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Hi everybody,

I am brand new to this whole vaping idea but it has got me very interested. I have been smoking for about 10 years and I want to see if this is a way I can kick the habit.

I am looking for a cheap, reliable e-cig, that the replacement parts are somewhat reliable (mainly the battery) and that the cardimizers are not to expensive. I regularly smoke about 10 -20 smokes per day(1.2-2.5 nicotine per). So I would like something

This is what im looking for:

Something that's not big or bulky.

Inexpensive replacement cardimizers

Inexpensive replacement batteries or one that has a long rechargeable life before replacing is required ( over a month if possible)

and e-juice that is similar to tobacco flavor

I would prefer something that holds a few hours of vaping (2-4 hours) between charges

I want refillable cartridges, because buying e-juice is cheaper if purchased this way.

Fairly good amount of vapor.

I am thinking the Joye 510 is what i am looking at,but I would love to hear what you think.


Welcome to Vapor Talk! :)

The Joye 510 is a good place to start, but I would also look into the Joye eGo. For the extra $20-$30 for the kit you'll get much better battery life. The regular Joye 510 kits comes with 180 mah batteries which will generally last about 1-2 hours (maybe more for a lighter user). The eGo comes with 650 mah batteries which will last 8+ hours (many report getting 10+ hours). Since you're smoking around a pack or less per day, there's a good chance that one eGo battery will last all day for you. There are some Joye 510 Mega kits that come with 280 mah batteries which will last a little longer than the regular 510 batteries if you're certain you want something smaller. However, the eGo really isn't very big.


Welcome to the VT forum. As Brian has already made the case for the eGo I will simply chime in and tell you I really enjoy my eGo and find the battery life outstanding for all day vaping!

Good luck with the journey!


Welcome to Vapor Talk. The Joye 510 is a great little unit, that's for sure. I used to recommend it to all the new people, but then they came out with the eGo and now that's what I recommend. From what you described, I'd say you really want the eGo. The battery life is so much better and they will last several months before having to be replaced. It uses the 510 atty, is still small enough to "hide" in your hand and is a big step up from the regular 510 battery.


Yet another Ego vote. I loved my 510, Its what helped me give up smoking. the only draw back to the 510 is the battery needs to be charged much more frequently.

The Ego batteries are a bit fatter than the 510's, but the 650 mah batts are about the same length and the batteries last (for me) about 6-8 hours, the 900 mah about 12 hours and the 1000 mah about 1.5 days. the higher the Mah the longer the battery. The 1000 Mah batts (with atomizer and drip tip or cartomizer) is the same size as a standard sharpie.

The Ego Tank system is another way to go--the Tank is an atomizer designed to work with a cartridge that doesn't require filler. you fill the cart with liquid (holds about 1 ml of liquid), attach to the tank atty. Works with any ego type battery.

Liberty flights has a product called the 'Riva'--which is a knock off ego and cheaper. I've heard good things about the product. My link


As far as tobacco flavors go, they don't taste like a cig. Honestly, you won't want them to. It is awesome to try all the new flavors!


Has anyone mentioned the Ego? :D

No seriously, there's a reason why we all recommend it. Because for the price, the battery duration, the look, the feel, and the reliability it's about the best on the market.


Honestly, I love my eGo's. I haven't had 1 die yet, and they do their job beautifully. The Rivas work just as well, but have a better button. IMHO. You just can't go wrong. Welcome to VT


Welcome to the forum. You will find a lot of good people and a lot of answers to your questions, like the answers above. If you want a e-cig that feels sorta like a analog, get the 510 and no battery life to speak of. Or you can get the, guess what?, eGo. You can use the 510 atomizers on the eGo, so if you go for the 510 kit you can still use the attys and your cartridges, nothing else. If you are looking for cheap cartomizers try Vapor Kings, you can buy in bulk and save a bundle. Also, if you choose atomizers they have a bulk price on that too. Vapor Talk store is a good source for your vaping needs and Vapor Kings is too. Just look at the supplier list for this forum and you will see a good many trusted vendors. Good luck wiith your pv and of course, I am echoing eGo...


Welcome to VT. I haven't been a non-smoker that long, but I vouch for the eGo. Before the eGo, I wanted to to look more stylish and have a device that was about the size of a real cig. I went with Blu and hated it. 4 different prefilled cartomizers to choose from and I didn't care for the flavor of any of them. I didn't want the hassle of filling my own cartridges. I didn't want to spend time learning 'dripping', mixing flavors, DIY juice, or all the other fancy terms that are foreign to a non-vaper. However I wanted to quit smoking more than all of the other 'not wants'. I gave it up after a week seeing the short battery life, weak throat hit, feeling like it was doing virtually nothing for my cravings of cigs.

I got the eGo and didn't look back. Refilling cartridges is easy. Choosing and mixing flavors is great. I thought I would only like cartos, but I'm one of the few on here that doesn't like them. There are youtube videos for anything you want to try. There are the forums for any questions that you might have. If you really want to quit smoking and not waste any money on a stepping-stone type product, get a 510 or an eGo. Good luck to you and welcome to the community.


I am one of the cheap people, I use the Riva 1100 which is a Ego knockoff. You can't go wrong with starting with either the Ego or the Riva. I wish somebody would have told me that back in December when I started. I went through the KR808 and companies before I hit upon this. Definately wasted a lot of money before I tried the 510 Riva. Wish you luck



I love the eGo but the 520 (mega 510) by Joye was the one that hooked me. I never wanted another analog from the minute I got my 520 kit. Yes I did bump up to the eGo but that was when hubby started using my ecig too. Battery wars can be brutal. I still use the 520 and my original batteries still perform like champs. Buy what you feel is right for you now then move up. It's all about what helps you quit. :thumbsup:


The eGo is what did it for me too! It's really not that much bigger, and as others have stated the battery life is substantially better.

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