PaPaT Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 I have noticed from different forums,that there are alot of people who say they haven't smoked a cigarette in over 6 months and some over a year. Are those people planing to stop using the e cigs or they enjoying them to the point were they will contuine to use them because they enjoy vaping. I would love to hear from some of those people, but would like everyone's opinion on what they would do when they feel they have vaped long enough to stay off of cigarettes.
kitsune Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 I have been vaping for almost 2 years--and honestly, I don't really have any plans to quit. I know for a fact--I would still be smoking if it hadn't been for vaping. I had absolutely quit quitting before I found vaping. I love the pacifier effect. Uma 1
Beans Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 (edited) Well, after 81 days I have no plans to ever stop vaping. People are always asking me about this, and I ask them if they ever plan to stop drinking coffee. I know I'm a smarty pants, but as of now I am not feeling any negative effects of my vaping while I can feel the improvements every day since I quit smoking. If it's not broken why fix it? Happy Vaping! And Yes, It is my pacifier lol. It rarely leaves my mouth to hubby's disappointment. Edited March 23, 2011 by Beans
ripple Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 I haven't really thought about the long term plan, for now I enjoy vaping, perhaps more than I ever did smoking. The availability of flavors, the constant evolution are all things of interest to me. Perhaps I have always wanted some form of hobby as well and vaping is becoming, to a degree, both a habit and a hobby. So while I would never say never, I can not say I see a strong likelihood I will stop vaping - but hey stranger things have happened Uma 1
PaPaT Posted March 23, 2011 Author Posted March 23, 2011 The reason I asked this question, is because I quit smoking 7 years ago. I never lost the love I had for sitting out on the deck with my wife in the mornings and evenings and enjoying a cup of coffee and smoking a few cigarettes. When I quit smoking, I still enjoyed sittting out on the deck with my wife, but it just wasn't the same. I heard about the e cig, and started doing some research on it,(asking alot of question on forums like this one) and decided to give it a shot. I bought the Riva 510 starter kit, and loved it and now I'm back to enjoying that cup of coffee in the morning and evenings while sitting on the deck with my lovely wife. kitsune 1
TroopX Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 I have no plans on quitting the vape. If anything, maybe cut my nic down to 0 or 6mg someday. Maybe. Just glad to not be smoking finally -and that's all that matters to me. I love my vape! I'm not much more than a couple months in, but that's how I feel at this point. Did you start vaping at 0mg nic, or did you get juice with nicotine?
Beans Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 I'm happy you can still enjoy those moments with your wife. Sometimes it's the little things in life that mean the most. The Riva is a great product, and sounds like it's doing it's job nicely. Enjoy those moments!
DAYVAPE Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 I haven't really thought about the long term plan, for now I enjoy vaping, perhaps more than I ever did smoking. The availability of flavors, the constant evolution are all things of interest to me. Perhaps I have always wanted some form of hobby as well and vaping is becoming, to a degree, both a habit and a hobby. So while I would never say never, I can not say I see a strong likelihood I will stop vaping - but hey stranger things have happened I could not have said it any better. That was pretty much exactly how I would have put it as well! I know for certain that I MUCH prefer vaping over smoking for many reasons. The main one being that there are so many great flavors out there... how could anyone possibly say that the taste of their cigarette is awesome? What the hell ever... there was nothing that tasted or smelled wonderful when I was a smoker. Now I don't have to deal with having 'ashtray mouth' or nasty smelling clothes either! Oh yeah, and I'm what some would say a MOD JUNKIE at this point, even over a year later. I'm like you Ripple, I call it a 'hobby', but some say I just traded one addiction for another. Those are just the dumb/uneducated individuals that I run across though... so it's all good. Uma 1
egoluvr Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 We'll i haven't made it 6 months or a year yet, but I know I will. And I have no plans of giving it up either. NEVER I like it, i'm not hurting anyone, I enjoy it and like so many others have come to realize it's a hobby. Am I addicted? Without a doubt, did I trade one addiction for another? YES Do I care? NO I never even liked smoking, I hated smoke, it bothered my allergies/sinus/ear issues made my eyes sting and made it difficult to breathe, I did it because I was addicted and found it hard to function without it. I did it because I had to do it. With vaping I want to do it for the taste, the feeling, and the satisfaction it brings me, and atleast none that I've noticed - no negative side effects. I've now experimented with carts/direct dripping/ cartos, and feel like I have my bases covered there, I've found the best unit at least for the time being, and now I plan to try my hand in DIY -mixing. I figure that will keep be busy for awhile, and I may even launch my own juice line and with a little luck might even make a little piece of the pie myself. If you enjoy it I say don't worry about quitting it. I may go down to zero nic in time, but I can't see ever giving up the vape.
