plan to get a 510 passthrough because I tend to vape at the computer at night, and the passthrough would be a good option for me. Not trying to bust in on your conversation.... but I couldn't help but notice what you said. The eGo Passthru would be an excellent idea for you!! They are very reasonably prices as well. Not only can you vape while at the computer... you can unplug it and take it wherever! Battery will last a long time for you since you aren't a 'heavy vaper'. Check it out! fran1959 1
SoldiersAngel Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 yeah i've been looking into getting an ego. i already spent my allowance for this month tho
JonHitThingWithRock Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 if you really want a smaller ecig, and considering how little you smoke, a joye 510 is probably right up your ally, it's very universal with whatever methods of vaping you end up going with, and it's fairly small. if you're going for smaller, i'd start a new thread with very specific verb-age to that affect, i'm sure there are some that can recommend good small devices (hurry mentioned a few). i would avoid stuff like the blu or greensmoke, i had a blu for 2 weeks, and it was pretty useless. I have heard that there are ok off-the-shelf ecigs, but you'll have to do a lot of research to find one worth buying. Jon
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