johns Posted March 29, 2011 Posted March 29, 2011 (edited) Might be the wrong forum, if so, I am sure someone will move it. Just got some clearomizers from Indy Vapors. What a hoot. I got the 2.6ohm and am using an eGo. Good point 1. Vapor and more vapor using freedom juice. Good point 2. Same great vapor all the way to the end, which by the way is easy to see because they are clear. Not so good point 1. A tad hard to fill, parts to remove and you have to use a syringe. Also a little difficult to put back together but, I am mechanically challenged, so, you may have an easier time. Not so good point 2. With all the taking apart and putting back together it takes a bit longer to get to the vaping! Not so good point 3. A little more expensive, may turn out to be a good point depending on how long they last. I will let you know when I find out. I think the amount of vapor overrides the bad points Happy Vaping! Edited March 29, 2011 by johns Sharon and turtle11c 2
Sharon Posted March 29, 2011 Posted March 29, 2011 Thanks for the review of the Clearomizer John. It certainly gave me a lot to think about before I buy the Clearomizer.
JayH503 Posted March 29, 2011 Posted March 29, 2011 Thanks for the review! Do they wick (feed) well? These are like the CE2's right? The coils are at the top? Does the juice feed to the coil well if you vape at a faster pace? I didn't like the CE2's because they didn't seem to feed the juice very well. Thanks for the info!
johns Posted March 29, 2011 Author Posted March 29, 2011 Thanks for the review! Do they wick (feed) well? These are like the CE2's right? The coils are at the top? Does the juice feed to the coil well if you vape at a faster pace? I didn't like the CE2's because they didn't seem to feed the juice very well. Thanks for the info! They are the CE2 and yes, they appear to wick really well.
turtle11c Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 Been waiting for a review like this seeing on how as i have been wanting to order some for a month now but just was waiting for a worth while review. How is the taste on them? What ohm did you get? Gotvapes has the same thing they just call them fluxomizers but they seem to have more options as far as ohms.
Sharon Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 Got my Fluxomizer from Gotvapapes yesterday. I watched two videos on how to fill and clean before I started using it. One video suggested fluffing the wicks before first using. I don't suggested this as I damaged the wicking trying to fluff them. There was a difference in the appearance of wicking on the video from the wicking that came in my Fluxomizers. The wicking shown in the video is in a blow shape. The wicking that came in mine is just one piece that is threaded threw the coils, one time, and hands down both sides of the tubbing. Much less wick in the newer model. I don't know if the wick is made out of a different type of material, but when I took my tweezers (exact same kind used in the video) and fluffed as shown, the tweezers cut the wick. One down, four more to go!!!!! Got the second one out and proceeded to fill. Filling required removing the black rubber tip from the top, the clear rubber o ring, then a clear rubber cap that sits above the coils and wicking. With the box of Fluxomizers you get a flexible filling piece that will fit on a typical syringe. I bought the optional 15ml filling bottle that comes with a stainless steel blunt needle that fits on the special bottle cap for the 15ml bottle. You also get a special stopper that will seal the bottle cap when you take off the needle. These way you can store your juice in the 15ml bottle, and just take off the stopper, pop on the filling needle, and refill your Flux. You also get a black rubber mouth tip with the Flux's. I suggest using your own drip tip or just use the black rubber top that came on the Flux. I bought the 2.4 - 2.6 ohm Fluxomizers. The vapor was amazing and the flavor was very clean. I never get much of a TH because I only use 12 - 14 mg nic. I also think the flavor was just a little to strong for me. It almost tasted like I was drinking the juice. My daughter, who was sitting at the kitchen table with me, said she could taste the juice. She said that this was the first time she could actually taste my vapor. All the other times she just smelled the juice. The wicking was good must of the time. I did have to tip the Flux for a second every now and then. When the juice got about 1/3 - 1/4 down, I did start getting a burn taste more frequently. The one fill lasted me for 4 hours. I placed another order for the 2.6 - 2.8 Fluxomizers and I am also trying the 510 Lucid Clear Carts 1.4ml 5 pak.
fran1959 Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 Sharon, I just ordered a fluxomizer, got tired of waiting for the MAP everytime I go on COV site, everything is sold out, very frustrating. Grimmgreen has a video about them, was raving, can't wait to get mine.
Sharon Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 Sharon, I just ordered a fluxomizer, got tired of waiting for the MAP everytime I go on COV site, everything is sold out, very frustrating. Grimmgreen has a video about them, was raving, can't wait to get mine. Me too Fran! I just can't seem to get the word that the MAP Tanks are in, before they are back out again. Whats up with that? I've got to keep looking for the very best vaping experience. You'll never know unless you try! My latest search is for a VV Mod that doesn't look like I'm vaping from a flashlight or a six inch plumbing pipe. LOL The problem is the battery life. If it's small enough for my liking, the battery life sucks. Oh well, it is a hobby too.
fran1959 Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 Sharon, me too!!! I want something that looks well lady-like and small, but powerful. I just don't think I would be comfortable holding something that is as heavy as a flashlight. I have been looking at the GGTS, they are coming out with a new model in a few months, it is beautiful!!!!! Expensive, of course, but gorgeous.
