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Hi, after a lot of searching through different forums it seems to me that my situation is fairly unique.

I've never smoked tobacco, but I have experience smoking other plants in the past (I'll leave that matter up to your imagination). I really enjoy the act of smoking itself, so I've been thinking about diving into the world of e-cigs.

Since I'm not looking to pick up any new addictions, I would only be vaping 0-nic liquids, but I imagine I could have some fun trying out different flavors and perhaps make a hobby out of mixing my own.

I realize the vast majority of vapers started because it helped them kick analogs, but do you guys think its wise for a non-smoker to start vaping just for fun?

I'm also very interested to hear how much people spend on liquids / replacement parts every month, since I'm a fairly frugal person.


Welcome to Vapor Talk! :) I would never encourage anyone to start vaping or smoking. Most of us vape as an alternative to smoking. Most of us have tried every other method there is to quit smoking and failed. This works for us.

How much you spend really would depend on how much you use it. You'd probably be looking at $8-$10 a month for a new atomizer and eliquid runs anywhere from $4-$10 for a 10ml bottle. I go through 10ml in about 3-4 days.


I would have to concur, why start something you really don't need, if you need some thrills join Habitat for Humanity, that should give you the ultimate thrill.

Could you take up vaping and only use 0 nic juice sure, but it seems like a waste to me.


I would also add to Brians post that we do not know the long term effects of vaping so I would not recommend Vaping to someone who does not currently smoke.


You also stated your frugal , and so am I. This habbit is not a cheap investment It can cost quiet a bit, so if you want to throw cash away you should just send it to me instead so i can buy more ejuice lol.


I don't think I would start if I were you .Best to not tempt fate.I spend around $30.00 a week for parts and liquid.I vape a lot .I use no or low nic and have found some very good Dekang flavors I like and look forward to ,this things like a pacifier to me.


Gotta agree with the above. It is addicting, delicious, and a fairly large wallet drain. Granted, for MOST, it's significantly less than cigs. But money spent is still money spent. Add to that the unknown long term effects. Less harmful than cigs, but the lesser of two evils is still, afterall, evil. Still putting chemicals in your body.

Still insistent on taking up vaping? If you have a friend who already does, try it out. (that's how I got sucked in. But I also completely quit cigs, instead of just "socially" which was too often) it is a fairly high startup cost. I'd take up a productive hobby, instead. Or amateur radio. Or dog breeding. Or painting. Or semi professional race car driving. Or pooping money. If you figure that last one out, let us all know!


I'll add my 2 cents in and am in agreement with all the above. Don't start something you don't need to do. It is a great alternative to smoking but since you don't smoke, I wouldn't start vaping.



The best advice is don't start. Don't vape, don't smoke and instead pride yourself on having pefect Lungs. :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

I agree with pretty much everyone else. If you're not addicted, then I wouldn't take the chance on getting that way. And it is an expensive habit (especially if, like most of us, you get bitten by the bug to try absolutely everything you can). If you need an inexpensive hobby that provides you with great flavor, I'd recommend life savers. :D

Edited by mwsmith1778

Welcome to Vapor Talk! :) I would never encourage anyone to start vaping or smoking. Most of us vape as an alternative to smoking. Most of us have tried every other method there is to quit smoking and failed. This works for us.

How much you spend really would depend on how much you use it. You'd probably be looking at $8-$10 a month for a new atomizer and eliquid runs anywhere from $4-$10 for a 10ml bottle. I go through 10ml in about 3-4 days.

I found a supplier that sells 30ml dekang anywhere from 0mg-24mg for $8.99. Atomizers on his site are the $7.99-$11.99 depending on which one you get and im pretty sure the $11.99 one is the ego-t lr.


hi kaidik, vaping can get expensive if you let it. Especially if you aren't used to the cost of buying ciggarettes all the time. Even with 0 nic juice it can become quite a habit/hobby so if your not looking for a new one of those I wouldn't recommend it. However, although we don't know all the facts about vaping yet i'm pretty sure it's a much better alternative than cigarettes or ahem other plants ;)

As for the cost it varies greatly based on what type of juice you like, what type of device /parts your using etc. It would be really difficult to pinpoint that for you.

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