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Well I have now joined the ranks of the VV bottom feeder box mod club! With 30 minutes under my belt with this Yellowheart and Bloodwood combo I am finding that it makes such a difference being able to dial up the voltage and find that tasty warm vape. YUMMMMMMMM





Oh ripple it's beautiful! :animier:

Ok do tell, your still new so is it really so much better?


Ripple, your new Ali is just beautiful. I am so glad it found it's way home safely and that it's working as great as you expected. Let us know how your new relationship progresses.thumbsup.gif

Posted (edited)

Thanks all

Beans - the short answer is yes

The longer answer, well because I had this coming I have resisted the temptation to order LR Attys and as I learned in chat last night (yep I chatted) its all about the power and watts. When you use a LR atty on a lower volt battery you increase wattage which generates more heat which makes for warmer burn and warmer vapor.

With the VV Ali'i I can adjust my voltage, keeping my standard atty resistance and with the greater voltage produce more power and achieve the same result but with a greater degree of personalization.

Add to that what I expect will be a set up (bottom feeder) that more accommodates my lifestyle needs for mobility and I think this is a home run. I have been dripping while driving - I know I know, and given that I take really long road trips the ability to load up 6 ML of juice and vape entirely one handed, a gentle push through the hole to feed the juice and then a push of the button and I am vaping away all with one hand on the wheel and my eyes on the road for hours at a time before needing to reload juice. I ordered some extra bottles too so I can have a few different flavors set and ready to be loaded when I stop for gas or such. I also travel for business a good deal. It kind of sucks having to stop on a Manhattan street, let go of the suitcase, pull out the bottle, open it, drip drip, put the bottle away, grab luggage, and continue - when you need to get somewhere!

Yes, it is an expensive mod, and I suspect there were others that would achieve a similar result that would have been less expensive, but heck I am worth it!

So there is the long answer, I am still trying to find just the right voltage setting and getting the hang of it but so far - I am liking it a lot!

Edited by ripple

Yes, you certainly are worth it!!! When can we expect the video review?????


You bet your worth it!

Ok I'm really slow on the up take. With bottom feeders/ wet boxes, you only use attys? I should have guessed.


There are so many video reviews of it out there on you tube already so I doubt I will do one. I like to believe if there isnt something new or additive to add leave well enough alone.


You bet your worth it!

Ok I'm really slow on the up take. With bottom feeders/ wet boxes, you only use attys? I should have guessed.

From his website

Our products are "Bottom Feed" Box Mods, which feeds liquid into the atomizer from a feed tube, which is inserted into the bottom hole of the atomizer, cartomizers are not to be used with our product.

GRRRRRR, Attys and I never mix.

Now why is that?


That baby is BEAUTIFUL !!! Very nice investment. V V is wonderful. I love 5 V. perfection.thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


You bet your worth it!

Ok I'm really slow on the up take. With bottom feeders/ wet boxes, you only use attys? I should have guessed.

With my missy wet box, I use a cartomizer. that is what came with mine.


I'm still loving mine. I bought a Reo mini to use at work and although with the right 1.8ohm LR atty it's great, It's still no where near the awesome sauce i get from my Ali'i


Absolutely gorgeous!! Congrats on your new Vv Ali'i. I am soooo happy for you!! (and a tad bit jealous of course)


Glad you're loving it!! I didn't get the VV version and I'm pretty happy at 3.7v. If I ever get to the point I need something more, I might have to consider a VV. I don't see that happening right now, but it could. When I needed more I just used my BSB PT and was fine. Until the cord quit working. Now I'm 5V-less until I get a replacement cord. Anyway, the Ali'i is the perfect road trip PV in my book!! :thumbsup:

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