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120Mg Tasteless Nicotine + ?

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Hi guys I'm brand new(never vaped ever) to ecigs and decided I wanted to mix myself (to save some cash) so I ordered a huge 120ml bottle of nicotine and I want a tobacco flavor preferably to mix with. I don't want to pay 5$ for a tiny bottle of flavor, I would rather buy bulk and save some more cash.

Any recommendations? I like china prices if you have any ideas. Or if I could use something right off a shelf flavor doesn't matter) of a supermmarket for flavoring, O would be interested as well because money savings is my main key here.

P.S. Grabbing PG and VG tommorow but would like some sort of flavor as well.

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Wow that is some seriously dangerous strength of nicotene you got there. Please wear gloves, and please be careful - I've never seen it that high, the highest i've ever purchases was 60 mg and I cut that down to 12mg in my mixes. Whereever did you get your hands on that? In any event please use an e juice calcuator so you cut that properly to the amount you want. Breaktru has an awesome one just do a google search for e juice calculator there are several to choose from. As for flavorings you can use grocery store extracts as long as they are water or alchol bases nothing oil based is recommended, but note that you will need to use much more of those to flavor your juices than if you use a flavourart, lorann, flavor west, or cappella as they are concentrated... they're not really expensive either e cig exprss sells all of those brands. Or you could try DIY flavorshack they have numerous flavorings as well.

Good luck with your mixing and be careful. :)

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Wow that is some seriously dangerous strength of nicotene you got there. Please wear gloves, and please be careful - I've never seen it that high, the highest i've ever purchases was 60 mg and I cut that down to 12mg in my mixes. Whereever did you get your hands on that? In any event please use an e juice calcuator so you cut that properly to the amount you want. Breaktru has an awesome one just do a google search for e juice calculator there are several to choose from. As for flavorings you can use grocery store extracts as long as they are water or alchol bases nothing oil based is recommended, but note that you will need to use much more of those to flavor your juices than if you use a flavourart, lorann, flavor west, or cappella as they are concentrated... they're not really expensive either e cig exprss sells all of those brands. Or you could try DIY flavorshack they have numerous flavorings as well.

Good luck with your mixing and be careful. :)

Cheers thanks for the reply. And yes don't worry I will use gloves and be very careful. I stated it was 120 but i made a mistake as it is only 100mg.I got it from a far away place :). As for that calculator I already have it and yes it is the best thing I have for this. Thanks so much I wasn't sure if I could use the grocery store flavors but I'm glad that's always an option.

Mainly looking for a Canadian Brand of Tobacco flavors if anyone has any recommendations I am all ears.

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a $1 per ml, not sure if that's a deal really but will look into this further when i get home. Gotta go grab some PG and VG, and a few beer making supplies.

Healthcabin.net has very cheap tobacco flavorings. You'll pay a lot for shipping from China though. I know the 555 is good (a friend sent me some to try), but haven't tried any of the others.

A lot of vendors sell the FA tobacco flavors for $4-$6 for 5 or 6ml. Ecigexpress.com sells 30ml bottles for $13-$14. The FA tobacco flavors a quite concentrated, so usually 5 drops or so for 10ml will do nicely, especially is you're using something else for a base (like peanut butter).

Forgot one thing. You may want to check out the Tobacco Absolute from The Perfumer's Apprentice. It's VERY concentrated. I haven't used it, but I know a lot of people like it.

Edited by Brian
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Brian thanks so much for all the help I decided I would go with Healthcabin as their prices are unbeatable.I decided on buying 555 110ml.(should last for awhile XD) The shipping for me is very reasonable as I am in Canada and local delivery costs more than to get a delivery from china ( says alot about canada post eh?) anyways thanks again .

Example : I tried to get 1 parcel (approx 3 lbs delivered from one town 30 minutes away and the cost of shipping was 16$ ..lol)

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Brian thanks so much for all the help I decided I would go with Healthcabin as their prices are unbeatable.I decided on buying 555 110ml.(should last for awhile XD) The shipping for me is very reasonable as I am in Canada and local delivery costs more than to get a delivery from china ( says alot about canada post eh?) anyways thanks again .

Example : I tried to get 1 parcel (approx 3 lbs delivered from one town 30 minutes away and the cost of shipping was 16$ ..lol)


Just wanted to say I agree with the person that said handle only with gloves. I would add a mask and a cheap rubber or nylon apron. 100mg can make you very sick if not dead, if mishandled. That said, use your calculator to get your percentages and then make SMALL batches to start with. Flavors are usually available at a bakeing store, if not wanting to get them online. Lorann's, and Perfumers Apprentice are my 2 favorite sites, and I can get Lorann's locally at a baking store. Again start out with the smaller bottles cuz you will only be using a few drops at a time for small batches of juice. After being a "mad scientist" for a while, you will come up with a few personal favorites and then you can go to making the bigger batches. I start with a 3ml batch and if I like it I make a 30ml batch, cuz I smoke about 2ml a day, unlike some of our heavier vapors. :innocent:

The most important thing is to get you off the killer weed and that you enjoy it so you will remain a vapor.

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