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im looking into upgrading in a few days ..i currently have the 510 kit but kind fustrated over the batteries dont really last long for me .

any suggestions on what i should get i would like to keep on using the 510

budget is 100 but could go a lil higher if need be ... thanks in advance


I would get a couple ego- t batteries. They are 1000mah and last almost all day for me. $20 each.


I agree with Erika ( again :) ) Order a couple of eGo batts, a cone and a charger you'll be good to go. :)


I agree. A couple of Ego batteries will solve your battery life problem and then you'll have some scratch to spare and get get some more juice :)


One more vote for the eGo batteries...and cone...and charger...and a drip tip if you don't already have one.


Just to pile it on, yep the ego batteries - mine last on average about 5 to 6 hours


GO TO TOTALLY WICKED and buy a screwdriver MK2, no battery issues, last all day and cheap to replace. add a 901 to 510 adapter and your set- screw paying $10 for a atty and $20 for a battery. base kit is $59 now, add a spare battery and your shipped for $70. you will thank me. best 3.7v i have tried, and i use LR attys all day


im also going to suggest the ego batteries... but i wonder if it might not be more cost effective to just get a starter kit, then you get the charger and everything you need... best part is you can still use your 510 attys and such with the new device... Riva is also the same as an eGo


im looking into upgrading in a few days ..i currently have the 510 kit but kind fustrated over the batteries dont really last long for me .

any suggestions on what i should get i would like to keep on using the 510

budget is 100 but could go a lil higher if need be ... thanks in advance

I too recently upgraded from the 510 and agree that the ego batt is the way to go. As a chain vapor, I get 4-5 hours from a standard ego batt. I would suggest also upgrading to the mega atty and cart. Really increases the vapor and flavor for me.


ego it is lol ... still kinda new to this so am i looking for a certain ego batt, ? or it dont matter as long if its an ego

thanks for all the replies


I went straight for the eGo and got it a few days ago. I love it. Battery lasted all day of vaping, like 6-7 hours! Get the cone and drip tip...direct dripping is fab. Thanks to all those here who helped me decide! -Cheryl


ego it is lol ... still kinda new to this so am i looking for a certain ego batt, ? or it dont matter as long if its an ego

thanks for all the replies

Here is the link to the standard Ego battery at the Vapor Talk Store. You can get them at a variety of places, but VTS has great customer service and will ship within 24 hours. Will fit perfectly with your 510 atomizers, no adapters needed. I second the recommendation for a cone and a drip tip.



Ahh hahhaha, we have you now Beans twittles her mustache :whistle: You will love your eGo. I finally splurged and added 10000mah to my arsenal.. Great choice with those. 1mega batt last me nearly all day. Good luck!!!!!


Ahh hahhaha, we have you now Beans twittles her mustache :whistle: You will love your eGo. I finally splurged and added 10000mah to my arsenal.. Great choice with those. 1mega batt last me nearly all day. Good luck!!!!!

Can you use standard 510 atty's on those Beans, or do you need to get the Mega Atty?


well i have one more question before i order the ego battery . Do i need a charger that fits the battery or the one i have will do ?>


Your standard 510 charger will charge the Ego battery, it will just take a little longer than the Ego Charger. You don't want to put 510 batteries on the Ego Charger though, it will fry them.


I upgraded all the way back to 14500 box mods with 510 connectors.Costs less than $10.00 to build and they work like a charm.I use 510 and 306 atties and 510 cartomisers on them.


alright then !! im ordering the ego battery 900mah i think thats it what else do i need with it ? i already have my atty's and some cartomizers ...brand new bottle of Bobas Bounty


My 900mah lasts me about 12 hours, the 5 click 1000mah goes about 16-20 hours for me and I use it hard. Add the LR T atty and you are set. CAUTION you will fall in love and be unable to go anywhere without it. LOL


Great decision you made going with the eGo 900mah. I'm a vaping fool and I get at the very least 8 - 10 hours on the 900 batteries. Not to mention all your 510 will work with your eGo. Vape on my friend, vape on! thumbsup.gif


I recommend 1 ego batt and 1 ego pass through batt. Get the cones also, great for when you first start dripping (the help keep juice from getting everywhere. Don't bother with the T-tank imho. Your attys from the 510 will fit the ego, and I havent heard good things about the t tank.

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