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Is the Mega Atty for the EGO that vaportalk sales, a LR atty? I am new at this, and I am a 2ppd smoker, but when I smoke, I can smoke a 100 as fast if not faster than someone smoking a reg. So I like alot of smoke and the reg atty on the ego I got isnt doing it for me. If it is not a LR atty, where and what would I need to get?


Im not sure of the ohm rating of the Mega atty , but I dont think its low resistance. Any LR 510 atty, carto or LR EGO-T will work on your eGo.


Is that a common problem? I don't get hardly any vapor even getting it straight off the charger and with a fresh drop on the atty


Good Prophets has lr mega attys in the cylinder and the cone but not in very many colors and they are 11.99. Hope this helps


You should be getting pretty good vapor even from a reg atty. Have you watched the video Chris did on direct dripping?


You can direct drip on a mega atty. You can get a drip tip for both the cylinder and the cone shaped. Also, As I state above you can get lrs. I like mine okay but I still would rather have a lr tank atty. A lot less time consuming. But if you like the megas you can have the best of both worlds. Direct dripping or using carts or cartos. Good luck on your search.


How do you know if you have a bad atty? And this is going to sound weird, but does vaportalk send out used or reconditioned items? Due to my wall charger didn't work, and there was liquid inside the bag of my atty before I opened it. But from watching the vids on YouTube, I am not getting anywhere near the vapor as they are.


How do you know if you have a bad atty? And this is going to sound weird, but does vaportalk send out used or reconditioned items? Due to my wall charger didn't work, and there was liquid inside the bag of my atty before I opened it. But from watching the vids on YouTube, I am not getting anywhere near the vapor as they are.

Not at all. Our parts are brand new from the factory. The liquid inside of the atomizer (which probably got on the plastic cover) is normal. When electronic cigarettes where first released new users took the atomizer, vaped it and didn't add liquid. Atomizers where burning up left and right. To circumvent this suppliers started to request unflavored liquid be added to the atomizer to protect it from such an event. It's perfectly normal for there to be some liquid :) (Some members refer to it has "primer)

As for the wall charger it was also new it was just unfortunate yours stopped working. (I believe a replacement was already shipped out)

Also, the mega atomizers are not LR. They are standard resistance. Because of it's size you will need to add about 4-5 drops of liquid rather than the normal 2 drops. Keep in mind that atomizers have a break in period, they usually get better the longer you use them. Stick to one atomizer for about a day or so and it should break in.


If you do all of this and still want more vapor, try getting a pg/vg blend of juice. Vg produces more vapor than pg. I know i don't get that feeling of smoking unless i am blowing out vapor.

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