nana Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 I smoked for 34 years. I loved smoking. I never wanted to quit, but felt like I should. Partly because of the health benefits and partly because of the cost. I didn't know that I couldn't breathe very well. I didn't know how bad I smelled. Until I quit. When I first heard about the ecig, my first thought was that I could keep "smoking" and yet not be smoking. I wouldn't have to give up the hand to mouth habit or the inhaling habit. Thrilled me all to pieces. It worked as well for me as I thought it would. From the very first inhale, I knew I never wanted another analog again. I absolutely love vaping. As much as I thought I loved smoking, it doesn't even come close to my love of vaping. I'm at 17 months and counting now. I have no plans whatsoever of quitting. I don't want to quit. I enjoy vaping - even at 0 nic. I love watching the clouds of vapor I produce. I look forward to sitting down to take a break and having my vape. I don't see me ever wanting to quit. Now, if it just happens...if someday down the road I find myself vaping less and less until I don't vape any more at all...well, that's okay. I just don't see me doing that on purpose. Like ripple, I find it to be a wonderful hobby and I can't say I'll never quit. I'm just not working towards that. GPurv, Uma and nana 3
DAYVAPE Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 Not to mention I would have quite a large amount of expensive devices just sitting there... I guess I would have to sell it all. But I certainly don't see that ever becoming a reality. It's too much fun being able to see vaping evolve... and all the new/awesome mods people are coming out with.
Brian Posted March 24, 2011 Posted March 24, 2011 (edited) Been over a year for me and I have no plans to stop vaping. Edited March 24, 2011 by Brian
johns Posted March 24, 2011 Posted March 24, 2011 My wife does not read this forum. So, no plans to quit vaping. Feels like the beginning of a hobby, so much fun to be trying new stuff. Just ordered some clearomizers, what a kick. Analogs were never fun, more like a ball and chain. No stink, no holes in new shirts, don't have to go outside in the cold etc. Uma 1
cheshyl Posted March 24, 2011 Posted March 24, 2011 I don't plan on quitting vaping but I want to cut my nic down to -0-. It seems like it will be a long time for that goal because I'm stuck on 24 and don't want to get off of it. I ordered my favorite juice the other day and they only had the 18m, so since it was my favorite I ordered it. It seems a little bit on the weak side. So, I guess I'm not going down any time soon.
Sharon Posted March 24, 2011 Posted March 24, 2011 April 13th will be 8 years since I quit smoking. Like you PaPaT, I missed the act of smoking. It was relaxing for me and something I truly enjoyed. Drinking coffee in the morning and having a smoke, after dinner, and with a cocktail. I discovered e-cigs while looking for help for my brother to quit analogs. After reading about them a light bulb went off in my brain "Wow, I can still go through the motions of smoking without all the harmful chemicals. From what I have read, nicotine is no different than caffeine. I started vaping in Oct 2010. I started with the crappy e-cigs they sell in the malls. In Jan. 2011 I found VT Forum and found out just how enjoyable vaping can be. I was chain vaping at first, I just couldn't get enough. The juices were so good. Much better then any analog I ever smoked. My vaping is starting to taper down. The Flu kinda helped me in that department. I can most diffidently see this as a hobby for me. I just need to make sure I don't go over board and spend way to much money (something else that needs to taper down). Good luck and I hope you enjoy your new found hobby.
Morfeeus Posted March 25, 2011 Posted March 25, 2011 I may or may not quit vaping one day. I really have not thought that far ahead. I am coming up on 5 weeks being analog free and can't believe how easy vaping has made it. I literally don't even think about smoking anymore. I may decide to quit vaping one day but even if I don't, I know that vaping is way better for me and in the end, will be way cheaper although I'm still in the red because I can't stop buying juice(bought over 350ml yesterday alone but that should keep me supplied for the next 2+ months)
Cheriepye Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 I'm very glad I quit smoking. After smoking I would brush my teeth before being around my husband or family. I don't have that problem anymore, and I vape the 0mg. I was more of a stress smoker and vaping gives me the same kind of feeling that smoking did. Hope this helps.
