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I currently have 2 510 batteries that I prefer to use with cartomizers. These are not enough to get me through the day when I am at work or on campus. Instead of buying more 510 batteries, I would like to purchase an ego.

There are so many options that are really confusing to a noobie like myself.

The first thing I am concerned about is the size. How big is the unit with the 650 mah batt? How much larger is it with the 900?

I have really small hands and fingers and I'm worried about being clumsy with it.

Secondly, I don't usually have time to drip or refill frequently which is why I prefer the cartos with the 510. There is a jumbo atomizer and a jumbo cart or the ego tank which I know is a bigger battery and has separate parts. I'm not sure what would be the best model and options would best fit my needs.

Basically, I want something with a longer battery life that is small enough for me to handle and I don't have to worry about refilling constantly.

Please help


I would get the 1000 mah over the 950. It lasts me almost a whole day. And you can shut it off so it doen't fire in your pocket. Maybe a tank? Stormy makes one or clouds of vapor. They hold a lot more liquid and you wouldn't have to worry about refilling during the day. Just my 2 cents. Good luck in your search!


Sizes of just the eGo battery up to the threads: 650 mah - 2.7", 900 mah - 3", and 1000 mah - 3.1". I am using the eGo Tank System and I love it. There is a learning curve and also a breaking in period. But once you master it, you will love the convenience. I recommend the LR eGo Tank atty.thumbsup.gif

Posted (edited)

Well, since you already like cartos then I would stick with those... grab up the eGo batt of your choice and then get some Boge LR 2.0 ohm cartos from electronicstix.com. Those are really great LR cartos! If I were you I would want the most from my eGo, and that means going with the 950 or 1000 mah battery. Yeah, they may be a bit bigger.... but you are only talking an inch or so more. Thats nothing...

What particular cartos have you been using already?

The Boge/silver threads just seem to be the best ones for now... work like champs on the eGo, and even better with the largest eGo battery.

Or you could always try out the eGo Tank system as well.... there are a few people around here the worship them I think.... so they must be doing something I'm not aware of yet. ! :thumbsup:

Edited by DAYVAPE

I have the ego passthrough and that gets me through a 15 hour day going through 4-6ml of juice a day.


When I bought my eGo almost a month ago, I went ahead and bought one of almost everything to go with it so I could see which methods worked best for me (pre-filled cartos, blank cartos, blank boge LR cartos, drip tip, tank system, Mega atty).

First off, it isn't too big, so long as you are comparing it to something like a fountain pen rather than a Virginia slim cigarette. You will probably end up holding it more like a pen anyway.

For your situation, a tank system sounds, to me like, it would work best. The only problems I have had with my tank were leakage once the reservoir was close to empty, and juice getting up into the mouthpiece. There is a thread addressing those issues around here somewhere, and some of my problems could have been from operator error as well.

I wasn't satisfied with the vapor production and cost effectiveness of prefilled cartos, though I did try (I think it was Dayvape's) suggestion about putting a drip tip on a LR carto so it was easier to refill. I did that for about a day, and it worked fine, but I seemed to be burning through a lot of juice, and my personal preference just seems to be direct dripping.

I know it seems like it would be a pain, but once you get the hang of it, direct dripping is really a quick and easy way to vape. Refilling the atty starts to become second nature, almost like it was when we were pulling a cigarette and lighter out of our pockets.

Good luck! Great thing is, so long as you don't choose to go back to analogs, any decision is a good one!


When you use your pv do you want to hide it in your hand or hold it like a marker or what? If you want to hold it in your hand and want to hide it you probably need to get the 650(1) mah battery. Of course the life isn't as good as the 900mah or the 1000mah but it just depends on how you want it to look if you are out and about. I'm not around too many people so it doesn't matter to me. I use the 1000mah with my 510lr, 306lr, mega atty and my tank atty, the 510lr and the 306lr look mightly little next to the mega cylinder atty. But anyway, it's up to you to get what you think is the best fit. Good luck on your search.

Posted (edited)

Hey Stargazer :) the math for mah rating on a eGo is 100mah per hour, this does vary depending on a ton of vaping styles. My 650 should based on the math last me 6.5hrs, but will last me almost 8hrs, I vape less I guess :) but it's just not enough for a full day out and about so I have a 1000mah battery for those days. The 1000mah eGo is pretty long IMO, but mine is the eGo PT (pass-trough) which are slightly longer, the 1000 is my whole hand (I have smaller hands) but it's kinda nice to have a full grip on it ... So guess if it was me, and my purpose was to be able to run off one batt the whole day, I'd do the 1000mah, the 650mah just isn't enough for a good day out and about ... and even then, I'd carry the charger just in case. I ran out of power once at work, with 4hrs left on the clock and no charger cable, I always have a cable in the car now.

Edited by asleep

Thanks for all of the replies. I guess I am going to have to research more before buying. There are almost endless options. At least I have a better idea about the size of the model, since that is what I was most concerned about.


I dunno...considering the fact that I used to haul around 5 or 6 Njoy Npro batteries daily, the 2 650 eGo batteries I use now are like a godsend. Sometimes they last me 8-10 hours, sometimes I don't switch until sometime the next day. The point is, it's really no big deal to carry one spare battery with you. Between the 2 batteries, you're covered for the entire day! You just have to remember to fully charge the one you're not using so it's available when you need it.


I just thought of something battery related that vapers may be interested in.

One of the minor inconveniences we have in this electronic age is the ongoing need to charge our portable devices. With that in mind I invested in a portable charger so I'm never without a power source. Heck, I could probably use a passthrough off it, but I don't own one.

Something to think about at least.

Posted (edited)

  On 4/22/2011 at 5:48 AM, SABOTEUR said:

I just thought of something battery related that vapers may be interested in.

One of the minor inconveniences we have in this electronic age is the ongoing need to charge our portable devices. With that in mind I invested in a portable charger so I'm never without a power source. Heck, I could probably use a passthrough off it, but I don't own one.

Something to think about at least.

Wow, nice charger. Thanks for posting the link. Camping season is oh so close now. That may be the answer I was looking for. :thumbsup:

I have to say for heavy vaping my 1000mha has been a god send to me.

Edited by Beans

  On 4/22/2011 at 5:48 AM, SABOTEUR said:

I just thought of something battery related that vapers may be interested in.

One of the minor inconveniences we have in this electronic age is the ongoing need to charge our portable devices. With that in mind I invested in a portable charger so I'm never without a power source. Heck, I could probably use a passthrough off it, but I don't own one.

Something to think about at least.

That's one good thing about the Tekk Mod. You can vape, use it lke a passthrough, charged your cell phone, etc., etc., And it's a 5 volt mod too. Couldn't ask for more if you are a 5volt type person and I'm not.


Thanks for all of your replies. I ordered a kit with 2 650 mah batteries that comes with standard 520 atomizer. I also ordered a drip tip so I could try that. I plan on using cartos while I am on campus and at work. In the end I did want a small unit that would last longer than the 510 batteries. I do still have the 510's I can use as a back up method. It should be here soon. I will keep you updated on if I like it.

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