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By the way PADave... I, like you, also would like more of a 'fill and forget' type device now.

From what I have read... I would go straight for the 'bottom feeder' mods that are out there as your best choice.

There are several available.... The Reo mods, Ali'i, are a couple of the 'higher quality' ones. There is also the Old Goat mods for a less expensive alternative to them... might be worth trying before stepping in to the expensive models. I'm in the same boat... I'm ready to pull the trigger on a bottom feeder... I just simply cannot make up my mind as to which one to get. I suppose I will own several of them before this is all over with... who am I kidding! :thumbsup:


Congrats to everyone who have chosen a wonderful alternative to picking up that nasty cigarette again and keeping it going. Every lighter my husband or I have found and I believe there are hundreds hidden every where in this place is being thrown away. Haven't had an ashtray in years because I had to smoke outside and I used a coke can. I still have a pack and 1/2 of the Virginia Slim Superslims I used to smoke, wating for someone who will never visit them again. :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

my turn to chime in here. Since I started vaping, I have bought 2 packs of cigarettes, the temptation was way too strong. I enjoyed them but didn't love them. I have been analog free now for 6 days and I really don't ever want to go back to cigarettes.

I know that these are not a quit smoking device but I really don't need the ecig that much anymore either. When I use it I only take about two drags off of it then I am good to go. Anymore than that and I don't like it. I went from 5:30 am to about 2:30 pm without vaping at all today and I didn't miss it.

I will try to stay away from it longer tomorrow. It makes it easier to quit knowing that I have my ecig just incase I need a hit of nicotine. If I didn't have it at all I would panic because I didn't have any cigarettes on me.

I am hoping to get one for my mother for a mother's day present. I let her try mine but she didn't like the fruity taste, she said she would try it but with tobacco flavors.

Edited by savanahrose

My philosophy

I didn't start vaping to quit smoking, just to smell better and possibly get my sense of smell and taste back a little bit. I'm the only smoker i know who's never tried to quit smoking, and i think where a lot of people run into difficulty when they quit is that they make a big, dramatic production out of it, tell everyone who'll listen that they're quitting, throw away all their lighters and ashtrays, and if they make it a couple of days, they'll sometimes turn their nose up to people who still smoke as if they're king of the healthy life choices syndicate. It's no wonder they feel like a failure and get all depressed when they relapse, at that point they've built it up way too big, and i think, put WAY more pressure on themselves, and possibly forced their inevitable failure.

What i think will work best for me (and probably a lot of people), is not to say you're quitting smoking, not announce it to the world and have cnn film you throwing away all your ashtrays and lighters (keep those lighters for camping trips). hell, leave out your ashtrays, leave the butts in them until they smell too bad. Try vaping as an interesting hobby that tastes really good, do it more and more if you like, do it instead of smoking if you prefer, but don't build up the entire hopes of your existence on it, and don't misdirect a bad choice that you made into hate for tobacco, smoking, or even the people who profit from something that's inherently unhealthy. It was our choice to smoke just like it's our choice to vape, and if we have an analog today, so what? maybe we won't tomorrow, and if we do, it doesn't mean we're failures and that our entire lives are meaningless and all the baby foxes in canada are going to die, it just means that smoking is ridiculously addictive. And that one cigarette in a day, or a week, or however long, is nothing compared to the millions we had when we were full-time smokers.



I had relapsed on Sunday. The cartomizer seemed to be weak...it was brand new when I put it on my battery (KR808-D1 from V2 Cigs) and I wasn't getting a throat hit at all from it. I have some tobacco from when I was doing the whole RYO deal so I made myself a smoke. The tobacco wasn't too old (maybe a month) and I still had almost a whole box of tubes left so I made one. Didn't mind the taste but my tounge tingled for about 10 minutes after I finished it.

Wasn't too proud of myself (had gone nine days without one) and with my latest order of carts possibly being delayed (V2 are apparently notorious for this but I knew that before going with them...thought the carts would last me a bit longer to be honest) I know I'll probably make a few more before all is said and done. Nine days was a new record for me though and I haven't made one since.

I love vaping (everyone at my job who smokes, and there alot of smokers there, seem to be enamoured with my e-cig) and I have absolutley no intention of going back to smoking but like alot of people here I am a nicotene addict and if I need my fix I will get it one way or another.

Empty carts and e-liquid are my solution and I plan on going that route in the future. I need a stronger nic mg from what my carts are (v2 has 18 listed as their highest mg for their carts) which is why I'm turning to the liquid.

Besides, it seems like I'm not the only one who has given in and it has steered me/educated me to the path I must take in the future so maybe the relapse was a blessing in disguise. Good luck to everyone else here.

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