Morfeeus Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Yup, I have no choice but to admit that I'm a vapaholic. It started out innocent enough. An eGo kit here....a couple juices there. Recently though, it has blown up into a full time obsession. I find myself vaping all the time. I can't stop browsing vendors websites.....thinking about new joose to try....looking at all the available mods thinking how wonderfull they would be to have. I know I have a problem but am powerless to stop it. It all came to a head today when I was washing my car and decided I had to sneak off and vape some Monkey Bread instead of drying my car in time to prevent water spots. *Begins to cry* I need help....Please help me!! LOL, sorry guys, just had share my obsession with everyone. I know I'm in good company here and most of you are probably in the same boat as myself. Maybe I should start a support group....Vapors Anonymous!! kitsune 1
Brian Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Hi Morf! I wish I could tell you that it gets better, but it doesn't. And you'll get no help here... we just encourage you to feed your addiction so we don't feel so bad about ours. LOL!
Tagsanstuff Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 You sound like me. house looks like a vaping store. I am so addicted it is unreal..Vapors Anonymous!! I would join it.
Beans Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Hello Morf, My name is Nina AKA Beans and I'm a vapoholic too. LOL I cant even tell you how terribly obsessed I am with vaping. I'm sure I drive Hubby crazy with all my vape talk. I've also completely destroyed my beautiful credit card. I'm just paying enough each month to buy my next fix. This month it was 50 cartos 15 btls of 30 ml juice and 2 new MEGA eGO batts, button protectors, drip tips and....well I already forgot what else. Because, you must know 8 reg eGo batts isn't enough. You never know when they may die even though I haven't lost 1yet. Welcome to your new hobby!
Saabdrifter Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Hello, my nake is saaby and I'm a vapaholic also. Wife is for sure tired of all the vape talk. I simply love this stuff. I spend at least 2 hours a day on the web dreaming of all the cool stuff I would like to try. I'm a little short on hardware. 2 510 kits, 2 egos, and 2 mega eGos w/tanks and mega attys. Need a mod, no I dont, yes I do! But I have around 40 different juices. I would say we need a support group, but I'm sure we would end up sharing favorite juices or mixes!
Morfeeus Posted March 27, 2011 Author Posted March 27, 2011 ....I've also completely destroyed my beautiful credit card. I'm just paying enough each month to buy my next fix. This month it was 50 cartos 15 btls of 30 ml juice and 2 new MEGA eGO batts, button protectors, drip tips and....well I already forgot what else. Because, you must know 8 reg eGo batts isn't enough. You never know when they may die even though I haven't lost 1yet. Welcome to your new hobby! I know the feeling about destroying the credit card. Early Thursday morning I spent over $285 between 4 different vendors on a Riva kit(for my aunt who I got to start vaping), a ton of joose, and some spare atties, batts, and tank carts. Really, I should be set for a few months at least(over 350mls of my fav My mailman had to be thinking WTF when he delivered all 4 packages yesterday morning!
Brian Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 My mailman had to be thinking WTF when he delivered all 4 packages yesterday morning! You mean he was thinking WTF when you nearly plowed over him to get you packages? LOL!
Beans Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 You mean he was thinking WTF when you nearly plowed over him to get you packages? LOL! LOL my mailman and I are mortal enemies. I never cared for "the new guy" we got last year, and he can't seem to actually deliver our mail to the right houses. So I called the main post office to complain about him one day a few weeks ago BC packages were showing delivered and he had already came and gone with no packages. I got yelled at and accused that it was my mean dog that won't let him in the yard lol I don't have a dog or a fence. Well long story short he now delivers my packages before the mail, but he is sure to throw the package at my front door window now to let me know he hates me lol. Thank god all my vendors bubble wrap each item individually. You never want to piss off the mail man or me for that matter
johns Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 I will start working on a 12 step program right away. Fill you in as it gets going. LOL What is the penalty for vaping abuse?
Jeffb Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 God grant me the serenity to accept that I cannot purchase every new mod that comes out To purchase the ones that I can And the wisdom to know the difference. kitsune 1
kitsune Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Hey All, My Name is Lisa aka kitsune and I too am a serious vapaholic. It all began 674 days ago......... Wish I could tell you guys it gets any better.....but, sadly no. Each month I swear I am going to make it through a whole month without buying something.....I sometimes make it to the end of the month, but have yet to go through a month without buying. My poor husband (a non smoker), just can't quite understand it. I figure, so long as I spend less than I would if I were still smoking (and I would be still smoking) I'm still in the black. Mind you, some months its a real challenge to keep that budget.
