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How To Get The Sticky Stuff Off My Fingers?


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OK, why is it that the verbiage of all my posts seem to reek of sex? lol

I bowl every Tuesday night and tonight, I got some e-juice on my fingers, which then got in my ball. I tried alcohol wipes to no avail. Now the holes of my ball are all full of sticky stuff. How do I remove this gunk from my holes? LOL I don't know how to phrase this without it sounding dirty...oh well. Enjoy. haha

Please advise. :)

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Man I love your posts, entertaining for sure!

The wipes SHOULD work. But it will take a few of them. Usually when I'm cleaning my ecigs I use Lysol wipes. It takes a few of them but should work.

As for your hands, just a good scrub under some hot water should suffice. Can't you just plop the ball in some hot water and wash?

Just try to remeber to clean your fingers before putting them in the holes ;) 2 fingers in the whole and the thumb on top right?

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I feel dirty having read this post.

So, so dirty.

Mmmmmmm dirty ....

Hot water and soap usually works for me.

Although I've never gotten juice on my balls, so I can't be much help there.


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