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So, bearing in mind that I have only been vaping a little over 2 months, like most people I spent a lot and tried a lot - hardware, attys, new toys, juices. My very first PV, thank God, was a Joye eGo, which I still use all the time. At least parts of it. :rolleyes2:

I next got an eGo tank because the whole dripping/filling thing got to be cumbersome with driving, working, classes, etc. Awesome idea, by the way, and I adored it. Until the attys started getting gunked up from the bajillion different kinds of juices I tried. Then, not so much. Hard draws, crappy performance, leaks, and finally, pretty much dead.

Then I got a Stu's Illuminated Bottomfeeder Box Mod, aka Old Goat mod. I tried a 306 LR atty on it, which was OK, but the very best best best on it is a Boge LR cartomizer. And truly, this is the Nirvana of vaping for me. No hassle, no refilling throughout the day. Just have to remember to bring an extra battery (I am out of the house for 14 hours every day).

But I still like my Tank. More importantly, my HUSBAND still loves his tank best of all.

So I was talking to Vicki at Cignot.com (who is a treasure, a smart smart woman, and the very best at customer service in the whole world). She also loves her Tank but agrees that they can be a little high maintenance, so she helped me with some tips.

So. I take all of my eGo batteries and wipes them down with an alcohol prep pad. I am a nurse so I always come home with some in my pocket, and I wiped down the end, the threads, anywhere that juice might have gotten into stuff.

Then I took a page from Erika's post about the "Coke cleaning method". I did it because I knew those attys were truly gunked up and Coke really does eat away about anything. I soaked them for an hour or so, and then I came back, poured some Everclear in a bowl, and soaked them in there to get the Coke out. Attys, cartomizers, empty tanks - anything that had juice in them went through all of this. I took a booger sucker and blew the Everclear through the attys and cartos, and then I set them in front of the fan overnight to dry.

This morning, I did a dry burn a couple of times on the tank attys, stuck a clean, filled tank on, let it sit for about 30 minutes to let the wicking soak up the juice, and voila! Flavor, vapor production and draw like new. Only drawback was that I had to get up at 5 am to put it all back together for my hubby - he goes on duty at 6. :sleeping:

I know it sounds like a lot, but if using the tank is easy for him and has helped him kick a 35 year smoking habit just like that, and it saves me from having to buy new attys all the time, for me it's worth it.

Oh, and I'm also sticking now to juices I know don't clog things up as well - Tasty Vapors Atomic Cinnacide, Geoff's Blend, and Blue Bulls (lol). I get them 70/30 and the flavor is VERY strong and good every time.

Hope this helps!


Coke and Everclear? I've probably get more soaked than my atty. LOL!

Luckily, I haven't had any issues yet, but I'll keep this in mind if the problems start. :)


:thumbsup: I knew SOMEONE Would pick up on that. Mine do fine now that I am not dumping every Tom-****-and-Harry juice in it bvut when I was trying out thicker stuff - not so much. I really think a lot of the problem as well was when I would get leaks, the sticky juice was in the little threads and crevices of the battery.

That, and my husband CAN NOT learn to take slow, soft drags. He sucks like he's trying to suck a golf ball through a garden hose! :wallbash:


Something that may help a little - use a pipette to fill the tank. Removing the end cap regularly causes wear and tear and may lead to the leaking. I just use a pipette and only remove the end cap to clean it once in a while. Haven't had any leaks.

  • 4 weeks later...

So i have a question about juice also. I understand the maintenance of atties, but ive lost flavor. Still have the "pull" still have the vapor, just no flavor or lack there of. I have the ego-t system with 1000mah batts and just got the LR atties. Now, i use to have the 24mg vg liquids, but decided to get the 8mg vg liquids. But noticed very little to no flavor. Is this because of the atties or the difference in nic mg?

regards, Jflo02


yeah, same juice same brand, different nic level. and now i have a 24mg apple liquid that i got from my sis and barely taste the apple. so im thinking its the atty?

  • 3 weeks later...

Have had a couple leaks around the mouth piece - not exactly sure why, maybe damaged carts but only had them for a couple days so I opened the other 5 and prefilled a couple since I was out all day, will keep this cleaning method in mind if I have an issue~ Thanks!!

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