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What Safety Precautions Do You Take?

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I'm sorry if this has been covered already, but I spent quite a lot of time looking and couldn't find it.

I'm thinking about some DIY, but I've seen photos of vendors "mixologists" wearing all sorts of exotic protective clothing. To me, being completely clueless, it would make sense to take *some* precautions, like wearing gloves (just for example).

So what, if any, safety measures do all of you veteran DIY'ers take when mixing?

Edited by ancientpuffer
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I'm glad you are looking at DIY--It really is fun and challenging.

For me--I mostly mix with 36mg/ml. I don't wear gloves, but I do keep a package of baby wipes nearby to clean any immediate spills off my hands and then wash with soap and water . I am usually pretty good at keeping spills to a minimum. when I am mixing with higher levels of nicotine I am alot more cautious and do use gloves and work on a hard surface that is easily cleaned, and I make sure there are no animals under foot.

I always keep any of my nicotine liquids(all strengths) out of reach of children. Mine are grown, but I do have friends with kids and I do have animals.

knock on wood, almost 2 years and no trouble.

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If you're mixing with 50mg/ml and below, just gloves will do ya! Although you don't have too, just don't forget to wash you hands right away if needed. When you get above 50mg/ml goggles are good to avoid accidents with syringes, or even putting caps on bottles can make a bit of spray. It does not feel good in the eye ;)

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