nana Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Hi everyone! My name is Jeri aka Nana and I too am a serious vapaholic. My problem with this thread is the 12 step program thingy. Aren't those to help people QUIT something. If that is the case...I am not joining!!!!! No way, no how! Now, if you want to start a support group, one where we support each other in all our spending, where we make each other feel good about what PVs we have, where we are proud of our...dare I say it...BACKUPS!!!....then I'm all for that. Vapaholics Unite!!!!! kitsune 1
kitsune Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Yeah Nana !!!! oh wait---isn't that what we do every day on this lovely forum !!! I think this is Chris's Vapaholic program in action
egoluvr Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 HI all I'm ronda (egoluvr) and i'm a vapoholic too but i'm with Nana(Jeri) I do not wish to be reformed atleast not at this time. I am quite happy with my box full of juices, and 3 fully charged ego's with one in use, back up kit, 4 boxes of boge cartomizers and 10 more on the way, 12 joye 510 atomizers, a giant bag of polyfill i will never use(Well maybe i'll make some pillows) 6 sheets of blue foam - um 1 would have been enough to last 10 lifetimes, 4 driptips (2 more on the way), labels, stickers, tool box full of stuff, 20 different colored sharpies, tape, scissors, an assortment of paperclips, tweezers, empty bottles, needles, ... ok i give up now maybe I might need a little help becuase that's still not the end of the list.. ug but I love it
cheshyl Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 My name is Cheryl, aka, Cheshyl. I, too, am a vapaholic. Very serious into this new obsession of vaping. The thing is, I don't want to stop, never. I am at this point pretty much chair and bed ridden because of a fall 6 weeks ago. Muscles in my chest were pulled and torn and if it weren't for my vaping and my laptop I don't know what I would do. But here comes the rub: credit card, laptop, idle time = more stuff to look at and more stuff to buy.
johns Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Step 1. Admitted to ourselves and to our Higher Power that we were helpless to resist our addiction and so decided, to hell with it, we were having to much fun to quit. Beans, Jeffb and kitsune 3
Erika Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 LMBO beans. That is hysterical. We have a giant puppy (see my avatar). My mailman is petrified of her even thogh the most she would do is knock him down and lick him to death.
Sharon Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 Hi Morf, Thank you for sharing. My name is Sharon and I am a vapeaholic. I wake up every morning swearing that I will not buy more juice, attys, batteries, cartomizers, or cartridges. Not even if they are 50% off. The first thing I do, once my feet hit the ground, is to check my order status in hopes that at least one of my orders will come that day. I check the forum to see if anyone has posted a thread about a sale at one of the 15 vendors I deal with. Or if someone posted a thread about a new devise I just can't live without. Somewhere in all of this I manage to make a cup of coffee and let the dog out to take care of his business. I also check COV and GotVapes to see if the MAP Tank, clearomizers, or Fluxomizers (by some strange chance) are back in stock. Just checking of course, not that I am going to buy anything because I have make a promise to myself not to buy anything else!!!! Then, someone from Timbucktoo, starts a thread about the best ????? ever. Just out of curiosity, I go to the mentioned website, just to check it out. At that point I lose all my will power. I have to have it, its only $???. Thats not too much, I tell myself as I try and remember where I hid my credit card yesterday. Oops, I forgot the dog outside. Run and get him. Now I remember where the card is. In the oven. Seemed like a good place to hide the card, its not like I use the oven anymore. Who has time??? Between tracking packages, reading posts, checking web sites, deciding what juice I am going to vape next, and filling the juice vaping container of choice! The dog starting barking, I look at the clock, it's the mailman. Heaven help the dog or the cat if they get in my way as I dash for the mailbox. YES, there is a package there. I feel my head starting to spin, quick get the box cutters! Aww, its the 50 cartos I ordered. Aren't they beautiful!!! I must get my storage container out and rearrange everything to the 50 cartos I just got in, plus the 20 I already had, will fit perfectly in their designated spot. Then I sit and look at all my vaping supplies. I am a happy vapor!!! Oh, my coffee is cold. What time is it? Noon??? No wonder I am hungry. But wait, I was in the middle of ordering XYZ when the mail man came. I must finish that first. Oops my tank is empty, what do I want to vape now? Let me go get my two large plastic containers of juices out of the cool dark closet. Hummmm, one large container is filled with all 30ml of juices, the other misc. size containers of juices. So many to choice from. Ok, I've got it. Let me fill up this puppy!!! Mentioning puppy, did I feed the dog???? First things first, fill the tank with juice, then go feed the dog. Its been a few minutes since I checked my emails. I must see if I got any emails regarding vaping. My daughter comes home from school, she stands at the kitchen door just staring at me. How was your day honey?? Fine she says, along with "have you done anything today besides your daily vaping routine"??? Well, I did let the dog out and fed him, you act like I've done nothing all day!!!! I think everyone get the picture. The Gods honest truth, I don't want to change a thing about it. I just want to say that I do!!! I pray to my Higher Power to help me find the perfect vaping devise, the most perfect way to vaporize my absolute favorite juice and still have money left over for my living expenses. Do you think there is hope for me!!!!!!! Beans 1
Erika Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 God love you Sharon! You are not alone! Sounds similar to my routine and you mad me laugh so hard!
johns Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 Indy Vapes has clearomizers in stock. Mine will be here tomorrow.
