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Flavor, first hit. OHHH,It hits hard. You dont have to read their site to know this is their Maxborro (thought it has been renamed Bacco) It has that light analog taste, and being steeped really brings it out, when I first got it, it was all watermelon, no tobacco.Now its a whole different story. Usually the first hit is strong and then your mouth gets used to the flavor it backs off, but with this its a sweet analog flavor then the melon hits the back of our tongue. The exhale is sweet but satisfying cigarette taste hangs with you. I gave up looking for that cigarette taste once I quit smoking, I had been vaping for a while and tried smoking a cig, and it just tasted terrible. if I would have found this first off I think I would have stop looking all together. It does taste like a watermelon cigarette. The melon is sweet and tangy and the tobacco is a lite but strong flavor. read more

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