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Negative And Positive Videos On You Tube


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So I was doing some surfing today (should have been working but....) and came across two Youtube videos that I felt worth sharing.

The first got me angry, upset, and concerned about the misinformation that continues to be published about ecigs. Shame on the BBC - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWizH6ZYvtA

The second was a power point presentation (with no voice over) that found me pausing it quite regularly to read all the documents that the poster had dug up to share. Pretty convincing positive spin on ecig usage.

I will be interested to see the comments all of you have on these two clips.

I see by the 'friends' list that Dr. Vapor and Grimmgreen have already stumbled across this video as well....I guess they are on top of it!

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As far as the first one, i read a news clipping about it previously. It is possible that this is the cause. As far as DIY, i do not put any flavorings in my liquid that contain oil. Only ones that state they are made of pg and water. I suppose it depends on where he got the liquid. The thing that frustrates me is that this is one single case and look how much publicity it is getting. One in years and with thousands using these devices. How many people died just today from analogs? How much press do those individuals get? None! It's crazy. They are so concerned about health risks but yet it is ok to sell cigarettes. There's my 2 cents.

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I believe that we have said all along on this forum that flavorings need to be able to mix with the water not oil. You are not to buy flavorings with oil. This gentleman's doctor said that it was a mixture of nicotine and oil. That's what we avoid and told to avoid. Just my two cents.

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