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So I thought it was time to go ahead and add to the videos here - its my first ever so be kind.

I just wanted to say more than a post would allow so I did a quick (6 minute quick) video and then added a write up on the five flavors - enjoy!

The details

All Juices are 70/30 with 18 MG

With all five of these I found throat hit to be right around 7 or 8 out of 10 for me and plenty of vapor to boot. I think I am finding the 70/30 PG/VG blend to be right were I want to be.

Very Vanilla is described as a variation of French Vanilla and its lives up to the bill. If you enjoy vanillas I highly recommend giving this one a try. Its different, but in a good way, a bit stronger in flavor then classic.

Shamrocky Shake – great minty flavor with a cream taste that really combines well. Neither element if overpowering yet combined they blend nicely. Having tried my first ever shamrock shake from the arches recently I couldn’t resist giving this one a go and it just really hits the spot with a clean yet creamy taste!

Vanilla bean ice cream – YUM, it’s another nice blend of vanilla flavor which is more subtle then very vanilla with a cream flavor that lingers on the exhale.

Grape Soda – I really liked how clean and crisp this flavor is. Not too grape but enough that you taste it, but with a very fresh taste, almost light and refreshing. Its not what I thought it might be but better than I thought it would be.

Blueberry – I found this one to be just a bit underflavored, almost like it could have used a tad more flavoring but its right there on the border for me. The flavor is great I would just like a bit more. This juice was (well more accurately is) crystal clear juice. I know some prefer the lighter colored juices so I thought I would point this out.

Overall I am very happy with my entire order from Sweet-Vapes :thumbsup: and plan to return for more once I use up some of this in house juice I showed in the video – must use it up first, or not!

**** Please remember taste is subjective, if you’re unsure as to whether you might like it order a sample size***


ripple- you know what i'm doing? the wave- yeah that's right because that review was right on! Awesome job, and after all the bragging ive done i'm relieved that you really like your juices. Hey I got the blueberry shortcake and although I could taste felt it could be kicked up a notch as well, so maybe it's a blueberry thing. I mean not bad, but maybe need a little extra shot of that in the mix.


Ripple, I really enjoyed your video review and I am looking forward to watching reviews from you. You've got the gift!!!

I do have one question regarding the thickness of the 70/30 mix. I was wondering if this mix would be thin enough to use in cartos and the Tank system? I have been sticking with the 80/20 mixes, but missing more of the vapor you get with the higher vg.

Again, great review, thanks! :thumbsup:


Sharon I use the 70/30 sweet vapes in my boge 2.0 cartos consistenly with no trouble at all. :)


I was hoping someone who uses cartos would chime in for you - I used them the first week or two and haven't used them since so I would have been guessing - I was going to guess they work fine in a carto since all five of my juices at 70/30 seem nice and runny and not at all thick.

Maybe I will fill out a carto today just for fun - I have a couple of unopened ones around here somewhere.


Thank you for the great review!! I love to see the way people organize their necessities :) Gives me ideas on what to do with mine. :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

Ripple, I really enjoyed your video review and I am looking forward to watching reviews from you. You've got the gift!!!

I do have one question regarding the thickness of the 70/30 mix. I was wondering if this mix would be thin enough to use in cartos and the Tank system? I have been sticking with the 80/20 mixes, but missing more of the vapor you get with the higher vg.

Again, great review, thanks! :thumbsup:

70/30 can be used in the tank system. that is what I use and it is great...You dont want to use just VG in your tank. It can clog the atty up

Edited by Tagsanstuff
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