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got my ego last tuesday and haven't looked back. Not a single analog and i had a half a pack when I got my e-cig.

My question is should I drain my batt all the way down before i charge it? can I do harm or shorten the life of the batt by keeping a full charge?

I used to love American Spirit ciggs, Anyone know of a comparable e-juice


Welcome to Vapor Talk!!

No, you won't harm the battery. You can charge whenever you want. I always drain mine before charging, but I just use them until they quit, then I charge. I guess I never would have thought of charging before that. But it won't hurt it if you do.

I can't give advice on e-juice, but someone will have an answer for you before long. Just be aware that it is almost impossible to find an e-juice that is like an analog because you aren't burning anything on the e-cig. It makes a difference. I'm sure you'll find something you like though.

Good luck and happy vaping!


I use my batts until I feel like their not producing as well, then charge. I haven't lost one yet. I'm sure you will hear both sides of the argument though. Maybe it comes down to personal preference.

Try as many juices as you can. Taste is subjective. Good luck and welcome to VT?


i have wondered the same thing. like laptops. they say you should let them drain all the way before charging. something about battery memory and those cells in the battery just won't charge any more. i don't know though.


I believe (although its hard to know) that this is really a non-issue with todays batteries. However I do also believe you should remove a battery that has been fully charged from the charger not leaving it attached for extended periods of time.


Congratulations ! That's so exciting! :thumbsup:

Sorry can't help you with the flavors, although I can say in a month you wont like the taste of them anymore! Green tea sounds delicious!


I let my batteries tell me when they are dead, when I can get any vapor and look down and see that light blinking at me. I've got two chargers now to never have a dead battery. Sorry I can't help you with the tobacco flavor but you made a good choice with the green tea. Good luck on your vaping journey.


Thanks guys. I have fallen in love with the green tea flavor.

Hay ripple, your handle have anything to do with the song?

Song - what song, heh. Yep it has everything to do with the song and its the handle I have used on the internet since the early 90's.


Re: American Spirit... WordUp has one that is called American Spirit. It's ok, but after I started I realized I didn't want to taste tobacco. And it's mostly a nutty flavor anyway. VT's Tobacco is much stronger in a more tobacco-y sense, but also nutty. WordUp sent me a Benson&Hedges sample that was pretty mellow on the tobacco side, but not as nutty. I ended up mixing these with other things. Give any and all of 'em a try.

Oh, the only place that ended up being close to tobacco taste (without the nutty) was Tasty Vapor because they infuse (or some such thing) actual tobacco leaves in PG. But, to me, it tasted like how an ash tray smells. YMMV.

Vape on!

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