Sharon Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 Sharon, me too!!! I want something that looks well lady-like and small, but powerful. I just don't think I would be comfortable holding something that is as heavy as a flashlight. I have been looking at the GGTS, they are coming out with a new model in a few months, it is beautiful!!!!! Expensive, of course, but gorgeous. Who sells the GGTS and what does GGTS stand for????????? Girlfriend we have to stay in touch!!!!
Morfeeus Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 Who sells the GGTS and what does GGTS stand for????????? Girlfriend we have to stay in touch!!!! GG stands for Golden Greek. Not sure bout the TS. The GG series are sold by CoV
fran1959 Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 Sharon, yes, we do need to stay in touch. You can see the GG on Clouds of Vapor, the one I am looking at they of course are out of, it is small, but gold and silver, the newest edition is coming out in a month or so, does different volts with various batteries, 510 connection. It is expensive, but the say it will last forever, all you do is change batteries. I have a GG slim on the way that I bought second-hand to see if I like it while I wait. I'm anxiously waiting.
Sharon Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 Sharon, yes, we do need to stay in touch. You can see the GG on Clouds of Vapor, the one I am looking at they of course are out of, it is small, but gold and silver, the newest edition is coming out in a month or so, does different volts with various batteries, 510 connection. It is expensive, but the say it will last forever, all you do is change batteries. I have a GG slim on the way that I bought second-hand to see if I like it while I wait. I'm anxiously waiting. Fran, How did you find a second-hand mod? I have been searching for a second hand units. I sure hope your new toy comes in soon. I know how it is when you are patiently (not) waiting!
Beans Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 @ Sharon and Fran. Have you two seen the E Power eGo from Madvapes? I just saw it and haven't seen any post here at VT. Its supposed to be slightly larger than the 650 mah, but uses the rechargeable 1080 batts in it. Maybe it will be a good option...I'm really considering it. It uses the eGo attachments too.
Sharon Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 Hey Beans, I just got the newsletter yesterday about the release of the E Power eGo. It looks like a nice unit. Only a tad bit bigger than the 1000mah battery and the batteries come out and you recharge them with a charging unit. I did notice that they are not selling the replacement battery unit, only the kit. I'm not interested in spending any more money on a complete kit. I would be willing to buy the battery unit and separate battery to give it a try. I just broke down yesterday an ordered a Fuchsia Bombshell Mod from I am really looking for a VV Mod that is small in size but has a battery life longer than 2-4 hours. What is your take on the E-Power eGo?
Beans Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 Oh you bad girl Sharon. LOL Am I the only non MODDER left from our join date group? Ok that stinks! I'm broke this month LOL baby Ginger got sick, and the Vets $$$$$$ WAAAAAAAAA I need a MOD too!
Sharon Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 Beans, Is Ginger OK? I do understand, we have to take care of our four legged babies! I made the mistake of vaping on an older box mod. It was for only 4 hours, but the difference was amazing. The wheels started turning (truthfully the wheels never turn off) and the search began. I had to have a Mod!!!!! What I really want and what I really shouldn't spend, were two worlds apart. But, I couldn't stop my brain from saying "I have to have a Mod". I finally accepted the fact that a VV is just not possible right now. I got the BombShell for $50 (in my sick little brain, I could justify $50), but of course I had to get two batteries and I charger. I have just chosen to ignore he cost of the batteries and charger. Oh, I'll move the figures around with my monthly budget (What is a monthly budget?) and make it all work out. Because, A MOD IS COMING TO MY FRONT DOOR any day now. Oh the world is good today!
Beans Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 Lol, good for you! I hope you love it. Waiting for blood tests on Ginger.....We have been together 19 years now, she has a cold she can't shake. Besides my husband,I love her more than anyone else in the world. So extra extra extra treats, lots of pets and a heating pad for her.
Sharon Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 Yes Beans, Lots and lots of love and treats. I'll be praying for Ginger. Take care and stay strong.
fran1959 Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Sharon, I ordered my demo from GG site in Greece!! it arrived two days ago and I love it. It is small, batteries don't last that long, but it is pretty. Got my fluxomizer on it, which I love too. It is a 3.7, so of course I still need more I have looked at Magelon or whatever it is from Eelectronixstix, but the size thing, I don't know. Good luck with your new toy!!!
Sharon Posted April 7, 2011 Posted April 7, 2011 Fran I am so glad you got your new toy!!!! And all the way from Greece. You are going to have to give her a Greek name! What ohm Flux did you get? Hopefully I will find a mod sitting on my doorstep tomorrow morning! I'll have to let you know about the size thing after I get my 4" x 1" mod. It might end up being 8" after I add the 510 extension and my ego tank. I may have to end up getting an arm extension! LOL
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