Morfeeus Posted March 28, 2011 Author Posted March 28, 2011 A buddy of mine came over today and just started laughing when he seen my computer desk. It is loaded with about 15 bottles of juice and I have 5 eGo's with tank atties loaded with different flavors just sittin there in a row. I was like "what's so funny?" He just looked at me and asked if I had enough E-cigs. My response was "actually, I had six but I'm charging the last ones battery" LOL
fran1959 Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 (edited) I am so happy to hear I am not alone The more stuff you buy and tell yourself no more, I have plenty, it just never seems enough, something new to try, a new vendor, someone having a sale. I guess I am a vapoholic too, but I am in great company. Honestly, this was the best thread I have read in awhile. By the way, I am Fran and I definitely need the support group that is here. Edited March 28, 2011 by fran1959
nana Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 Yeah Nana !!!! oh wait---isn't that what we do every day on this lovely forum !!! I think this is Chris's Vapaholic program in action LOL @ kitsune!!! I had that line about this being our support group, but took it off. Yes, it is. No doubt about it. All thanks go to Chris!!
nana Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 Hi Morf, Thank you for sharing. My name is Sharon and I am a vapeaholic. I wake up every morning swearing that I will not buy more juice, attys, batteries, cartomizers, or cartridges. Not even if they are 50% off. The first thing I do, once my feet hit the ground, is to check my order status in hopes that at least one of my orders will come that day. I check the forum to see if anyone has posted a thread about a sale at one of the 15 vendors I deal with. Or if someone posted a thread about a new devise I just can't live without. Somewhere in all of this I manage to make a cup of coffee and let the dog out to take care of his business. I also check COV and GotVapes to see if the MAP Tank, clearomizers, or Fluxomizers (by some strange chance) are back in stock. Just checking of course, not that I am going to buy anything because I have make a promise to myself not to buy anything else!!!! Then, someone from Timbucktoo, starts a thread about the best ????? ever. Just out of curiosity, I go to the mentioned website, just to check it out. At that point I lose all my will power. I have to have it, its only $???. Thats not too much, I tell myself as I try and remember where I hid my credit card yesterday. Oops, I forgot the dog outside. Run and get him. Now I remember where the card is. In the oven. Seemed like a good place to hide the card, its not like I use the oven anymore. Who has time??? Between tracking packages, reading posts, checking web sites, deciding what juice I am going to vape next, and filling the juice vaping container of choice! The dog starting barking, I look at the clock, it's the mailman. Heaven help the dog or the cat if they get in my way as I dash for the mailbox. YES, there is a package there. I feel my head starting to spin, quick get the box cutters! Aww, its the 50 cartos I ordered. Aren't they beautiful!!! I must get my storage container out and rearrange everything to the 50 cartos I just got in, plus the 20 I already had, will fit perfectly in their designated spot. Then I sit and look at all my vaping supplies. I am a happy vapor!!! Oh, my coffee is cold. What time is it? Noon??? No wonder I am hungry. But wait, I was in the middle of ordering XYZ when the mail man came. I must finish that first. Oops my tank is empty, what do I want to vape now? Let me go get my two large plastic containers of juices out of the cool dark closet. Hummmm, one large container is filled with all 30ml of juices, the other misc. size containers of juices. So many to choice from. Ok, I've got it. Let me fill up this puppy!!! Mentioning puppy, did I feed the dog???? First things first, fill the tank with juice, then go feed the dog. Its been a few minutes since I checked my emails. I must see if I got any emails regarding vaping. My daughter comes home from school, she stands at the kitchen door just staring at me. How was your day honey?? Fine she says, along with "have you done anything today besides your daily vaping routine"??? Well, I did let the dog out and fed him, you act like I've done nothing all day!!!! I think everyone get the picture. The Gods honest truth, I don't want to change a thing about it. I just want to say that I do!!! I pray to my Higher Power to help me find the perfect vaping devise, the most perfect way to vaporize my absolute favorite juice and still have money left over for my living expenses. Do you think there is hope for me!!!!!!! OMG!! I didn't know anyone had the exact same daily routine as I did!! Amazing!! LOL Okay, except the daughter coming home from school part.
Beans Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 (edited) Step 1. Admitted to ourselves and to our Higher Power that we were helpless to resist our addiction and so decided, to hell with it, we were having to much fun to quit. +1 John lol welcome to the club! OMG (((Sharon))) I knew I loved you lol. Edited March 28, 2011 by Beans
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