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It really doesn't give us much info, other than the scare factor. From what I remember reading the typical "juice" is water based not oil right?


exactly, water not oil based, and why do they keep insisting that what is in these liquids is some mysterious secret? most manufactures clearly list exactly what it is in them, besides, it is not secret that many former smokers may still one day develop smoking related illness even years after they quit, whether or not they turn to smoking alternitives


Yea I'm guessing it's probably a scare read more than anything but I do know for a while there DIY'ers where using Oil Based flavorings in their liquid. Some still do. Again probably nothing but all the more reason to make sure your American Mix or DIY'ed liquid is PG or water based. (Lor Anns for example now has PG based flavoring)


i used to dabble in making perfumes from essential oils, i learned really quickly there is a huge difference between synthetic and real oils, but i also know they are not for ingestion, topical only... i know that loranns flavorings do clearly state which ones are oil based, such as clove oil for example, but i can see where a DIYer might easily screw up and create something not suitable for inhalation


I just might have to stir up the pot a little bit. There are some flavorings used for making candy that does contain oils. Vapers, venturing out into the DIY juice mixing, may see one of these brands used in a DIY recipe and think that all of their flavoring are ok to vape. Also, I have seen some juices being sold that do not list all the ingredients on their website and/or on their bottles. Just as consumers are getting smart about reading labels on food items, they need to do the same with e-liquids. Question the vendors, if it is not clear, as to exactly what is in their e-liquids. We lived in denial, as long as we could, regarding the fact that there are (who knows how) many chemicals in analogs and how they were harming us, because nicotine (and other ingredients) are addictive. Now that there is a safer way to smoke (get our nicotine fix), does not mean that all juices are created equally. If a vendor is reputable and stands behind the products they sell(not just out to making a buck), they are going to be knowledgeable as to exactly what is in their e-liquids. I have no idea if the information in the mentioned article is accurate or not, but it was enough to make me realize that I need to be more responsible about what I am vaping now and in the future.

Okay, I am now stepping down off the soap box..... next!!!!! :respect:


My opinion: I think it's all scare tactics. The article didn't say what kind of oil the dr. was talking about. I mean.."There's extensive literature in the medical world on damage to the lungs due to inhaling oil"..REALLY? And who was it that was inhaling all that oil and just how were they inhaling it? That would make a big difference. And..."seemed to involve a mixture of nicotine and some oil"...well, did it or not? Or did it just "seem" to? Might make a big difference. I have a feeling it involved more than a mixture of nicotine and some oil.

Even the Lorann's oil based flavors come in a PG base. It's not straight oil. Then, if you used the "oil" flavoring, you would only use a tiny bit in a bunch of PG, or VG, or a combination of both. Flavoring is the smallest, tiniest, part of the liquid we use. I don't see that it could cause a big problem. No more so than breathing in all the PG and VG that we're breathing in. We don't know for sure that it's safe. I still feel like that is a lot safer than all the burning crap I'd been breathing into my lungs for 34 years. I'm not saying the oil based flavorings are safe, I'm saying we don't know. After all, we don't know that the non-oil based flavorings are "safe" either. They were not invented for inhaling as a vapor. But I know people are using the flavorings for vaping and are feeling better than they have for years. And that includes some liquids made with an oil based flavoring.

Because a man got sick and died...and he used an e-cig...they are going to try and blow that out of proportion - like they do most things. The ones who want it banned are going to use anything and everything they can use to get it banned - fair or not.


The fact of the matter is, everyone is different. His lung death may or may not have been caused by liquid/oil. Could have been he was already affected by some sort of lung disease or autoimmune disease. Anything that enters your lungs can damage them. With autoimmune diseases completely harmless chemicals/dust/air can trigger a reactions of various degrees. Even death.

Some of my doctors thought me moving from the desert to LA county where the smog blankets the sky was enough to trigger mine. No other irritants or inhalants were involved. Well besides cigarettes. So them saying that e cigs killed him is most likely false. Underlying disease is the biggest suspect. IMHO of course.


I agree, Beans.

I hear so many people, when upon hearing of someones illness, say something like, "But you know he/she is a smoker." Like that's the only reason a person would ever get sick. Now they'll probably change "smoker" to "vaper". :no


I believe that article is just another nail to be driven. I don't know, how many thousands of people are vaping now? One documented death. . .How many people are smoking now? How many documented deaths? I have never ever heard someone say, do you know what chemicals you are smoking? But, antifreeze is pretty much always mentioned when the news reports something on an e-cig. There are other ways to die, I don't know, this person has died, I heard they were a driver. That makes as much sense as they were a smoker. Just my 2cents.

  • 3 weeks later...

i thought most people used water based liquids

whats the bet some big tobacco company or government department is causing this

tobacco comapnies are loosing millions in sales

and governments are loosing millions in taxes


  On 4/21/2011 at 3:14 AM, dearne said:

i thought most people used water based liquids

whats the bet some big tobacco company or government department is causing this

tobacco comapnies are loosing millions in sales

and governments are loosing millions in taxes

Hey, don't forget the Pharmaceutical Companies. They are the ones with all the bucks!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I read an article that one of the doctor's supporting negatives on ecigs has a connection with Chantix pharmaceuticals...just saying...it's all about the greed!

  • 1 month later...

Stay with liquids that you know and trust not the tiny lil maf. that makes and sell liquids he mixes in his shop , kitchen tale etc . read the ingredients . There are so many lil 1 person places that are popping up making juice . Stay with big companies, de-kang , joytech and health cabin and others that do it full time and have an idea of what they are doing

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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