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New here still waiting my arrival of my 510 but how many months can i expect to get out of the ecig? with proper cleaning do they actually last a while? or should i be ordering a backup already?


On average I would say about 4 weeks from an atomizer. Again, that's an average based on my experience. If you haven't already I would order a few (say 4) atomizers to have as backups as that will most likely be the first thing to go. I think the jury is still out on whether or not cleaning extends or shortens the life of atomizers, everyone seems to have a different opinion on the matter.


As Karate said the atomizer is what needs changed most often, (every 4-6 weeks) and understable given the amount of work it does.

The batteries will last weeks. Seriously. Especially on the 510. Other ecig batteries would crap out pretty quick, maybe around 4-5 weeks if the liquid got inside. However the 510 battery is sealed, I have the 510 batteries from my original review and they still work great. (8-9 weeks now) The LED isn't as bright but that's about it. :)


thanks guys! looks like i need to get on the order of new atomizers lol


Do you guys know if it's possible to overcharge your battery and shorten it's life? I thought I had an issue a few days ago with that. Left a battery charging overnight, but it didn't work the next morning. Got about 2 weak puffs out of it, then the LED started blinking. I don't know what happened, but charged it with my PCC and now it works again. Just wondering if it's bad to leave a battery on the charger for too long, possibly giving it the opposite effect and draining the battery?


Na I think your ok, I've had that happen is well, although only with the 510 battery for some reason.

I leave my batteries in the charger overnight all the time :)


I started vaping back in March 09 and I never had a atty go bad I've had 3 battery's go bad due to sticky switch but not one atty I started with a penstyle and still use the same atty every day on my homemade passthrough I don't clean my attys just blow them out once or so a week when they feel clogged and after I blow them out I hold button down for about 5 to 10 sec. to try and cook of any remaining juice. Been doing that for a couple months and all work great.

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