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Okay, some frustration here. I am just hitting the 60 day mark and VERY happy that I am no longer sucking on analogs. Within the last week or so, however, I have found the morning hack returning. I have made no significant changes to my juice, frequency, or overall habits (with the exception of using a T-tank instead of direct dripping) and this is driving me nuts. It does not happen every morning, but when it does, it is just like I was still smoking...hack...choke...cough s**t up, etc. I think I remember reading somewhere in the past that this is just my body still trying to clear the crap, but it has me concerned. There are other times where I get a lung 'tightness' and semi-shortness of breath, but that seems to be random and pass rather quickly, but this issue is driving me nuts! I have set up an appointment with my family doctor to discuss the whole vaping issue and will be sure to bring this issue up (he is very forward thinking, so I am hoping it goes well) but I wanted to ask the community if anyone else has experienced something similar. All input, information, and suggestions are appreciated.


Sorry to hear that PADave. I have a cough sometimes but I attribute that to the juices that have the most throat hit. That hits way down in my chest and makes me cough and good bit but never what you are describing. Well, I have coughed up some stuff and I was thinking that was what is way down in my lungs because of the 48 years I smoked. When you go to your doctor please report back and let us know what they have to say about the situation. I don't think my doctor is that forward thinking though. Good luck.


I didn't go through that when I started vaping but my wife did. She went through a period of 2 weeks when she tried to compete with the cats on hairballs. I was blamed for trying to kill her. Her tastebuds came back before mine. You are doing the smart thing by consulting with the family doctor. Everybody reacts differently. I wish you well.



PADave, You know I did go through something similar. I had the am hack for the first 3weeks then it went away, Just about month 2 like you I went through a second round....I was getting up tar so I didn't worry about it. I felt if it was productive it was a good thing. I did start drinking lung health tea too. That seemed to get it all Up and out. I do get tightness on occasions but I had it long before I ever used my eGo. The tightness happens fewer and farther in-between though.

I don't know if this could be it, I hope your Health improves soon. Good luck


I noticed this last night: If I eat a really BIG meal, I feel that same chest tightness, shortness of breath thing. I think because after eating so much, my diaphram was pushed up to make room in my stomach and I couldn't get a decent breath in. Could it be something like that? Probably not, but worth considering. :)


I don't know if you know this either....But If you have acid reflux especially so at night when laying down it will and does cause asthma or asthma symptoms. Chest tightness, wheezing, coughing and clogged up air ways. Take care if acid reflux and solve a lot of breathing issues. Hope that helps


sorry this is happening to you. I dont cough much anymore unless when I take my first puff in the morning. a lot of times the e-liquid is to strong and will also make me cough. You may also be getting sick. colds are going around, and mine lead into Bronchitis. The cough sent me to the Doctors.


So I did go see my family doctor. He was very supportive of the fact that I have now found a way to kick the analog habit. He did not know anything about ecigs, but absolutely agrees that they are better than smoking. He did a basic checkup and said the lungs sounded good. He thought too that the morning hack might just be my body still trying to clean out the crap. He said that if it persisted for too long to come back and see him again.

It's really weird, I actually voluntarily scheduled myself for a full physical next month just to 'see'. I have suddenly become more health conscious with my 43 year old body. I guess now that I am no longer resigned to killing myself slowly with cigarettes, I figured I should pay more attention! :yes


Good news on your doctors' visit. Hope the physical works out okay to. My husband always says (he's 67) if he had of known he would have lived this long he would of taken better care of himself in his youth. I didnt' take care of myself because I smoked for 48 years. But I saw the light about 6 months ago and am doing better every day. Good luck.


Glad you went to see the Dr and glad its Your lungs sound ok. I have found My lungs seem to be a bit more sensitve to allergens (never really had allergies).

Good for you on getting a physical !!!:thumbsup:

Your right--now that you are no longer killing yourself and may actually live longer....Good plan to take care of yourself.


When you consider the damage many of us have self-inflicted on ourselves over years and/or decades of smoking its not surprising that the body needs awhile to recover.


PADave, Im happy your DR visit went well. I dont remember how long you said you smoked, but it does take time to clean out.

Suddenly I've become very perticular what I consume now. Advil I limit BC it can stay in your liver, kidneys etc......Alcohol the same thing.

Ithink the health consciousness comes from our age and the fact that we are in control of our body now. I just hit 39 and am suddenly aware of everything I put into my body. I know stupid after 27 years, of smoking,but I think it's a natural at our stage in life. I remember my mom going through this as well as older family members. I think what you said "I am no longer resigned to killing myself" is a key point. When I was smoking I felt powerless and helpless. Like I had no control of what was happening to my body, And now its my choice and I have the power again. Maybe I'm wrong it's only a theory mind you. Congrats on the clean bill of health!

  • 7 months later...

I'm going through it right now (bronchitis). I don't know if its being caused by my ecig or not. As a person that smoked for 11 years and then started vaping 7-8 months ago.. I'm interested in knowing where I stand. This is my 2nd round of bronchitis.. and I want to get rid of it. Wheezing, Tight Chest, and LOTS of coughing.

  • 1 month later...

i know VG juices make me start to cough up stuff, pg is fine for me, also vg makes me hungry lol idk why, or if im just imagining it

Posted (edited)

i tend to get the 'morning hack' when i smoke the higher pg or use the cartridges. I dont know what it is about them but it seems i have to take longer drags, and end up getting that weird sting/burnt feeling in my throat and tongue for a while. For me it was just the irritation i think or maybe a slight allergic reaction, it went away once i started smoking mostly vg e-liquid though. If it does continue seeing ur physician seems like a good idea, because i dont think vaping would actually cause that kind of things it might be something else, I actually feel healthier and my mouth feels cleaner than when i used to smoke.

Edited by twelveday

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