Cheriepye Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 My wife does not read this forum. So, no plans to quit vaping. Feels like the beginning of a hobby, so much fun to be trying new stuff. Just ordered some clearomizers, what a kick. Analogs were never fun, more like a ball and chain. No stink, no holes in new shirts, don't have to go outside in the cold etc. That's what I like too. I hated standing out in the snow or wind.
Tagsanstuff Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 I too use to love sitting out on my front porch drinking coffee and smoking a few analogs with my hubby. I still go out there by myself now and enjoy the coffee and a vape. I smoked for 30 years til I found this e-cig on the net. I never intended to quit smoking, but some how, this e-cig got me to quit. I love it and enjoy it, and I do not plan on departing with it. If my hubby was still here he would be enjoying his vape too.
ancientpuffer Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 This is just me, and may not be applicable to anyone else, but I thought I'd share it anyway. I quit completely for 3 years (after smoking for 50 years). It was hard but I needed to do it. THEN, I found vaping. I purposely made the choice to vape, because I missed the "ritual" of the hand to mouth, coffee, etc. thing. I started with 0mg of nicotine, but tried some 6mg and realized I missed the nicotine as well (not the other 4000 chemicals, though ). After almost a year of vaping, I've settled into 18mg nicotine, and really enjoy some of the nice flavors (Banana Creme is great with morning coffee). Everyone is different, but I really enjoy vaping for its own sake and I've never regretted taking it up. BTW, even though I vape now, I *never* have the cravings for it that I had for analogs. If its available, and I'm in the mood, I vape. If its not convenient, its no big deal. One last thing. My wife, who was also a long term smoker, but developed severe allergies to cigarette smoke (smoke of any kind, actually), tried vaping first and discovered it didn't bother her. (She had been off analogs for 7 years) We are both very happy vapers now
Uma Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 I do idealize the thought of being completely addiction free from anything addicting. But, here I sit at the computer reading the forums as I sip my coffee and vape my eGo. I'm looking forward to playing Xbox and also catching up on all my shows on Hulu. Army Wives, Bones, NCIS (when they're available grrr). I am addicted to many things in life... and I'll give up my vaping when I have the right frame of mind to give them all up. Fair is fair. Where's my chocolate?? BirdDog! Did you steal my chocolate again? Nana?? nana 1
profbeard Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 I've been vaping for over two years - not smoked tobacco since I started - and have no plans to stop. I enjoy it too much, and as I feel so much healthier since I switched I don't feel the need to.
nana Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 I do idealize the thought of being completely addiction free from anything addicting. But, here I sit at the computer reading the forums as I sip my coffee and vape my eGo. I'm looking forward to playing Xbox and also catching up on all my shows on Hulu. Army Wives, Bones, NCIS (when they're available grrr). I am addicted to many things in life... and I'll give up my vaping when I have the right frame of mind to give them all up. Fair is fair. Where's my chocolate?? BirdDog! Did you steal my chocolate again? Nana?? Addictions? What addictions? Vaping is an addiction? Huh? And NCIS? An addiction? More like a necessity. LOL Chocolate? What chocolate? I ain't got no chocolate. Must have been BirdDog.
BirdDog Posted April 23, 2011 Posted April 23, 2011 Where's my chocolate?? BirdDog! Did you steal my chocolate again? Nana?? LOLChocolate? What chocolate? I ain't got no chocolate. Must have been BirdDog. Someone had chocolate? I didn't see any chocolate. Must have been Jeff. *hides empty wrapper under sofa*
Uma Posted April 23, 2011 Posted April 23, 2011 I know it can't be Nana... anybody who calls NCIS a necessity has got to be of highest caliber and would never steal my chocolates. And upon reflection, I know it couldn't be BirdDog. I think BirdDog's right about that Jeff. I bet he's the one who dropped the wrapper that BirdDog so gallantly tried to hide. I love this forum. Free chocolate for all!!! (except for Jeff)
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